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Vitals Nur162

Vitals Stack

1. What is the normal core body temp 36*c to 37.5*c (97.0-99.5*f)
2. What regulates the body temp. The thermoregulatory center of the hypothalamus
3. How does the thermoregulatory center work It receives messages from cold and warm receptors in the body, then tells the body to produce/conserve heat, or lose it
4. What is the primary source of heat in the body A byproduct of Metabolism
5. What is the primary site of heat loss The skin (then sweat, urine,feces)
6. How often should the vital signs be checked At least every 4 hours in hospitalized PT’s
7. What is released to alter states of metabolism Epinephrine and nor epinephrine and other hormones
8. What is Radiation transfer of body heat Diffusion of dissemination of heat by electromagnetic waves
9. What is Convection transfer of body heat The dissemination of heat by motion (fan-like) between areas of unequal density
10. What is conduction of transfer of heat The transfer from another object during direct contact (icepack)
11. What is a person called with a normal body temp Afebril (without fever)
12. What is a person with a fever said to be Febril
13. What is another name for fever Pyrexia
14. What is another name for fever reducing meds antipyretic
15. What are the ranges for temp Orally, rectally, axillary, tympanic, forehead Oral – 37*c – 98.6*fRectal – 37.5*c – 99.5*fAxillary – 36.5*c – 97.6*fTympanic – 37.5*c – 99.5*fForehead – 34.4*c – 94.0*f 
16. Where might a glass thermometer be used On critical care units or on isolation
17. What is tachycardia A rapid heart rate (100-180 bpm)
18. What regulates the pulse The autonomic NS through the SA node
19. How does parasympathetic stimulation affect the heart rate It decreases the heart rate (rest/digest)
20. How does the sympathetic stimulation affect the heart rate It increases it (fight/flight)
21. What is the number of contractions over a peripheral artery in 1 min called Pulse rate
22. What is the normal range for a pulse rate 60-100 bpm (average is 80)
23. What is the average pulse rate for a newborn and a 3 yr old NB- 140 bpm – 3 yr old – 100 bpm
24. What is an irregular pattern of heartbeats called Dysrythmia
25. What is the movement of air into and out of the lungs called Pulmonary ventilation
26. Where are the respiratory centers located In the medulla oblongata and pons
27. What is the normal range and average for respiration 12-20 breaths/min
28. What is it called when there is an increase in the respiratory rate with shallow breaths Tachypnea
29. What is it called when there is a increase in the rate, and increase in the depth of breathing Hyperventilation
30. What is it called when there is a slowing in the rate with regular depth Bradypnea
31. What is it called when there is a slowing in the rate and a decrease in the depth of breathing with an irregular pattern Hypoventilation
32. What is it called when there are alternating periods of deep and rapid breathing followed by periods of apnea in a consistent rhythm Cheyne-stokes
33. What is it called when there are varying depths and rates of breathing in an irregular pattern Biot’s respirations
34. What is it called when there are periods of no breathing Apnea
35. What is dyspnea Difficult or labored breathing
36. What is it called when dyspneic people can breath more normally in an upright position Orthopnea
37. What is the force of the blood against arterial walls referred to as Blood pressure
38. What is the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure referred to as Pulse pressure
39. What is stroke volume The amt of blood forced out of the left ventricle with each contraction
40. What is the amount of blood pumped per min called Cardiac output (average 3.5L/min – 8.0L/min)
41. What is the average BP for adults 120/80
42. What is low blood pressure associated with weakness and fainting when one rises referred to as Orthostatic hypotension
43. What are the series of sounds that are listened for while taking a BP called Korotkoff sounds
Bradycardia A slowed pulse rate (below 60 bpm)
Created by: cspearsall
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