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Stufflet APUSH U2P2

Unit 2--Part 2-- APUSH

Mercantilism economic system in which the purpose was to enrich the mother country by creating a favorable balance of trade that would increase supply of bullion (gold/silver)
Navigation Acts mercantilist laws that regulated colonial trade that were first passed in 1650
Stono Rebellion most violent slave revolt in history of 13 colonies (1739); slaves rebelled in South Carolina and tried to get to Florida
Great Awakening emotional religious revival during the 1730s and 1740s amongst ALL colonies
Jonathan Edwards his "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" started the Great Awakening
George Whitefield credited with spreading the ideas of the Great Awakening in colonies
chattel slavery slavery in which the slave is the personal property of the slaveowner and can be sold and traded
Anglicization the process of adopting English culture in the American colonies
salutary neglect British policy of not always enforcing Navigation Acts from late 1650s to 1754
Bacon's Rebellion revolt amongst backcountry farmers in Virginia against wealthy elites on coast
Iroquois they allied with the British for trade and because they believed Brits would stop colonial expansion west
Metacom's War conflict over English expansion into New England
Pueblo Revolt Native-American revolt against Spanish in southwest in 1680
Quakers they founded Pennsylvania and influenced it with their tolerance
Pennsylvania Gradual Abolition Law said no new slaves could be imported into the colony and all newborns would be born free
Charleston largest slave port in colonial America
Fort Mose settlement of freed slaves in Spanish Florida
maroon former slave who had escaped
Gullah "slave" language that combined English and native African languages
Roger Williams founder of Rhode Island
Ben Franklin example of Enlightened American thinker; spread English through printing
popular sovereignty Enlightened political idea that said power is derived from the consent of the people
Created by: stufflsb
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