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Anatomy Glossary

Human Anatomy & Physiology Glossary

abduction movement of a part away from the midline of the body.
acid any substance that, when dissolved in water, contributes to an excess of H+ ions (low pH)
acidosis a decrease in blood pH due to an increase in H+ion concentration or a decrease in alkalinity or bases.
acquired immune deficiency an immune deficiency that develops after birth and is not related to genetic defects.
adduction movement of a part toward the midline of the body.
adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) impairment of surfactant by inhalation of foreign substances or other conditions
agglutinate antibodies that cause their targeted antigens to stick together in little clusters and cause "clumping"
alkaline any substance that, when dissolved in water, contributes to an excess of OH- ions (high pH)
amphiarthrosis slightly movable joints
anaphylactic shock a severe and sometimes fatal systematic allergic reaction to a sensitizing substance
anterior Front, in front of (same as ventral in humans)
antisepsis inhibition or inactivation of pathogens
appendicular the bones of the upper and lower extremities and the bones of attachment
arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteries
arthritis inflammatory joint disease
articulations joints
atomic mass the number of protons and neutrons combined in an atom
atomic number the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
atrophy a degenerative process; a wasting away of tissue
attenuated weakened
axial refers to the head, neck, and torso or trunk of the body
basal metabolic rate (BMR) the amount of energy that is necessary to maintain life and to keep the body functioning at a minimum level
base a compound that produces an excess of OH- ions (or a decrease in H+ ions)
blood pressure gradient the difference between two blood pressures in the body
blood pressure Force of blood against the vessels
bursae small, cushion-like sacs found between moving body parts, making movement easier.
Flexion indicates bending or decreasing the angle between the bones or parts of the body. (Usually occurs in an anterior direction)
Dorsiflexion flexion at the ankle joint. Lifting the toes off the ground.
Plantarflexion flexion at the ankle joint that turns the foot or toes toward the plantar surface (standing on your toes).
Extension indicates straightening or increasing the angles between the bones or parts of the body. (usually occurs in a posterior direction)
Superficial, intermediate, deep describe the positions of structures relative to the surface of the body or the relationship of one structure to another underlying or overlying structure.
Medial a structure is nearer to the median plane of the body than another part.
Lateral a structure is farther away from the median plane.
External farther from the center of an organ or cavity regardless of direction
Internal closer to the center of an organ or cavity regardless of direction
Posterior back surface of the body (nearer to the back)
Contraleteral occurring on the opposite side of the body relative to another structure.
hyperextension extension of a limb or part beyond the normal limit - can cause injury.
circumduction circular movement that is a combination of flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction
rotation turning or revolving a part of the body around its longitudinal axis
pronation rotational movement of arm or hand that swings the radius medially around its longitudinal axis so that the palm of the hand faces posteriorly and its dorsum faces anteriorly.
Supination rotational movement of the forearm and hand that swings the radius laterally around its longitudinal axis so that the dorsum of the hand faces posteriorly and the palm faces anteriorly. (like holding a bowl of 'soup')
Opposition movement by which the pad of the 1st digit (thumb) is brought to another digit pad
reposition movement of the 1st digit from the position of opposition back to its anatomical position
protrusion movement anteriorly (forward) as in a protruding mandible
retrusion movement posteriorly (backward) as in retruding the mandible
elevation raise or move a part superiorly
depression lowers or moves a part inferiorly
eversion move the sole of the foot away from the median plane (turning the sole laterally) When the foot is fully everted it is also dorsiflexed
inversion moves the sole of the foot toward the median plane (when the foot is fully inverted it is also plantarflexed.
Bone markings these appear wherever tendons, ligaments, fascias are attached or where arteries lie adjacent to or enter bones.
Capitulum small round articular head
Condyle rounded, knuckle-like articular area, usually occurring in pairs.
Crest ridge if bones
Epicondyle eminence superior to a condyle
Facet smooth flat area, usually covered with cartilage, where a bone articulates with another bone
Foramen passage through a bone
Fossa hollow or depressed area
Groove elongated, depression or furrow
Head large, round articular end
Line linear elevation
Malleolus rounded process
notch indentation at the edge of a bone
protuberance projection of bone
spine thorn-like process
spinous process projecting spine-like part
trochanter large blunt elevation
trochlea spool like articular process that acts as a pulley
Tubercle small raised eminence
Tuberosity large rounded elevation
Created by: anolesrus
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