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CSII- Rost

Digestive System

Alimentary canal the organs that comprise the Gastrointestinal System
Digestion the process by which food that is eaten is broken down into nutrients and components which the body can use for fuel and body functions
Peristalsis a rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the digestive system which propels the food mixture and moces it forward in the digestive process
Saliva fluids produced by the salivary glands which assist in the breakdown of food in the mouth and assist with swallowing
Dysphagia difficult or painful swallowing
Aphagia the inability to swallow
NPO nothing by mouth
Bolus food that is chewed, mixed with salivary fluids and swallowed
Chyme (kime) food in the stomach after it has been mixed with digestive juices
Digestive fluids enzymes, acids, and juices produced by the salivary glands, stomach, liver, pancreas, and lining of the small inteestine that break down the food eaten into nutrients that the body can use
Jaundice yellow discoloration of the skin and sclera due to liver problems
Villi microscopic, finger-like projections along the lining of the wall of the small intestine which help to absorb the nutrients
Sphincter muscle a circular muscle which can conttract or relax to control the passage of substances
Nagogastric tubes "NG tube" a tube inserted through the nose to the stomach-use to remove fluids from the stomach or for feeding
Gastrostomy tube a tube inserted directly into the stomach for the purpose of feeding the person
Feces or fecal material the solid wastes that are eliminated from the body
Stool fecal waste
B.M. bowel movement- the process of eliminating the solid wastes
Defecation the process of releasing solid wastes from the large intestines
Evacuation the elimination of the waste contents fro the large intestines
Flatus passage of gas rectually
Fecal incontinence the inability to control the release of solid waste from the intestinal tract
Constipation difficulty in moving the waste materials through and out of the intestine; inability to have a bowel movement
Impaction feces that becomes dry and hard, making it impossible to have a bowel movement naturally
Enema the introduction of fluid solutions into the rectum and into the large intestine in order to facilitate the removal of stool
Heartburn a symptom consisting of a burning sensation near the lower end of the breastbone (sternum)
Hernia a weakness in the wall of the intestine which allows the organ to protrude through.
Gastroesophageal Reflux "GER"- a condition where the stomach acids flow upward into the esophagus
Gastroenteritis inflammation of the stomach and intestine which typically occurs due to a viral or bacterial infection
Peptic Ulcer a condition caused by a bacteria, helicobacter pylorium, which can irritate the lining of the stomach or small intestine and damages the protective mucus layer
Cholelithiasis "gall stones" -occurs when substances within the bile begin to bond together. The stones may irritate the gallbladder and cause pain or the stones may become wedged in the tube that travels from the gall bladder, creating an obstruction and preventing the
Polyps growths that may develop on the lining of the intestinal wall.
Diverticulitis occurs when there is infection within small "pockets" that develop in the lining of the intestine
Ulcerative Colitis a chronic condition that occurs due to ulcerations that develop in the larger intestine and rectum. Symptoms occur intermittently and may include diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue, fever, and loss of appetite.
Spatistic Colon Irritable bowel syndrome- episodes of diarrhea alternating with periods of constipation
Constipation difficulty expelling the solid wastes from the body
Diarrhea occurs when there is irritation withing the intestinal tract. The body speeds up peristalsis in order to push the irritant through the system. This cuses watery, frequent stools.
Colostomy thisis an opening created where the end of the colon is brought to the surface of the abdomen to provide an artificial route to eliminate wastes
Hemorrhoids dilated blood vessels inside th anal canal or outside the external sphincter muscle of the anus
Created by: maryorost
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