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Chapter 25
Term | Definition |
allele | alternative form of a gene |
autosomes | non sex chromosomes |
carrier | someone who carries a normal gene along with its recessive allele |
genes | segments of DNA that contain the traits each person inherits |
genetics | the study of heredity or inheritance |
genome | a complete set of genetic information for one person |
genotype | the genetic information stored at the locus of a gene, even if those traits are not expressed |
heredity | the passing of traits form biological parents to children |
heterozygous | possessing different alleles at a given locus |
homozygous | possessing similar alleles at a given locus |
homologous | similar in structure, such as two similar chromosomes that are paired together |
karyotype | a chart showing all the chromosomes arranged in order by size and structure |
locus | the location of a specific gene on a chromosome |
mutation | a permanent change in genetic material |
nondisjunction | when chromosomes fail to separate during meiosis |
phenotype | the detectable, outward manifestation of a genotype |
polygenic inheritance | phenomenon whereby genes at two or more loci contribute to the expression of a single trait |
sec chromosomes | chromosomes designated by the letters X and Y determine gender |