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Quizlet chapter 9

From class

2 parts of blood Plasma / formed elements
Average WBC 4,500-11,000 5-6 liters of blood Or 8-10 pints Average adult
RBC life span 120 days
Platelet count 250,000 - 500,000
Agranulocyte Cells without granules in the cytoplasm,
Two categories of WBC Agranulocyte Granulocyte
Artery Vessel that branches off into smaller vessels known as arterioles and into the capillaries
Artery Vessel that carries highly oxygenated blood away from the heart / Oxygenated from lungs
Artery Have a pulse No valve LV/HP system( because it is traveling from the heart)
Largest artery The aorta
Arteries Have thicker elastic walls then veins Makes are blood bright red
Biconcave disk Shape of RBC
Blood Life giving fluid of the body
Capillaries Some what preamble Tiny microscopic vessels / so small may only have one blood cell pass threw at a time Act as a bridge between venules and arterioles
Capillaries Carry combination of arterial blood and venous blood Carries oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
WBC main function Defense
WBC disbursement Function of the blood that distributes antibodies / defense Defends against pathogenic microbes and viruses
Disbursement Function of the blood that distributes waste products to be excreted (Kidneys)
Disbursement to appropriate organs Function of the blood that delivers hormones produced by the endocrine system
Erythroblasts Immature RBC containing a nucleus
Erythrocytes RBC Lives 120 days
MEGAKARYOCYTES An extremely large bone marrow cell
Formed elements RBC / WBC / platelets
Function of the blood Transportation Disbursement Regulation Hemostasis
Granulocyte Cells with granules in the cytoplasm
Hemoglobin On surface of RBC / binds to oxygen
Hemoglobin Protein and iron pigments makes blood red in color
Hemoglobin Makes up 1/3 of RBC And attracts oxygen
Hemostasis Function of blood that forms blood clots to prevent bleeding
Hemostasis Function of blood that restricts fluid when blood vessels are damaged
Erythropoietin A hormone synthesized in the kidneys and released into the bloodstream In response to anoxia ( lack of oxygen)
Erythropoietin The hormone acts to stimulate and regulate the production of erythrocytes And thus able to increase the oxygen - carrying capacity of the blood
Leukocytes WBC
Liver RBC are produced when fetus in- utero
Agranulocytes Monocytes/ lymphocytes
Macrophage Monocyte that has left circulatory system and entered tissue space
Granulocyte Neutrophil - phagocylize bacteria ( increases with infections) Eosinophil - consumes toxic substances in tissues ( destroys parasites) Basophil - secrete heparin and histamine ( assists with inflammation process) Increases with allergic reactions
Bilirubin The orange-yellow pigment of bile formed principally by the breakdown hemoglobin of hemoglobin in RBC after termination of their normal life span
Reticulocyte Immature RBC No nucleus
Vein Vessel that carries blood TOWARD The heart Veins have valves to prevent back flow
Vein Vessels that transport deoxygenated blood Vessels that branch off into smaller vessels known as venule And then into capillaries
Hematopoiesis Production of formed elements
Regulation Function of the blood that balances blood PH in all parts of the body Regulates electrolyte balance to maintain homeostasis And controls body temp by distributing heat ( kidney)
Platelet Thrombocyte Small disk- shaped fragment of a very large cell Called magakaryocyte
Transportation Function of blood that delivers oxygen from lungs to tissues and Carbon dioxide from tissues to lungs
Transports oxygen and carbon dioxide RBC
Hemocytoblast Undifferentiated ( unspecialized ) stem cell
Main function of thrombocyte Trigger clotting process
Vein LV/LP thinner walls then arteries Dark red Carry both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
Venules Smaller vien
Arterioles Smaller arteries
RBC Born in the bone marrow / old RBC die in the spleen
1st step of coagulation cascade Platelets aggregate( plug) Thromboplastin released by platelet triggers clotting cascade
2nd step of coagulation cascade Thromboplastin released by thrombocytes triggers clotting process cascade Factors activate
3rd step of coagulation cascade Calcium binds
4th step of coagulation cascade Prothrombin converts to thrombin
5th step of coagulation cascade Fibrinogen converts to fibrin
Serum Liquid portion of blood left after coagulation- lack vital clotting factor ( tube)
Serum (No additive) Liquid portion of blood left after centrifuge in a tube
Plasma Liquid portion of blood left after blood has been allowed to separate in a tube (Tube with coagulant)
Plasma Liquid portion of blood -90% h20 10% dissolved solutes Straw in color contain vital clotting factors
Fibrinogen A plasma protein converted into fibrin by thrombin In the presence of calcium ions
Agranulocyte Monocytes / lymphocytes Have No granuals
What is the difference between plasma & serum ? Plasma contains prothrombin & fibrinogen Serum does not
What is plasma comprised of ? 90%h2o & 10% solutes ( ex. Amino acids ,sodium,glucose,hormones, prothrombin , fibrinogen , NA, k , calcium)
Importance of RBC shape ? Biconcaved disk / elastic - stretches to carry hgb & o2
What is serum ? Plasma with out prothrombin &I fibrinogen
Where are RBC destroyed Spleen
Medical term for platelet ? Thrombocyte / MEGAKARYOCYTES
Hoe does the lymph travel within the lymphatic system ? Lymph travels threw lymph vessels to lymph nodes throughout the lymphatic system
Process in which blood plasma leaves the circulatory system And enters the lymphatic system ? It leaves the capillaries and flows into the tissues (interstitial fluid) then enters the lymph vessels
What is the fuction of the lymph nodes ? To filter the lymph fluid before it can be returned to the circulatory system
How does the immune system work with the lymphatic system ? The lymph nodes become swollen and WBC 'S fight for defense
How does lymph return to the circulatory system ? Lymph nodes filter lymph , it becomes interstitial fluid and gets Reabsorbed Into the circulatory system
3 lines of defense ? Anatomical ( skin,mucous membranes,intestinal tract, reap tract) Biochemical( tears , sweat ,saliva, urine mucus secretion) Mechanical(coughing , urination, sneezing,sloughing off skin cells)
What is an antigen ? A foreign body that when introduced to the body produces antibodies Ex. Toxins , bacteria , viruses
Lymphedema Swelling of the arms , legs caused by a lymphatic system blockage
Lymph vessels Similar to veins ( no pumps) Have valves to prevent back flow Absorb fluid and other substances and returns Them back to circulatory system
Lymph capillaries Become small lymph vessels Lymph vessels form two main ducts Right lymphatic duct > Throracic duct >. Goes back threw the subclavian vein
Muscles movement Moves Lymph fluid
Lymph nodes Small round oval structures located along lymph vessels Filter lymph to remove bacteria and malignant cells
Immune system Defense for the body 3 lines of defense Barrier(skin , mucus membranes ) Inflammation ( fluid / WBC to site to fight) Antibodies ( comes to fight)
Organs of the immune system Peyer's patches ( in interstitial lymph ) Lymph tissues protect the immune system Example -Bone marrow ( RBC - WBC ) Thymus, lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, adenoids, appendex
Lymphocytes Two types B- cell matured made and stored in bone marrow produces antibodies against antigens T- cell produced and nature in the thymus assists b-cell
T-cells B-cells That have been activated by an antigen continue to circulate within the body ready to re-attack if the antigen re-envades
Created by: Tbella
Popular Phlebotomy sets




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