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Chapter 4
Term | Definition |
adipose tissue | type of loose connective tissue dominated by fat cells |
areolar tissue | type of loose connective tissue that lies beneath almost all epithelia |
chondrocytes | cartilage-forming cells |
columnar epithelium | epithelial tissue composed of cells having a tall columnar shape |
connective tissue | the most widespread, and the most varied, of all the tissues; serves to connect the body together and to support, bind, or protect organs |
cuboidal epithelium | epithelial tissue consisting of cells having a cube-like shape |
endocrine gland | a gland that secretes its product, called a hormone, directly into the blood stream |
epithelium | the layer of cells forming the epidermis of the skin and the surface layer of mucous membranes |
exocrine gland | a gland that secretes its product into a duct, which then empties onto a body surface or inside a body cavity |
fibroblasts | cells that secrete collagen, which forms scar tissue inside a wound |
fibrosis | the repair and replacement of damaged tissue with connective tissue, mainly collagen |
glandular epithelium | type of epithelium consisting of glands that secrete a particular substance |
goblet cell | modified columnar cell containing secretory vesicles that produce large quantities of mucus |
grandulation tissue | newly formed tissue inside a wound |
mucous membrane | epithelial membrane that lines body surfaces that open directly to the body's exterior |
muscle tissue | tissue consisting of contractile cells or fibers that effect movement of an organ or body part |
nervous tissue | tissue with a high degree of excitability and conductivity that make up the nervous system |
osseous tissue | bone tissue |
reticular tissue | tissue consisting of loose network of reticular fibers and cells; forms the framework of the spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow |
serous membrane | membrane composed of simple squamous epithelium resting on a thin layer of areolar connective tissue; lines some of the closed body cavities and also covers many of the organs in those cavities |
squamous epithelium | epithelial tissue consisting of thins, flat cells |
stem cells | specialized cells that can differentiate into many different types of cells |
tissue | groups of similar cells that perform a common function |