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Skeletal system
Skeletal system Mrs D
Term | Definition |
allogenic | a type of antigen that produces an abnormally vigorous immune response in which the immune system fights off a perceived threat that would otherwise be harmless to the body |
ankylosing spondylitis | a form of spinal arthritis, chiefly affecting young males, that eventually causes ankylosis of vertebral and sacro-iliac joints |
ankylosis | abnormal stiffening and immobility of a joint due to fusion of the bones |
arthrocentesis | clinical procedure of using a syringe to collect synovial fluid from a joint capsule. |
arthrodesis | surgical immobilization of a joint by fusion of the adjacent bones |
arthrolysis | restoration of mobility in stiff and ankylosed joints through the process of disrupting intraarticular and extraarticular adhesions |
arthroplasty | the surgical reconstruction or replacement of a joint |
arthrosclerosis | stiffness or hardening of the joints |
arthroscopic | surgical procedure on a joint in which an examination and sometimes treatment of damage is performed using an arthroscope, and endoscope that is inserted into the joint through a small incision |
arthroscopy | surgical procedure on a joint in which an examination and sometimes treatment of damage is performed using an arthroscope, an endoscope that is inserted into the joint though a small incision |
autologous | cells, or tissues obtained from the same individual |
bursectromy | removal of a bursa, which is a small sac filled with synovial fluid that cushions adjacent bone structures and reduces friction in joint movement |
bursitis | inflammation of the fluid-filled pads that act as cushions at the joints |
callus | showing of having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others |
chondroma | a benign cartilaginous tumor, which is encapsulated with a lobular growing pattern. |
chondromalacia | Damage to the cartilage under the kneecap |
chondroplsty | the damaged tissue is removed, allowing healthy cartilage to grow in its place. |
comminuted | reduced to minute particles or fragments |
craniectomy | a procedure in which part of the skull is removed to allow a swelling brain room to expand without being squeezed. |
cranioplasty | surgical repair of a defect or deformity of a skull |
crepitation | a cracking or rattling sound |
crepitus | creaky joints can have causes that aren't due to underlying disease. |
cruciate | Cross-shaped |
Ewing's sarcoma | rare type of cancer that affects mostly children and teenagers. |
exostosis | a benign outgrowth of cartilaginous tissue or a bone |
fontanel | a space between the bones of the skull in an infant or fetus, where ossification is not complete and the sutures not fully formed. |
gouty arthritis | extremely painful attack with rapid onset of joint inflammation. The inflammation is precipitated by the deposition of uric acid crystals in the lining of the joint and the fluid within the joint. |
hallux valgus | a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of the big toe |
hematopoietic | stem cells that give rise to all the other blood cells through the process or haematopoiesis. |
kyphosis | forward rounding of the back |
laminextomy | surgery that creates space by removing the lamina- the back part of the vertebra that covers your spinal canal. |
lordosis | curving inward of the lower back. |
lumbago | physical discomfort with pain affecting the lower half of the back, varying in intensity from a dull ache to incapacitating |
luxation | an injury where a joint is forced out of normal position |
manubrium | a handle-shaped projection or part, in particular. the broad upper part of the sternum of mammals, with which the clavicles and first ribs articulate. |
maxiallary | of or attached to a jaw or jawbone, especially the upper jaw |
myeloma | a cancer of plasma cells |
orthopedist | a physician who corrects congenital or functional abnormalities of the bones with surgery, casting, and bracing. |
orthotics | the branch of medicine that deals with the provision and use of artificial devices such as splints and braces |
ostectomy | a procedure involving the removal of bone |
osteitis | inflammation of the substance of a bone |
osteitis deformans | a disease that disrupts the replacement of old bone tissue with new bones tissues |
osteoarthritis | a type of arthritis that occurs when flexible tissue at the ends of bones wears down |
osteochondroma | an overgrowth of cartilage and none that happens at the end of the bone near the growth plate. |
osteoclasis | surgical destruction of bone tissue. It is performed to reconstruct a bone that is malformed, often a broken bone that healed improperly. the none is broken and then reshaped with the aid of metal pins, casting, and bracing. |
osteomalacia | softening of the bones, typically through a deficiency of vitamin D or calcium |
osteomylitis | inflammation of bone caused by infection, generally in the legs, arm, or spine |
osteoplasty | branch of surgery concerned with bone repair or bone grafting. |
osteoporosis | a condition in which bones become weak and brittle |
osteorrhaphy | the surgical suturing or joining or fragments of broken bone, usually by wiring them together. |
osteotomy | a surgical operation whereby a bone is cut to shorten or lengthen it or to change its alignment |
paget's | a chronic bone disorder that typically results in enlarged, deformed, bones dues to excessive breakdown and formation or bone tissue that can cause bones to weaken and may result in bone pain arthritis, deformities or fractures |
patella | the knee cap |
percutaneous dikectomy | a surgical procedure in which the central portion of an intervertebral disc is accessed and removed through a cannula |
periostotomy | incision of the periosteum |
periosteum | further back in position ; of or nearer the rear or hind end, especially of the body or a part of it |
periostitis | pain caused by overuse along the the shinbone the large front bone in the lower leg |
podiatrist | a person who studies and does medical treatment of disorders of the foot, ankle, and lower extremity |
popliteal | related to or situated in teh hollow at the back of the knee |
rheumatorid arthritis | a chronic inflammatory disorder affecting many joints, including those in the hands and feet |
rheumatologist | a physician who treat arthritis, autoimmune diseases, pain disorders affecting joints, and osetoporosis |
rickets | a softening and weakening of bones in children, usually due to inadequate vitamin D |
sacrolilac | a joint between the sacrum and the ilium bones of the pelvis, which are connected by strong ligaments |
scoliosis | a sideways curvature of the spine |
spina bifida | a birth defect in which a developing baby's spinal cord fails to develop properly |
spondylitis | inflammation of the vertebra |
spondylolisthesis | a spinal disorder in which a bone slips forward onto the bone below it. |
spondylosis | a general term for hte age-related wear and tear of the spinal disk |
subluxation | a partial dislocation |
synovectomy | the destruction of surgical removal of the membrane that lines a joint. |
synovitis | inflammation of the synovial membrane |
talipes | a birth defect in which the foot it twisted out of shape or position |
vertebrae | each of the series of small bones forming the backbone, having several projections for articulation and muscle attachment, and a hole through which the spinal cord passes |
vertebral | relating to a vertebra or the vertebrae |
ankyl/o | |
arthr/o | |
chondr/o | |
cost/o | |
crani/o | |
-desis | |
kyph/o | |
lord/o | |
-lysis | |
myel/o | |
oss/e, oss/i, ost/o, oste/o | |
-poietic | |
spondyl/o | |
-um |