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Mammography Only rliable test to detect breast ca, 90 accutate, before lump starts
Base Line Mammography what age>? 35 - 40
NI Mammorgraphy Inform mild discomfortk, schedule middle of menstural cycle, decrease salt one week before, refrain from caffeine 2 days prior.
Do not use on day of Mammography? Deodorant or powder
What age mammorgrapm testing after 50 Every year
Edge Contrast test identifiying minute calcifications in breast? Xeroradiography: image electronically rather than checmically decreased exposure and loser energy than ordinary x-ray.
Film Blue & White, aluminum plate is used. Xeroradiography
High frequency sound wave differentiate solid & Cystic fluid filled mases and to locate cystes before needle aspiratio Ultrasound
Tumor with cavities or sacs containing semisolid or liquid material Cystic Tumor
Fine needle/aspiration biopsy if suspected containing fluid Aspiration, the mass will collapse when the fluid is removed. Positive will have biopsy.
Wide needle biopsy Tell whether the tumor is benign or malignant.
Lumpectomy Where the entire mass is removed is called a lumpectormy.
Sample of tissue is immediately frozen and is examined fro microscopic review within minutes Frozen Section
Permanent Section Takes 24-48 hours. More reliable than frozen.
Excessive growth of breast tissue as result of hormonal imbalance Cystic Hyperplasia
When is cystic hyperplasia pain felt A week before menses and decrease with onset of menses.
causitive factor cystic hyperplasia Estrogen hormone or caffeine maybe
where in breast is cystic hyperplasia found upper outer quad, come and go, increase and decrease in size.
Begnign epithelia tumor of the breast *non painful/tender mass* Fibroadenoma: freely moveable more common under age 25 African American Women
TX Fibroadenoma Surgical excision with patient under local anethesia
Second leading cause of cancer in women Breast Cancer, fixed lump common upper outer quad Increase risk within families.
High risk group for Breast Cancer Ca somewhere else, early menarche, late menopause, nulliparity, or first birth after 30. Obesity 20>. Maybe estrogen
Tumor estrogen activitiy classified Estrogen receptor positive or estrogen negative
What is Tamoxifen Anti Estrogen is given to slow the growth or stop increase in growth
S/S Breast Cancer `Pain, discoloration, enlargement, orange peel nipple
Diagnosis Breast Cancer Mammography, Thermography, cancer generates more heat than surrounding tissue
Modified Radical Mastectomy Removal of the entire breast, pectoralis minor & adjacent lymph nodes. Perserves pectoral muscles.
Radical Mastectomy Removal of the entire breast, pectoral muscles & Axilliary lymph nodes (rarely done)
Patient Teaching Breast Mastecotomy No Sun, injections, vaccinations, bp, nick, elastics, watches, report any swelling in arm
Raditiation with mastectomy After du to micro-metastasis occurring with patients normal axillary node.
When is Tamoxifen contraidicated? Women premenopausal with positive lymph nodes.Is reccommended to women with postive hormone receptors.
Side Effects of Tamoxifen Expensive, well tolerated, hot flashes and nausea and weight gain
Treatment of a patient with advanced breast cancer with signs and symptoms of metastais Chemotherapy: Cytoxan, methotrexate, Flurouracil.
Nursing Care after mastectomy Semi Fowlers, check site for infection, drainage, CMS, Hemovac or Penrose for drainage. Elevate arm to prevent edema.
lymphedema accumulation of lymphatic fluid that can occur in the arm of affected side from severing of lymphatic blood vessels
Secondary Lymphedema Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels or obstruction of the lymph flow also from infection or injury
Nursing Care after Lymphedema Elevate are 45-60 degress through day. Low salt diet, diuretics. Elastic arm sleeve to assist venous return.
Discharge Teaching Mastectomy Household excercises, mop, sweep, comb hair no sun use gloves, thimble to prevent injury. keep arm clean
Paget Disease Breast cancer of the nipple, from nipple to areola SS: itching, swelling, discharge, nipple retration. DX: Biopsy TX: mastectomy
Initial Phase of Rape Exam
Main Phase of Rape Exam
Final Phase of Rape Exam
Created by: keldog09
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