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Mrs. Hull SAT Words

8th Grade

Impunity Freedom from punishment or pain
Implacable characterized by a relentless hatred that cannot be appeased; merciless and unforgiving
Impugn to attack or assail with words; to verbally challenge something as false or wrong
Polemic a controversial argument often published as an essay or pamphlet attacking a specific opinion or doctrine
Perfidious characterized by treacherous and deceitful behavior; traitorous
Cursory performed in a hasty and superficial manner without attention to details
Galvanize to energize and stir into action
Extemporize to perform without preparation; improvise
Taciturn reserved and not talkative; laconic
Unambiguous clear and precise; exhibiting no uncertainty; categorial
Consternation a sudden and alarming amazement that results in confusion and dismay
Portend to serve as an omen or warning; to foreshadow danger
Inscrutable very hard to figure out; incomprehensible
Crystallize to take a definite form or shape
Puerile childish and immature
Profligate characterized by squandering time and money
Foreboding a strong inner feeling or premonition or future misfortune
Irascible easily angered; prone to outbursts of temper
Indulgent characterized by excessive generosity; overly lenient and tolerant
Pedantic characterized by being showy in displaying one's knowledge; bookish
Officious describes someone who acts more official than they actually are; annoyingly meddlesome
Bohemian describes a person who is known for unconventional behavior; a noncomformist
Proscribe to forbid or prohibit and activity
Facetious cleverly amusing in tone; not meant to be taken seriously
Punctilious strictly attentive to minuted details of conduct; very precise or meticulous
Auspicious favorable and promising; accompanied by good omens and therefore propitious
Evocative characterized by using the power of imagination to call forth a memory
Enigma a riddle shrouded in mystery and thus something that is puzzling
Superficial shallow; lacking intellectual or emotional depth
Precocious characterized by the exceptionally early development or maturity of a talent
Stigmatize to brand or mark as inferior
Infinitesimal incalculably small (yes this is the correct way to spell this, look it up)
Vitriolic characterized by a harsh and nasty tone; scathing
Proliferate to grow rapidly; multiply quickly
Resplendent characterized by great beauty, splendor, and dazzling jewel-like colors
Exhort to spur on; encourage
Ameliorate to improve; make better
Compunction a feeling of deep regret caused by a sense of guilt; great remorse
Mendacity a trait of being deliberately untruthful; duplicitious
Fortuitous an accidental but lucky chance; filled with good luck
Created by: Poopnuke
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