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prairie nursing 101

prairie nursing unit 1& vocab

Active listening Listening attentively to with whole person-Mind, body and spirit
Assertive communication Type of communication based on a philosophy of protecting individual rights and responsibilities. It includes the ability to be self-directive in acting to accomplish goals and advocate for others.
body Language The revelation of attitude or mood through physical gestures, posture or proximity; non verbal communication
Channel of communication Is the means of conveying and receiving the message through visual auditory and tactile senses
Clarification To make or become clear.
Closed questions A type of question that limits the respondents answers to one or two words
Cliché overused, hackneyed phrase
Communication Ongoing, dynamic series of events that involves the transmission of meaning from sender to receiver
Connotative Meaning The shade or interpretation of a words meaning influenced by the thoughts, feelings, or ideas people have about a word.
denotative meaning Meaning of a word shared by individuals who share a common language. The word baseball has the same meaning to people who speak English, But the word "code" denotes cardiac arrest primarily to health care providers.
Empathy understanding and acceptance of a persons feeling and the ability to sense the persons feelings and the ability to sense the persons private world
Environment All of the many factors , such as physical and psychological, that influence or affect life and survival of a person.
Feedback the process by which the output of the system is returned to the system.
Humor Coping strategy based on an individuals cognitive appraisal of stimulus that results in behavior such as smiling laughing or feelings of amusement that lessen emotional distress.
Interpersonal communication Exchange of information between two persons or among persons of a small group
Intra personal communication Communication that occurs within an individual.People who talk to themselves.
Kinesics Systematic study of the body and the body and the use of static and dynamic position as a means of communication: see body language.
Language Code that conveys specific meaning as words are combined
Leading question suggestive question
Listening to make an effort to hear something
Message Information sent or expressed by the sender in the communication process.
Meta communication Dependant on what is said but also on the relationship to the other person involved in the interaction. It is a message that conveys the senders attitude toward the self and the messages and the attitudes , feeling, and intentions toward the listener
non-verbal communication communication using expressions gestures body posture and positioning rather than words.
Observation the act of observing or the fact of being observed also the act of noting and recording of something with instruments.
Open ended question A form of question that prompts a respondent to answer in more than one or two words
Receiver a person to whom a message is sent during the communication process
Referent Factor that motivate a person to communicate with another individual.
Reflection Process at thinking back or recalling an event. To discover the meaning and purpose of that event useful in critical thinking.
Restatement to paraphrase something
Sender A person that initiates interpersonal communication by conveying a message.
Silence A time that is quiet when person can observe & sort out feelings
Sympathy pity felt by the nurse for the patient in which the nurse personally identifies with the patients needs. Sympathy is a subjective look at another persons world that prevents a clear perspective of all sides of an issue confronting that person.
Therapeutic communication process in which the nurse influences a patient or help the patient to a better understanding through verbal and or nonverbal communication.
Touch to come in contact with another person often conveying caring emotional support, encouragement and tenderness.
Validate act of confirming, verifying or coroberating the accuracy of assessment data to the appropriateness of a care plan.
verbal communication the sending of messages from one individual to another or to a group through the spoken word.
Referent Motivates the communication (the reason)
Message Content Of Conversation (verbal & Non Verbal)
Message Can be a conversation, a drawing, a letter
Message code The form recognized by others (English Language)
Message content Is the actual expression of the message (Words used)
Message treatment The manner in which the message is conveyed (slowly, rapid)
Channel Means of conveying and receiving the message through visual, auditory or tactile senses
Receiver/decoder The person who receives the message affected my same factors as sender
Feedback The message sent back to the sender.
Verbal Communication Spoken Or written Word
Language Code that conveys specific meaning
Social Conversation conversations with Friends, Family
Social Conversation Mutual Caring and support - spontaneous
Social Conversation Necessary for meaningful relationships
Therapeutic Conversation Nurse-client
Therapeutic Conversation Professional helping relationship
Therapeutic Conversation Purposeful - goal directed
Therapeutic Conversation Initiated for a reason
Therapeutic Conversation Unequal need fulfillment
Therapeutic Conversation Involves fee for service
Therapeutic Conversation Think before you speak
Therapeutic Conversation Built on client needs
Therapeutic Conversation not about the nurse!!!!
Body Language Facial expressions and movement of head
Body Language body positions and movement
Body Language hand gestures
Body Language dress
Body Language posture
Paralinguistic cues Loudness of voice
Paralinguistic cues Pitch (high = scared)
Paralinguistic cues Pacing of words
Paralinguistic cues Stumbling over words (nervous)
Paralinguistic cues Use of grunts or sighs (disgusted)
Paralinguistic cues Tone of voice
Kinesics the study of movement communication
Touch represents a person’s first experience in communicating with another human
Reflection (of feeling) Client: My wife spends all my money
Making an observation You appear upset about something
Placing the event in tine or sequence What happened just before you ran the red light?
Giving a broad opening What are you thinking about?
Offering oneself I’ll sit with you for a while
Seeking clarification I’m not sure that I understand your last comment.
Using silence Gives client time to organize
Giving advice you should leave him?
Restatement Client: I can’t sleep I stay awake all night, Nurse: You have difficulty sleeping
Seeking consensual validation Tell me whether my understanding agrees with yours
Offering a general lead Go On
Requesting an explanation Why do you feel that way
Reflection (of content) Client: I’m so mad I can scream, Nurse: You can scream
Summarizing During the last hour we have discussed
False reassurance everything will be Ok
Created by: rjh
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