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AP Bio Word Roots #6
Quiz #6 Roots and Meanings
Root | Meaning |
per- | through |
permea- | pass; go |
phag- | eat |
pheno- | show |
phil- | living; fond of |
phon-; -phone | sound |
-phore | bearer |
photo- | light |
phycc- | seaweed; algae |
-phyll | leaf |
physi- | nature; natural qualities |
-phte; phyt- | plant |
plan- | roaming; wandering |
plasm-; -plast | form; formed into |
pleur- | rib; lung |
pneumo- | lungs; air |
-pod | foot |
poly- | many; several |
por- | opening |
port- | carry |
post- | after; behind |
pom- | fruit |
pre- | before; ahead of time |
pro- | foward; favoring |
procto- | rectum; anus |
proto- | first; primary |
pseud- | false; deceptive |
pter- | having wings or fins |
pulmo- | lung |
puls- | drive; push |
pyr- | heat; fire |
quadr- | four; four-fold |
quin- | five |
radi- | ray; spoke of a wheel; energy in rays |
re- | again; back |
rect- | correct; right |
ren- | kidney |
ret- | net; made like a net |
rhin- | nose |
rhiz- | root |
rubr- | red |
saccharo- | sugar |
sapr- | rotten |
saur- | lizard |
scler- | hard |
sci- | know |
scope | look; observe |
-scribe; script | write |
semi- | half; partly |