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NCTC Pharm Unit 2

adrenergic drugs produce effects similar to what other type? • Cholinergic-Blocking Agents
2. What kids of effects would you expect to see from a patient taking adrenergic drugs • Fight or Flight
3. adrenergic agonist gives what effects? • Blocks norepinephrine from receptor sites • Decreasing cardiac output • Decreases vascular resistance, cardiac contractility • Contracts bronchioles • Vasodilation treats headaches
4. why do we give epi? • Support heart during cardiac failure
5. what is the rebound effect? • is the tendency of a medication, when discontinued, to cause a return of the symptoms being treated more severe than before.
6. Pt with asthma taking Symmetrel and having an acute exacerbation why is the drug not working • Maintenance drug to prevent bronchospasm - not for treatment of acute attacks
7. review pt teaching aspects for beta blockers • Do not abruptly stop meds • Avoid OTC meds without MD advice • Avoid caffeine contact MD if ill or unable to take meds
8. why would a pt post MI be put on a beta blocker metropranal used in treatment of several diseases of the cardiovascular system, especially hypertension.
What is a side effect of Minipress? • Has profound orthostatic hypotension, so give at hs for first 4-6 weeks
10. what is the cardiovascular effect of a cholinergic? • hypotension, Bradycardia, • Antidote for anticholinergic
11. What is the main use of most direct acting cholinergic? • to treat glaucoma or eye surgery
12. what is the antidote of a cholinergic? • atropine and epinephrine
13. What is included in pt teaching on a pt with Myasthenia Gravis on a cholinergic agent? • Less drooping of eyelids (ptosis), less double vision (diplopia), less dysphagia (difficulty chewing/swallowing), less muscle weakness • Take meds 30 minutes ac to promote chewing and swallowing
14. What is the antidote for anticholinergic poisoning? • Administer physostigmine
15. How does Aricept work? • indirect stimulation to treat memory loss in Alzheimer’s,
How long does it take to see improvement on a pt taking Aricept? Takes 6 weeks to see improvement
17. Why do we use eV oxic? Stimulates salivation in those with Sjogren’s
18. What condition do we treat with cholinergic blockers? • Treat Parkinson’s • Treat cardiac dysrhythmias • Low doses slow heart • Higher doses speed heart • Treat PUD, IBS, decreases peristalsis • Treat bladder incontinence • Treat acute pancreatitis
19. What is the antidote for atropine overdose? • physostigmine
20. Review teaching aspects of all classifications • Take meds as prescribed • Do not take OTC meds without MD consent • Do not abruptly stop meds • Space doses evenly • Call MD for diarrhea, muscle weakness, dyspnea
21. What is an expected adverse effect of an anticholinergic? • • Excitability, restlessness, irritability, dilated pupils, increased intraocular pressure, tachycardia, arrhythmias, decreased salivation, constipation,
22. Why would we use Ditropan? to treat the symptoms of overactive bladder
23. Why would we use Detrol and what is the advantage of one over the other • Less dry mouth than Ditropan
24. which drugs are commonly used for preop? • Atropine • Glycopyrrolate (Robinul)
25. which pt are we going to be concerned using a beta blocker on with broncho spasm? • A pt. with asthma
26. Which neurotransmitter does bethanacal mimic? • Acetylcholine
27. What do cholinergics do on a pt with glaucoma? • Direct stimulation to treat glaucoma or eye surgery
Created by: kcorkinsnctc
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