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Where does coronary circulation originate?
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What are the right main heart vessels?
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Car/Pul Final Exam

SPC Cardiopulmonary Physiology Final Exam Unit 3 Review

Where does coronary circulation originate? Aortic Sinus at the base of the aorta
What are the right main heart vessels? 1. Posterior Descending 2. Marginal Branch
Posterior Descending serves what? Right & Left Ventricles
Marginal Branch serves what? Right Atrium & Right Ventricle
What are the left main heart vessels? 1. Anterior Descending 2. Circumflex
Anterior Descending serves what? Right & Left Ventricle
Circumflex serves what? Left Atrium & Left Ventricle
Where does coronary circulation terminate? Coronary Sinus at the junction of Superior Vena Cava (SVC) and R Atrium
What is Ventricular Preload? The degree of myocardial stretch and is DIRECTLY related to VENOUS RETURN.
With Preload: Increase VR equals what? Increase Stroke Volume
With Preload: Decrease VR equals what? Decrease Stroke Volume
What is Ventricular Afterload? The resistance of force against which the ventricle must work to pump blood.
With Afterload: Increase SVR/PVR equals what? Decrease Stroke Volume
With Afterload: Decrease SVR/PVR equals what? Increase Stroke Volume
What is an increase in Myocardial Contractility? Increase in contractility is termed Positive Inotropism, this will increase Stroke Volume
What is a decrease in Myocardial Contractility Decrease in contractility is termed Negative Inotropism, this will decrease Stroke Volume
Formula for SVR? ((MAP-CVP)/CO)x80=SVR
Normal range for SVR? 800-1500 dynes/sec/cm^-5
What 3 drugs increase SVR? 1. Dopamine (Intopin) 2. Norepinephrine (Levophed) 3. Epinephrine (Adrenalin)
What 4 drugs decrease SVR? 1. Nitroprusside (Nipride) 2. Morphine 3. Hydralazine (Apresoline) 4. Diazoxide (Hyperstat)
Formula for PVR? ((MPAP-PCWP)/CO)x80=PVR
Normal range for PVR? 120-240 dynes/sec/cm^-5
What 7 factors increase PVR? Blood Chemistry: 1. Acidemia 2. Hypercapnia 3. Hypoxemia Mechanical Vent: 4. PEEP/CPAP Disease/Disorders: 5. Pulmonary Emboli 6. Emphysema 7. Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis
What 4 factors decrease PVR? Drugs: 1. Oxygen 2. Nitric Oxide 3. Aminophylline Blood Chemistry: 4. Alkalemia
Fluid balance on Pulmonary Capillary Bed? Fluid In: Capillary Bed Permeability
Normal range for CVP? 0-8mmHg
Normal range for MPAP? 9-18mmHg
Normal range for PCWP? 4-12mmHg
Fluid balance on Pulmonary Edema? 1. Increase Hydrostatic Pressure (CHF) 2. Decrease Osmotic Pressure (Ca) 3. Increase Capillary Permeability (ARDS)
Created by: Langhout1418
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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