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Lab Values and Vital

labs and vitals Mod A

penia down, low
ilia up, high
osis up, high
Urinalysis (UA) looks for presence of WBC's, bacteria, blood, pH, leukocyte esterase
Cultures blood, wounds, urine, throat, drainage, stool (things removed from the body)
ESR non-specific marker for inflammation
Eosinophils (Agranule) 1 - 4 %
Eosinophils (Agranule) -involved w/ allergic reactions -when allergic response rises, so does the number of eosinophils -do not respond to bacteria
Basophils (Agranule) 0.5 - 1 %
Basophils (Agranule) -involved w/ allergic reactions - do not respond to bacterial/viral infections
Monocytes (Granule) 2 - 8 %
Monocytes (Granule) -phagocytic -fight bacteria -produce rapidly -remove necrotic debris & microorganisms from the blood
Lymphocytes (Granule) 20 - 40 %
Lymphocytes (Granule) -fight bacteria and acute vial infections
Neutrophils (Granule) 55 - 70 %
Neutrophils (Granule) -kill bacteria -form in 7 - 14 days, only live for 6 hours -produced by acute infection or trauma -bands form (infection)
WBC 5,000 - 10,000
WBC -measures the % of each type of leukocytes present
RBC Red Blood Cells Male: 4.7 - 6.1 Female: 4.2 - 5.4
Hematocrit Hct - volume of red blood cells : total blood volume Male: 42 - 52% Female: 37 - 47%
Hemoglobin Hbg - red protein responsible for transporting O2 in the blood Male: 14 - 18% Female: 12 - 16%
Infant pulse rate 120 - 160
Toddler pulse rate 90 - 140
PreSchool age pulse rate 80 - 110
School age pulse rate 75 - 100
Adolescent pulse rate 60 - 90
Adult pulse rate 60 - 100
Newborn blood pressure 65 / 41
1 month old blood pressure 85 / 54
1 yr. old blood pressure 86 / 40
6 yr. old blood pressure 94 / 56
10 - 13 yr. old blood pressure 103 / 62
14 - 17 yr. old blood pressure 110 / 65
Adult blood pressure 120 / 80
Normal body temperature 36 - 38 C 96.8 - 100.4
Sustained fever constant; starts normal and rises and stays at constant temp.
Intermittent fever fever that rises and then returns to normal within 24 hrs.
Remittent fever fever that rises and then lowers, but does not return to a normal temp.
Relapsing fever fever that rises and returns to normal, rises then falls, rises then falls
Granulocyte -WBC containing bacteria combating granules -(Lymphocytes & Monocytes)
Agranulocyte -WBC no granules -(Basophils & Eosinophils)
Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas Neutrophils Lymphocytes Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils
The five Vital Signs Temperature Pulse O2 Blood Pressure Pain
Pulse Oximetry 95 - 100 %
Pain scale 0 - 10
Created by: Smccunn
Popular Nursing sets




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