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Chapters 6 & 7-

Unit 2 Exam

Circulatory system Transports blood containing oxygen and nutrients throughout the body and picks up the metabolic waste products for disposal
Pulmonary Circulation Carries blood between heart and lungs for gas exchange
Systemic Circulation Carries blood between heart and the rest of the body
Veins carry blood Toward the heart
Arteries carry blood Away from the heart
Systole Contraction of the heart
Diastole Relaxation of the heart
3 Layers surrounding the lumen of veins and arteries are Tunica, Media and Intima Adventitia
Plasma Yellow, Liquid portion of whole blood, containing fibrogen. 55%
Formed Elements ____% 45
Phagocytes Digest Bacteria
B Cells Produce antibodies
Extrinsic pathway begins with the release of tissue factor by endothelial cells
Intrinsic Pathway begins when plasma coagulation factors contact materials exposed when blood vessels are damaged
Autoimmunity Attack by immune system on body's own tissues
4 Chambers of the heart Left & Right Atrium, Left & Right Ventricle
4 Valves of the heart Bicuspid/mitral, Tricuspid, Pulmonic, Aortic
Plasma _______% 55
Formed Elements _________% 45
How many days do platelets stay in circulation? 9-12
How many liters of blood are there in a person? 5-6
Veins- Back to the heart are_______________________ deoxygenated
Arteries- Away from the heart are_______________ oxygenated
Hemophilia Group of inherited disorders and clotting deficiencies. Increased bleeding
Lymphoma Cancer of the lymphnodes
Compound Fracture Bone protrudes through the skin
Homeostasis State of good health
RBC Erythrocyte *carry oxygen
WBC Leukocyte* Most common is Neutrophil
Ischemia lack of oxygen that causes damage to the cardiac muscle
Largest Artery Aorta
Hematurea blood in the urine
Anatomy studies the Structure
Physiology studies the Function
Hemostasis Process by which blood vessels are repaired after injury
Ventral is the _________ surface of the body Front
Stomach passes food into the ___________ intestine Small
Septum Wall
Myocardium Middle/muscle layer
Endocardium Inner Layer
Epicardium outer layer
Pericardium Thin, membranous sac surrounding heart
a RBC remains in the circulation for about___________ before being removed by the live, bone marrow or spleen 120 days
Blood is ____water 90%
Dorsal/ Posterior is the ____________ surface of the body back
Lateral Toward the Side (thumb)
Medial Toward the Middle
Prone Lying on abdomen facing down
Supine Lying on back
Inferior Below
Superior Above
Frontal Plane Vertical division- Front and Back
Sagittal Plane Vertical division- Left and Right
Transverse Plane Horizontal- Top and Bottom
Hematopoiesis is the ______________ of ________ _____________ Formation of blood cells
Connective tissue Bones, Blood
Greenstick Fracture Bone is partially bent
Ventral/Anterior Front of the body
Cells form_________ tissues
Tissues form Organs
Distal Further from the point of origin (Elbow is distal to the shoulder, hand is distal to the wrist)
Adduction Brings Closer
Abduction Away From
Created by: hippiejess419
Popular Phlebotomy sets




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