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Sacraments - Ch. 9
The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony
Term | Definition |
divorce | The ending of a civil marriage contract |
polygamy | Being married to two or more people at the same time. It is contrary to conjugal love, which is undivided and exclusive. |
adultery | Infidelity in marriage whereby a married person has sexual intercourse with someone who is not the person's spouse. |
declaration of nullity | The Church's declaration that a particular marriage - whether presumed as a sacramental bond or simply a natural bond - was never valid. |
free union | The situation whereby a man and woman live together but without marriage |
nuptial blessing | Latin-derived term meaning "wedding" and it sanctifies the marriage covenant of the bride and groom, taking place after the couple gives their consent to be married |
marriage consent | The promises made by the bride and groom to honor one another and to be faithful in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health throughout their lives. The couple establishes a permanent covenant in love through these promises. |
fidelity | An attribute of God that describes his eternal faithfulness to his promises |
domestic church | A term for the family, the Church in miniature |
parochial school | A private school sponsored by a parish whose mission is to educate children in the Faith |
abortion | The direct and deliberate ending of a pregnancy by killing the unborn child. When willed either as a means or an end, it gravely contradicts moral law. |
contraception | Any artificial means (e.g. pills, condoms, diaphragms, surgeries) that deliberately & directly results in rejecting both aims of sexual intercourse - procreative (the sharing of life) and unitive (the total self-giving of the couple to one another). |
sterilization | Any surgical procedure that prevents conception. Doing so deliberately is contrary to one of the characteristics of sacramental marriage: openness to children |
Natural Family Planning | A Church-approved method for regulating births in a marriage that is in accord with God's will practiced through natural means of monitoring fertile and infertile periods as well as the woman's cervical mucus to plan or postpone a pregnancy |
mixed marriage | A marriage between a Catholic and baptized non-Catholic, which first needs the "express permission of Church authorities" |
disparity of cult | A marriage between a Catholic and non-Christian, which first needs the express dispensation from Church authorities |