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Pharm Ch 26

Respiratory system drugs

What results from insufficient oxygen supply to body tissues? "Hypoxia"
This is administered to patients for hypoxia via nasal cannula, masks, tents and hoods. Oxygen
What are some ways oxygen can be administered? Nasal cannula, Endotracheal incubation, mask, tents, and hoods
Oxygen given at too high of a concentration and or prolonged period of time is NOT part of O2 therapy, and is NOT therapeutic, and can cause these side effects. Acidosis, Blindness (especially in infants), and Apnea
Oxygen is NOT flammable but does support what? Combustion
These things would be prohibited in a room where oxygen is in use: Smoking, matches, electrical equipment(electric razors, hair dryers)
Classifications of Bronchodilators are: "Hint Use your Bronchs to play the SAX. Sympathomimetic (adrenergic) Anticholinergic (parasympatholytics) Xanthines
____________, are medications used to relax the smooth muscles of the "bronchial tree," relieving bronchospasm and increasing the vital capacity of the lungs. Bronchodilators
We use _______________ 1st to open up, then use ____________2nd to relieve inflammation/reduce swelling. 1- Bronchodilator 2- Corticosteroid
Medication type that "relaxes smooth muscles of the bronchial tree." Bronchodilator
These medications are used in the treatment of "ACUTE" respiratory conditions such as asthma and COPD. Bronchodilator
Bronchodilators are CNS stimulates, so they stimulate the body systems, causing most body responses to? Increase
Bronchodilators can be administered how? Orally, parenterally, and by inhalation
Type of inhaler that is popular due to the ease of use, efficacy, and portability. Meter-dose inhalers(MDI)
Type of inhaler that provides medication only under pressure of inspiration rather than compression of the valve. Dry-powder inhalers(DPI)
An aerosol mist of a drug solution that can be inhaled into the lungs through a mouth piece or mask. Small-volume nebulizers(SVN)
A type of bronchodilator that increases vital capacity and "decreases airway resistance" Sympathomimetic (Adrenergic)
Medications that are considered to be sympathomimetics? (hint: Al, but tell her all of your symptoms) Albuterol (Proventil) levalbuterol (Xopenex)
Warn patients that increasing use of meter dose inhalers(MDI) or rescue inhalers is a sign of _____________ ____________. Deteriorating Asthma
Sympathomimetic's are also known as ____________ agonists. They can be short-acting or long-acting. Beta2
Long-acting beta2 agonists should not be used to treat an __________ asthma attack. Acute
Anticholinergics, a bronchodilator, that decreases the chemical that ______________ bronchospasm. Promotes
Anticholinergics, block the parasympathetic nervous system and can cause "drying" of the _______________ _____________. pulmonary secretions
When taking Anticholinergics, use "caution" in patients w/history of heart attack, glaucoma, drug sensitivity or________________ Prostatic hypertrophy
Side effects of Anticholinergics are Thickening secretions and mucus plugging dry mouth metallic taste
Because Anticholinergics "dry up" secretions, you must encourage your patient to do what? Drink adequate amounts of fluids, to prevent mucus plugging.
Anticholinergic medications include: Ipratropium (Albuterol) Ipratropium Bromide (Atrovent) *They end in pium
This is a bronchodilator category, that relaxes the smooth muscle of the bronchial airways and pulmonary "blood vessels" and may possess anti-inflammatory actions. Xanthines
Theophylline is a _____________ _____________. Xanthine Derivative *Xanthines end in phyllin
These types of meds are used to relieve inflammation, and reduce swelling. Corticosteroids
What are the 3 types of Corticosteroids? *SIN Synthetic, Inhaled, Intranasal (Nasal)
Corticosteroid considered a preferred drug therapy in long-term management in "persistent asthma" Inhaled Corticosteroid
Corticosteroid that is considered first line therapy for most non-infections types of rhinitis, and reduce congestion, edema, and inflammation. Intranasal (nasal) Corticosteroid
Throat irritation, dry mouth, and oral fungal infections are side effects of Corticosteroids. You should encourage patients to do what for prevention? To rinse mouth with mouthwash or water.
Some of the Corticosteroids medications are? *They end in Cort or one* Azmacort fluticasone
Asthma Prophylaxis, are medications used to prophylaxis and the treatment of __________ __________. Chronic Asthma
Two types of asthma prophylaxis medications/treatments are: Leukotriene Inhibitors Mast Cell Stabilizers
Treatment for asthma prophylaxis, prevention of exercise induced bronchoconstriction, and treatment of chronic asthma Leukotriene Inhibitors
Leukotriene inhibitor medications are: Montelukast/Singular (Ast Luke, he likes to Sing)
This medication type helps stabilize the mast cells and produce and anti-inflammatory action to help "prevent asthma". Mast Cell stabilizer
Mast Cell stabilizer medications are: Cromolyn (intal) (a Mass of Chrome entails irritation)
This type of medication, decreases the hypersecretion of and liquefy pulmonary secretions Mucolytics
Medications that are Mucolytics are: Acetylcysteine/Mucomyst
Use caution in patients taking mucolytics if they have a history of bronchospasm or asthma, respiratory insufficiency and? Inadequate cough mechanism
This type of medication, increase secretions, reduce viscosity and help expel sputum. Aids in removal of mucus! Expectorants
Medications that are Expectorants are: Guaifenesin (Mucinex, Robitussin)
Antitussives are medications to prevent coughing in patients not requiring a _____________ ____________. productive cough
________-_____________, antitussives, are used more frequently because they do not depress respirations, do not cause dependence and have few side effects. Non-narcotic
Interactions with antitussives include? Triptans, used for migraine headaches, MAOI, SSRI
Class of medications, that competitively antagonize the histamine receptor sites? Antihistamines
Antihistamines, treat symptoms of Rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and rash. But the do not treat what? Emphysema or asthma
Antihistamines don't cure, but provide symptomatic relief of? allergy symptoms
1st generation Antihistamines are: Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
2nd generation Antihistamines are: Claritin
Some side effects of Antihistamines are sedation, hypotension, drying of secretions, especially eyes/ears/nose/throat and what? Paradoxical excitement in children
Drugs that constrict blood vessels in the respiratory tract, resulting in shrinkage of swollen membranes, and help to open nasal airway/upper airway passages. Decongestants
Decongestant medications are: Phenylephrine (Sudafed) Oxymetazoline (Afrin)
When used as a nasal spray, decongestants can cause burning, stinging and sneezing
Decongestant side effects are: Anxiety, nervousness, tremor, REDUCED CARDIAC OUTPUT
These types of medications are used to slowly lower the level of nicotine while the patient participates in behavior modification. Smoking-cessation Aids
Smoking-Cessation Aid medications are: Varenicline (Chantix) Bupropion (Zyban)
Created by: Ashleybit4
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