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8 Hist BJU Ch 6 Rvw

1783 What year did the War for Independence officially end?
Baron Von Stueben Who trained the colonial army while it was quartered for the winter?
Battle of Bunker Hill What battle? 1) Patriots had taken possession of Bunker Hill. 2) Thousands of British soldiers assaulted the Patriot positions. 3) The Patriots ran out of ammunition.
Benedict Arnold Colonial leader who helped at Ticonderoga BUT later became a TRAITOR
Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen Who took Fort Ticonderoga from the British?
Benjamin Franklin John Adams John Jay Who were the men that negotiated for the treaty that ended the War for Independence?
British Who won the Battle of Bunker Hill?
Common Sense What was the pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that helped to convince the colonists that America should separate from Britain?
Continental Army American troops
Continental Army American troops
Cornwallis Only briefly fought @ Yorktown before he surrendered to General Washington.
Declaration of Independence What document was approved on July 4, 1776?
did not After the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the overwhelming majority of Americans [did/did not] support independence.
Ethan Allen Leader of the Green Mountain boys who captured Fort Ticonderoga
failed Did the Patriots' invasion of Canada to capture Quebec succeed or fail?
George Rogers Clark Who captured frontier outposts to give America claim to western regions?
Hessians German mercenaries hired by George III to fight against the American patriots.
John Burgoyne Who was the British general who lost at the Battle of Saratoga?
John Paul Jones American naval commander who said "I have not yet begun to fight."
July 4, 1776 What date was the Declaration of Independence approved?
Kings Mountain Southern frontiersmen that were angered by British demands to lay down their arms, fought back and won a battle at ___________.
Land between the Appalachians and the Mississippi River What land did the U.S. receive after the War for Independence?
Loyalists Colonists who were loyal to Britain were called ________.
Marquis de Lafayette French volunteer soldier who fought with the Americans at Yorktown.
mercenaries What are hired foreign soldiers called?
Nathan Hale Who said "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country"?
Nathan Hale Who was a Patriot schoolteacher who was hanged as a spy by the British while trying to get information to George Washington about what the British were doing in New York?
Nathanael Greene Who was the patriot army quartermaster who replaced General Gates as leader in the South?
Olive Branch Petition What most clearly demonstrated that the colonies wanted to restore a friendly relationship with Britain before an all-out war developed?
Patriot Victory at SARATOGA What forced the British to move their focus to the South? It also won official French support for the Patriot cause.
Patriots Those who wanted independence were called _______.
pp. 92-93 Loyalistsd Patriots Neutral Colonies [ESSAY] Describe the various attitudes of Americans toward the fight for independence and note the reasons for their attitudes.
privateers Armed merchant ships are called __________.
Saratoga "Turning point" in the Revolutionary War.
Slow Americans were ________ to provided the needed supplies and financial support for the colonial army.
The Second Continental Congress What meeting was held in 1775 in Philadelphia, where the colonial leaders sent the Olive Branch Petition to the king and prepared for war?
They brought cannons and ammunition from Fort Ticonderoga How did the Patriots free Boston from the British?
Thomas Jefferson Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Paine Who was the Revolutionary leader who wrote the pamphlet "Common Sense" (1776) arguing for American independence from Britain?
Tories Americans who remained loyal to Great Britain were called Loyalists or _________.
Tories What was another name for Loyalists?
Tories Loyalists Hessians Who fought WITH the British AGAINST the Patriots?
Treaty of Paris What was signed in 1783, officially ending the War for Independence?
Trenton George Washington and the Continental Army surprised and defeated the Hessians at ________ on Christmas night 1776.
Trenton Princeton Victories in these 2 places gave new hope to the Americans' cause
Valley Forge Place where Washington's army spent their most uncomfortable winter
Yes Did the Americans expect that the Canadians would join in the effort for independence?
Yorktown Cornwallis surrendered to Washington here after fighting only a short time.
Created by: Mrs_CC
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