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PMI Medical Words
PMI Root words, Prefixes, Suffixes and Abbreviations
Term | Definition |
Cardi (On Test) | Heart |
Cyan (On Test) | Blue |
Cyte (On Test) | Cell |
Dermat (On Test) | Skin |
Erythr (On Test) | Red |
Hem (On Test) | Blood |
Hemat (On Test) | Blood |
Leuk (On Test) | White |
Hephr (On Test) | Kidney |
Path (On Test) | Disease |
Phleb (On Test) | Vein |
Thromb (On Test) | Clot |
Ven (On Test) | Vein |
A-, An-, Ar- (On Test) | Without |
Aniso- (On Test) | Unequal |
Brady- (On Test) | Slow |
Endo- (On Test) | In, Within |
Epi- (On Test) | On, Over, Upon |
Extra- (On Test) | Outside |
Intra - (On Test) | Within |
Inter- (On Test) | Between |
Iso- (On Test) | Equal, Same |
Mal- (On Test) | Poor |
Per- (On Test) | Through |
Pre- (On Test) | Before |
Tachy- (On Test) | Rapid, Fast |
-ac, -al (On Test) | Pertaining to |
-algia (On Test) | Pain |
-cyte (On Test) | Cell |
-ectomy (On Test) | Removal, Excision |
-emia (On Test) | Blood Condition |
-itis (On Test) | Inflammation |
-logist (On Test) | Specialist in the study of |
-logy (On Test) | Study of |
-lysis (On Test) | Breakdown, Destruction |
-oma (On Test) | Tumor |
-path (On Test) | Disease |
-penia (On Test) | Deficiency |
-rrhage (On Test) | Burst Forth/ Excessive Flow |
-stasis (On Test) | Stopping, Controlling, Standing |
-tomy (On Test) | Cutting, Incision |
ABGs (On Test) | Arterial Blood Gases |
b.i.d. (On Test) | Twice a Day (bis in die) |
BMP (On Test) | Basic Metabolic Profile |
BP (On Test) | Blood Pressure |
BS (On Test) | Blood Sugar |
BUN (On Test) | Blood Urea Nitrogen |
C & S (On Test) | Culture & Sensitivity |
c/o (On Test) | Complains Of |
CPR (On Test) | Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation |
Crit (On Test) | Separate (Hematocrit) |
DVT (On Test) | Deep Veinous Thrombosis |
Dx (On Test) | Diagnosis |
ESR/sed rate (On Test) | Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (Westigren) |
FUO (On Test) | Fever of Unknown Origin |
HGV/hgv (On Test) | Hemoglobin |
HH (H&H) (On Test) | Hemoglobin and Hematocrit |
hx (On Test) | History |
Lytes (On Test) | Electrolytes |
Na+ (On Test) | Sodium |
NPO (On Test) | Nothing by Mouth (nil per of) |
O2 (On Test) | Oxygen |
p.o (On Test) | Orally (Per Os) |
PRN, prn (On Test) | As Necessary (Pro re Nata) |
pt (On Test) | Patient |
RBC (On Test) | Red Blood Cell or Red Blood Count |
Stat, stat (On Test) | Immediately (Statum) |
Aer | Air |
Angi | Vessel |
Bili | Bile |
Bucc | Cheek |
Coron | Crown, Circle |
Cubit | Elbow |
Cyt | Cell |
Fibrin | Fiber |
Gluc | Sugar, Glucose |
Glyc | Sugar, Glucose |
My | Muscle |
Necr | Death |
Onc | Tumor |
Ren | Kidney |
Scler | Hard |
Thorac | Chest |
Vas | Vessel |
Anti- | Against |
Bi- | Two |
Dys- | Difficult |
Homeo- | Same |
Hyper | Too Much, High |
Hypo- | Low, Under |
Micro- | Small |
Supra- | Above |
-gram | Recording, Writing |
-spasm | Twitch, Involuntary Muscle Movement |
AIDS | Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome |
ALT | Alanine Transaminase |
AST | Aspartate Aminotranferase |
Bx | Biopsy |
C | Celsius; Centigrade |
CAD | Coronary Artery Disease |
CBC | Complete Blood Count |
Chem | Chemistry |
Chol | Cholesterol |
CK | Creatine Kinase |
CO2 | Carbon Dioxide |
CSF | Cerebrospinal Fluid |
D | Day |
DIC | Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation |
Diff | Differential Count of White Blood Cells |
DNA | Deoxyribonucleic Acid |
DOB | Date of Birth |
ED | Emergency Department |
ER | Emergency Room |
ETOH | Ethyl Alcohol |
FBS | Fasting Blood Sugar |
Fe | Iron |
FH | Family History |
FS | Frozen Section |
Fx | Fracture |
GTT | Glucose Tolerance Test |
h | Hour |
HCR/Hct | Hematocrit |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
h/o | History Of |
H2O | Water |
ICU | Intensive Care Unit |
ID | Identification, Intradermal |
IP | Inpatient |
IV | Intravenous |
K+ | Potassium |
LE | Lupus Erythematosus |
MI | Myocardial Infarction |
Neg | Negative |
NKA/NKDA | No Known Allergy/No Known Drug Allergy |
Peds | Pediatrics |
pH | Hydrogen Ion Concentration (Measure of Acidity or Alkalinity) |
PKU | Phenylketonuria |
PT | Prothrombin Time/Physical Therapy |
req | Requisition |
R/O | Rule Out |
RPR | Rapid Plasma Reagin |
RR | Recovery Room |
SC, SQ | Subcutaneous |
Strep | Streptococcus |
Sx | Symptoms |
TB | Tuberculosis |
T&C | Type and Crossmatch (Type & X) |
TSH | Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone |
UA, ua | Urinalysis |
UTI | Urinary Tract Infection |
WBC, wbc | White Blood Cell |
y/o | Years Old |