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American Studies

Chapter 2-8 Vocab

Nationalism national pride or loyalty
Monroe Doctrine President James Monroe's Statement that the US would not interferein European colonies in Latin America but would consider any new attempt to colonize in the Western Hemisphere an act of hostility (1823)
American System Plan developed by Henry Clay for raising tariffs to pay for internal improvments such as roads and canals
Missouri Compromise Agreement propsed by Henry Clay that allowed Missouri to enter the unio as a slave state, Maine to enter as a free state and banned slavey in the Louisiana Purchase north of the 36 30 line (1820)
Democratic Party Political Party formed by supporters of Andrew Jackson after the presidential election of 1824
Cottin Gin Device developed by Eli Whitney in 1793 to separate short-staple cotton seeds from the bolls
Trail of Tears 800 mile forced march the cherokee made from their homeland in the southeast to indian Territory in Present- day Oklahoma: resulted in the deaths of almost one quarter of the tribes member
Underground railroad Network of abolitionists who helped slaves escape to the North and Canada
Second Great Awakening Evangelical religious movement the spread through the US beginning in 1800's
Susan B. Anthony campaigned for property rights for women in NY
Manifest Destiny Belief of many Americans in mid- 1800's that God intended the US to expand westward
Mexican Cession Land that Mexico gave to the US after the Mexican war through the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo;includes present day california nevada and utah as well as parts of Arizona , Colorado, New Mexico , Texas , Wyoming
Texas Revolution (1835-1836) Revolt agianst Mexico by American Settlers and Tejanos in Texas
Compromise of 1850 Agreement proposed by Henry Clay allowed California to enter the union as a free state and divided the rest of the Mexican Cession into 2 territories where slavery would be decided by popular sovereignity; also settled land claims between Texas and New Me
Republican Party Political Party formedin 1854 by antislavery Whigs and democrats along with some free soilers
Dred Scott Decision (1857)Supreme Court ruling that african americans were not US citizens that the missouri Compromises restriction on slavery was unconstitutional and congress did not have the right to ban slavery in any federal territory
Confederate States of America nation formed by seceding Southern States in 1861
Fort Sumter Charleston Sc; major port city
Emancipation Proclamation (1863) order announcedby president Lincoln in 1862 that freed the slaves in areas rebelling against the union
Battle of Antietam (1862) Union Victory in maryland during the civil war; marked the bloodiest single day battle in US military History
Gettysburg Address (1863) speech given by Loncol to dedicate a cemetary in battlefield in gettsburg ; democratic ideals
Robert E Lee born in 1807 in virginia; Confederate army leader
Strategies of War better forces
Opposition of War death of people
Reconstruction period following the civil war during which the US gov worked to rebuild the former confederate states and reunite the nation
Lincoln's Assination died on April 14 1865 ,killed by John Wilks
John Wilks confederate sympathyizer
Andrew Johnsons Impeachment wouldnt cooperate pass the 10 year office act in 1867
KKK secret society created by former confederate in 1866 that used terror and violence to keep african americans from obtaining their civil rights
Poll taxes taxes people pay to vote
Literacy Tests used to prevent people who could not read from voting
Jim Crow Laws Laws that enforced segragation in south
Plessy and Ferguson "separate but equal" doctrine for public facilities
Sitting Bull Lakota siox, Tatanka iyotake
George Armstrong Custer June 25 1876 600 indian members reached indian camp
Battle of Little Big Horn US and siox war, George armstrong Custer
Massacre at Wounded Knee Army's killing about 300 Sioux
Homestead Act law that encouraged settlement in west by giving gov owned land to small features
Steel inovations Bessemer process
Oil Inovations Edwin L Drake ; drill for oil
Patent Exclusive right to manufacture or sell invention
Transcontinental railroad Railroad that crossed the continental railroad ; completed in 1869
Wright Brothers First working airplanes
Samuel Morse telegraph
Alexander Graham Bell March 1876 telephone
Thomas Edison 1869 electronic vote recorder
Capitalism economic system in which private business runs most industries and competition determines how much goods cost and workers are paid
Free Enterprise Belief that the economy will prosper if businesses are left free from gov regulation and allowed to compete in a free market
Communism political theory that proposes that all people should collecively own property and the means of production and that individual ownership should not be allowed
Social Darwinson theory adapted by phiosopher Herbert Spencer from charles darwins theory of evolution argued that society progresses through competition with the fittest rising to positions of wealth and power
Corporation company that sells shares of ownership called stock to investors in order to raise money
Trust Arrangments grouping several companies under a single board of directors to eliminate competition and to regulate production
Monopoly Exclusive economic control of an industry
Vertical Integration Ownership of business involved in each strep of manufacturing process
Horizontal Integration Ownership of several companies producimg same product
Mass marketing ways of persuading customers
Department Stores sells variety of product
Sherman antitrust Act law prohibiting monopolies and trusts that restrained trade
American Federation of Labor Union founded in 1886 by Samuel Gompers for skilled workers
suburbs residential neighbrhoods on outskirts of city
Nouveau Riche Newly rich
Jane Addams at the forefront of the american settlement ; doctor
Political machines political parties that dominated local and state gov in late 1800
Political Bosses leaders of political machines
Kickbacks payments of earnign for part of a job
Gilded Ages Names applied by mark Twain and Charles dudley Warner to late 1800's America to describe the corruption and greed that lurked below surface
Interstate Commerce Act law that regulated railroad shipping between states
William Mckinley Ohio Governer Presidential canidate
Created by: twlightgirl92
Popular U.S. History sets




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