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1950s and 1960s

Berlin airlift U.S effort to deliver supplies including 2 million tons of food and coal by air to West Berlin in 1948-1949.
Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka 1954 Supreme Court decision that held that racially segregated education, which prevailed in much of the South, was unconstitutional.
Fair Deal President Harry Truman's 1949 program for expanded economic opportunity and civil rights.
Marshall Plan Use American Aid to rebuild war torn economies of Europe nations.
Massive retaliation Relying on nuclear weapons to inhabit communist aggression during the 1950s.
Military-industrial complex Concern of interests among the US military and its chief corporate contractors.
New Frontier Kennedy's term for a revitalized national agency.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) A military mutual-defense pact. Includes: Canada, Europe, Great Britain, France, Germany, Soviet Union.
NSC-68 A secret policy, calling for a large, ongoing military.
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Organization led mass protests to challenge segregation and discrimination.
Taft-Hartley Act 1947 Federal law that outlawed the closed shop and secondary boycotts and obliged union leaders to sign affidavits declaring that they were not communists.
Truman Doctrine A foreign policy articulated by President Truman in 1947, that provided financial aid to Greek and Turkish governments then under threat by communist rebels.
Bay of Pigs fiasco A military debacle in April 1961, during an American-organized effort to invade Cuba and drive Fidel Castro, the communist ruler, from power.
Beat School Aka "beats" nonconformists in the late 1950s who rejected conventional dress and sexual standards and cultivated avant-garde literature and music.
Berlin Wall Erected by East Germany in 1961 and torn down by a dutch company in 1989, the wall isolated West Berlin from the surrounding areas in communist controlled East Berlin and East Germany.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 Legislation outlawing discrimination, basis of race, skin, or gender.
Cuban Missile Crisis Showdown between US and Soviet Union during October 1962.
Detente A French term, meaning the relaxation of tensions.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) A federal agency created in 1970 to oversee environmental monitoring and cleanup programs.
Great Society President Johnson, it sought to end poverty, promote civil rights, and improve housing, health care, and education.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Congressional action, undertaken President Johnson, authority to deploy US troops.
Medicare A Social welfare measure, enacted in 1965, providing hospitalization insurance for people over 65.
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) A treaty restricting the testing and development of nuclear ballistic missiles.
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) A civil rights organization, drew heavily on younger activist and college students.
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) An organization created by leftist college students in the early 1960s; it organized protest against racial bigotry.
Tet Offensive Wide-ranged offense, launched by North Vietnamese and Vietcong troops throughout South Vietnam in February 1968.
United States V. Richard M. Nixon Supreme Court ruling about Nixon and the Watergate burglary.
Voting Rights of 1965 Empowered federal registrars to intervene when southern states and municipalities refused to let African Americans register to vote.
Watergate Scandal A complex scandal involving attempts to cover up illegal actions, leading to resignation of President Nixon in 1974
Created by: hannahljackson
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