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Funds Ch 17
Key Terms, Fundamentals Ch. 17 Vitals
Term | Definition |
Afebrile | without fever |
ausculatory gap | period of sudden silence between first Korotkoff sound heard (systolic bp) and next Korotkoff sound heard when it resumes at a number 30-40 mmHg lower in some hypertensive patients |
Biot's respirations | respirations characterized by groups of several shallow breaths followed by variable-length periods of apnea |
Bradycardia | pulse below 60 bpm |
Bradypnea | respiratoratory rate below 12 respirations per minute |
Cheyne-Stokes respirations | pattern of respirations starting shallow, gradually increasing in depth and frequency to a peak, then decrease in depth and frequency until they are slow and shallow, then a period of apnea lasting from 10-60 seconds |
diastole | time when ventricles are at rest |
diastolic pressure | measurement of the pressure exerted by the blood on the artery walls while the ventricles are not contracting, which is the lower of the two pressures |
dyspnea | labored or difficult breathing |
eupnea | respirations in which the rate, depth, rhythm, pattern, and respiratory effort fall within normal parameters |
febrile | state of having a fever |
hypertension | high blood pressure - systolic above 140 or a diastolic reading consistantly over 90 |
hypertension, primary | "essential hypertension" rise in blood presure that occurs as a result of the heart's having to work harder to pump blood through artery walls made less elastic due to arteriosclerosis |
hypertension, secondary | blood pressure that becomes elevated due to renal or endocrine disease |
hypotension | low blood pressure, blood pressure that suddenly falls 20-30 mmHg below an individual's normal blood pressure or one that falls below the low normal of 90/60 mm Hg |
hypothermia | individual's core temperature below 95 degrees F (35C) |
orthopnea | individual finds it too hard to breathe unless positioned in an upright position such as sitting or standing |
pulse deficit | state when radial pulse is slower than apical pulse |
pulse pressure | measurement of difference between systolic and diastolic pressures - found by subtracting diastolic from systolic. Normal range is 30-50 mm Hg |
sphygmomanometer | aneroid or electronic pressure manometer (gauge) that's used to measure blood pressure |
stridor | audible, high-pitched crowing sound that results from partial obstruction of the airways |
systolic pressure | measurement of the force exerted by the blood against the walls of arteries during contraction of the heart ventricles, which is when the pressure is highest |
tachycardia | pulse greater than 100 beats per minute |
tachypnea | respiratory rate that exceeds 20 respirations per minute |