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Unit 3 exam
Nursing Funds
Term | Definition |
WHAT IS QUALITY OF CARE? | health care that is safe, effective, pt. centered, timely, efficient & equitable, or fair (time orientation) |
HEALTH DISPARITY | particular type of health difference that is closely linked w/ social, economic, and/or environmental disadvantage |
PARITY | means equality |
MARGINALIZED GROUPS | to put or keep (someone) in a powerless or unimportant position within a society/group (poor health & diet at an early age) |
ACCULTURATION | adapting or adopting a new culture (social organization) |
ASSIMILATION | an individual gives up his or her ethnic identity in favor of a dominant culture |
ETHNICITY | shared identity related to social/cultural heritage |
LADDER OF CULTURAL COMPETENCE | emphasizes how culturally competent organizations & individuals can work to eliminate healthcare disparities |
POOR HEALTH OUTCOMES | limited health literacy |
CULTURE | integrated patterns of human behavior that include the language, thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values, & institutions of racial, ethnic, religious, or social groups |
INTERESECTIONALITY | privilege & oppression |
OPPRESSION | formal & informal system of advantages and disadvantages tied to out membership in a social group (individual/cultural/institutional) |
WORLD VIEW | how people perceive others, how they interact & relate to reality; how they process information "the way people look upon the world" |
TRANSCULTURAL NURSING | comparative study of cultures in order to understand their similarities & the differences among them |
CULTURALLY CONGRUENT CARE | care that fits a person's life patterns, values, & system of meaning |
CULTURAL ENCOUNTERS | cross-cultural interactions to learn of the cultures |
SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH | resources such as access to health care, job opportunities, nutritious food, clean air & transportation (social factors) |
STEREOTYPING | assumption that people in a culture, racial, or ethnic group are alike & share the same values & beliefs |
ILLNESS | the way individuals & families react disease |
DISEASE | a malfunctioning of biological/psychological processes |
CORE MEASURES | key quality indicators that help healthcare institutions improve performance, increase accountability & decrease costs, healthcare disparities |
CULTURAL COMPETENCE | a health care professional strives to work effectively within the cultural context of a pt./ensure delivery of culturally congruent care |
COMPONENTS OF CULTURAL COMPENTENCE | -cultural awareness -cultural knowledge -cultural skills -cultural encounters -cultural desire |
CULTURAL DESIRE | motivation & commitment to caring that moves an individual to learn from others |
CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE | comparative of diverse groups, endogenous, values, worldview |
CULTURAL SKILLS | assess pt. treatment & care; assess social, cultural & biophysical |
CULTURAL ENCOUNTERS | learn about other cultures |
CULTURAL DESIRE | motivation/commitment to caring that moves an individual to learn from others |
ESTABLISHING RELATIONSHIPS | transcultural communication skills to interpret behavior |
MODEL OF CULTURAL COMPETENCE | 1. developing self-awareness 2. understanding the worldview of others 3. developing appropriate strategies/skills/interventions 4. understanding organizational/institutional forces that either enable or inhibit cultural competence |
BIAS | predisposition to see people or things in a certain light, either positive or negative |
LINGUISTIC COMPETENCE | ability of an organization & it's staff to communicate effectively & convey information in a manner that is easily understood by diverse audiences |
EXPLANATORY MODEL | ability to elicit a pt's explanation of an illness & its causes |
PATIENT-CENTERED CARE | provides individualized care & restores an emphasis on personal relationships |
OFFICE OF MINORITY HEALTH & HEALTH DISPARITIES | organization requiring culturally sensitive health care delivery |
SPIRITUALITY | an awareness of one's inner self & a sense of connection to a higher being, nature, or some purpose greater than oneself |
HOLISTIC | of or pertaining to the whole; considering all factors; balance of physical, psychological, etc.) |
FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE | believed that spirituality is a force that provides energy needed in a healthy hospital environment & spiritual needs just as important as physical needs |
SELF-TRANSCENDENCE | connecting to your inner self, which allows one to go beyond oneself to understand the meaning of experiences; send of authentically connecting to one's inner self |
TRANSCENDENCE | the belief that there is a positive force outside of & greater than oneself that allows one to develop new perspectives that are beyond physical boundaries |
INTRAPERSONALLY | connected w/ oneself |
INTERPERSONALLY | connected w/ others & the environment |
TRANSPERSONALLY | connected w/ God, unseen higher power |
FAITH & BELIEF | assess source of authority & guidance that pts. use in life to choose & act on their beliefs |
FAITH | self of beliefs & a way of relating to self, others, & a supreme being; reasoning & trusting faith |
HOPE | source of energy that helps a person plan & achieve future goals; living & looking forward to something |
INNER STRENGTH | energy source that instills hope, provides motivation, & promotes a positive outlook on life, even in difficult times |
INNER PEACE | fosters calm & positive feelings despite life experiences of chaos, fear, & uncertainty |
ATHEIST | do not believe God exists |
AGNOSTIC | believe that any ultimate reality is unknown or unknowable |
SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING | individuals spirituality that enables a person to love, have faith, & hope, seek the meaning of life, & nurtures relationships with others |
CONNECTEDNESS | assess whether pt. loses the ability to express; having close spiritual relationships w/ oneself, other, & God or another spiritual being |
LIFE SATISFACTION | determine whether a pt. feels fulfilled w/ what he/she has accomplished in life |
LIFE & SELF RESPONSIBILITY | determine whether pt. understands limitations posed by an illness & how they adjust |
MEDITATION | lowers B/P, stress/pain & enhances the function of the immune system |
4 DIMENSIONS OF SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING | 1. personal - how you relate with oneself; meaning of life 2. communal - quality of your interpersonal relationships 3. environmental - how you interact with the world 4. transcendental - relationship between yourself & God |
RELIGION | specific system of organized beliefs & worship that a person practices to outwardly express spirituality (particular denomination of worship) |
SPIRITUAL CARE | helps people maintain personal relationships & a relationship w/ a higher being or life force to identify meaning & purpose of life |
RELIGIOUS CARE | helps pts. follow their belief systems and worship practices |
SPIRITUAL DISTRESS | impaired ability to experience and integrate meaning & purpose in life through connectedness w/ self, other, art, music, etc. (anger towards God because of illness or other matter) |
ESTABLISHING PRESENCE | pay attention, answer questions, listen & have a positive and encouraging attitude |
NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE (NDE) | psychological phenomenon in which people have either been close to clinical death or recovered after being declared dead |
FICA - evaluates spirituality & quality of life | F - Faith/belief I - Importance of spirituality C - individuals spiritual Community A - interventions to Address spiritual needs |
CONNECTEDNESS | having close spiritual relationships w/ oneself, other, & God or another spiritual being |
PRAYER | personal communication w/ one's God |
FELLOWSHIP | relationship an individual has w/ other people; family, friends, coworkers, school or church |
RITUALS | participation in a religious group or private worship, prayer, sacraments (eg: Christian, communion) (eg: circumcision) |
SPIRITUAL HEALTH | gained by find balance in life |
FELLOWSHIP & COMMUNITY | explore the extent & nature of the pt's support network |
RITUAL & PRACTICE | assess participation in worship, prayer, etc. |
SUPPORT SYSTEMS | human-link between pts, nurses & pts lifestyle; family friends, spiritual advisors, clergy & pastoral |
DIET THERAPIES | food & nutrition (consult w/ dietician) (eg: muslims cannot eat pork) |
SUPPORTING RITUALS | plan care to allow time for pt. to practice the rituals & activities, religious readings, & spiritual visitations |
VOCATION | strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation |
FACTORS INFLUENCING SPIRITUALITY | acute, chronic, or terminal illnesses & near death experiences |
SUPPORTING A HEALING RELATIONSHIP | mobilize hope, help pt. find acceptability |
ACUTE ILLNESS | creates an unanticipated scramble to integrate and cope w/ new realities |
CHRONIC ILLNESS | threatens the persons independence, causing fear, anxiety, & spiritual distress |
TERMINAL ILLNESS | causes fears of physical pain, isolation, & the unknown, dying |
ASSESSMENT | pts faith, beliefs, views on life, & religion to ensure patient centered clinical decisions |
STRESS | physiological/psychological tension that threatens homeostasis or person's psychological equilibrium; result of inability to immediately deal w/ event/threat |
STRESSORS | tension-producing stimuli in a person's external/internal environment that require change/adaptation; any perceived event that can evoke stress |
COPING | person's effort to manage psychological stress |
GENERAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME | a 3-stage defense response of the body to stress 1. alarm reaction 2. resistance stage 3. exhaustion stage |
ALARM REACTION STAGE | initial stage of the GAS during which defense mechanisms are mobilized |
RESISTANCE STAGE | second stage of stress response when a person attempts to adapt to the stressor |
EXHAUSTION STAGE | final GAS stage that occurs when the body no longer can resist the stress |
PITUITARY GLAND | small gland located below the hypothalamus that produces stress hormones, regulates secretion of thyroid, parathyroid & gonadal hormones |
ENDORPHINS | hormones that interact with opiate receptors & reduce pain perception & produce sense of well-being |
FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT RESPONSE | total physiological response to stress during the alarm reaction stage |
APPRAISAL | individual interpretation of the impact of a stressor or event & subsequent behavior |
PRIMARY APPRAISAL | evaluates an event for its personal meaning related to stress |
SECONDARY APPRAISAL | evaluates one's possible coping strategies when confronted w/ a stressor |
EGO-DEFENSE MECHANISMS | regulate emotional distress & provide a person protection from anxiety and stress |
COMPENSATION | making up for deficiency in self-image by strongly emphasizing a feature considered an asset |
CONVERSION | unconsciously repressing an anxiety-producing conflict & transforming it into non-organic symptoms |
DENIAL | refusing to consciously acknowledge anything that causes intolerable emotional pain |
DISPLACEMENT | transferring emotions, ideas, or wishes from a stressful situation to something less stressful |
IDENTIFICATION | patterning behavior after that of another person |
DISSOCIATION | experiencing a subjective sense of numbing & a reduced awareness of one's surroundings |
REGRESSION | coping w/ a stressor through actions & behaviors associated w/ an earlier developmental period |
STRESS MANAGEMENT | techniques used to cope w/ generalized stress & arousal to relax the body and mind |
STRESS & COPING THEORY | the Neuman Systems Model |
FACTORS INFLUENCING STRESS & COPING | situational sociocultural maturational |
SITUATION STRESS FACTORS | personal/family changes; eg: divorce, job loss, chronic illness |
MATURATIONAL STRESS FACTORS | life stage changes; eg: appearance, identity, death, empty nest |
SOCIOCULTURAL STRESS FACTORS | environmental & social issues; eg: handicapped, lives w/ violence, substance abuse, prison |
COMPASSION FATIGUE | a state of burnout & secondary traumatic stress |
BURNOUT | condition that occurs when perceived demands outweigh perceived resources |
ASSESSMENT R/T STRESS & COPING | establish pts stress level & coping resources & observe nonverbal behavior |
SUBJECT ASSESSMENT FINDINGS | create a non-threatening physical environment when asking nursing questions (what the patient tells you) |
OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT | through observation of the appearance & non-verbal behavior of a patient (what you SEE) |
PRIMARY MODES OF INTERVENTION OF STRESS | decrease stressful situations, increase stress resistance, gain skills to reduce stress response |
HOMEOSTASIS | state of constancy in the internal environment, maintained naturally by physiological adaptive mechanism |
CRISIS | turning point in life in which previous way of coping are ineffective, requiring change; when an event overwhelms a person's coping mechanism & demands |
CRISIS INTERVENTION | use of therapeutic techniques to help a pt. resolve a particular & immediate problem |
PATIENT OUTCOMES | maintain ongoing communication w/ the patient regarding coping |
APPROACH TO STRESS & COPING | use critical thinking skills to understand the pts stressor & the stress response |
STRESS-RELATED NURSING DX | gather data from assessment; analyze clusters of defining traits to identify relevant diagnosis |
SECONDARY TRAUMATIC STRESS | trauma HCPs experience when witnessing & caring for others suffering from trauma |
SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS | access to support & financial, educational or occupational resources for coping |
CULTURE & ETHNICITY | interpretations of loss, acceptable expressions of grief & attitudes toward terminal illnesses |
SPIRITUAL & RELIGIOUS BELIEFS | faith in a higher power, support communities, friends, sense of hope & meaning in life, religious practices |
END-OF-LIFE DECISION MAKING | suggest pts communicate care wishes so family can act as surrogates when pts cannot speak for themselves |
ASSESSMENT | discuss grief variables & reactions to ensure patient-centered decisions are made |
OLDER ADULT CONSIDERATIONS | ask questions about recent relationships, significant life events & other stressful events ongoing all at once |
PRIORITIES IN PLANNING FOR GRIEF CARE | important to assess patient's most urgent physical & psychological needs |
PALLIATIVE CARE | level of care designed to relieve/reduce intensity of uncomfortable symptoms but not produce a cure |
THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION | establishing a trusting relationship w/ the patient & family by using an "open-hearted" style |
HOSPICE | model for care of terminally ill patient & their families; assist clients comfort and with the family-centered care |
GRIEVING FAMILY | offer holistic, family-centered support, compassion, & education individual to each patient |
PROMOTE DIGNITY & SELF-ESTREEM | respect pt. as a whole, give importance to things the patient cares about, listen to patient's stories |
MAINTAIN A COMFORTABLE & PEACEFUL ENVIRONMENT | frequently reposition, keep bed linens dry, control noise & create a familiar environment |
MANAGEMENT OF SYMPTOMS | reassess pain & medication side effects & advocate change if the patient does not obtain relief |
EXAMPLES OF LOSS | body parts or function, self-esteem, friendships, confidence, or income, death |
POST-MORTEM CARE | care of a patient's body after death |
SIUTATIONAL LOSS | loss of a person, thing, or quality resulting from a change in a life situation (eg: trauma from car accident) |
KUBLER-ROSS'S CLASSIC THEORY - 5 RESPONSES TO LOSS | 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance |
AUTOPSY | surgical dissection of a body after death to determine exact case/discover the pathway of a disease |
RANDO'S "R" PROCESS MODEL | focuses on a series of processes instead of stages |
NORMAL GRIEF | universal reaction to loss; emotional, cognitive, social, physical, behavioral & spiritual responses |
FACILITATE MOURNING | help survivors accept loss as real, support adjustment to loss, allow time to grieve, and provide ongoing support |
BEREAVEMENT | subjective suffering experienced after losing someone significant |
PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP FACTORS | the quality & meaning of the lost relationship |
REORGANIZATION | stage of mourning when a person begins to accept new roles, acquire new skills, & build new relationships |
ACCEPTANCE | individual begins to accept the reality & inevitability of loss & looks to the future |
NATURE OF THE LOSS | highly visible loss generally stimulates helping responses from others; more private loss brings less support |
GRIEF TASK MODEL | theory in which individuals actively engage in working through tasks to overcome grief |
ATTACHMENT THEORY | numbing, yearning, & searching, disorganization & despair and reorganization |
PERCEIVED LOSS | loss that is less obvious to people other than to the individual experiencing it |
SPIRITUAL COMFORT & HOPE | involve spiritual care providers in institutional setting; collaborate w/ patient's spiritual leaders |
ANGER | stage in which individual resists the loss |
BARGAINING | person postpones awareness of loss & tries to prevent it from happening by making deal/promises |
PSYCHOSOCIAL CARE | ensure pt. understands the condition, course of disease, & benefits/burdens of the treatment options |
MATURATIONAL LOSS | loss resulting from the normal changes of growth & development |
DENIAL | stage of grief in which individual acts like nothing has happened |
DISORGANIZATION & DESPAIR | stage of mourning in which an individual endlessly examines how & why the loss occurred |
GRIEF | form of sorrow involving the person's thoughts, feelings, & behaviors as a response to a loss |
ANTICIPATORY GRIEF | grief response in which the person begins the grieving process before an actual loss; letting go |
COMPLICATED GRIEF | grief response when a person has a prolonged or very difficult time moving forward after a loss (chronic/delayed/exaggerated/masked) |
ACTUAL LOSS | loss of an object, person, body part or function, or emotion that is overt & easily identifiable; can no longer be felt, heard, known or experienced |
YEARNING & SEARCHING | stage of mourning that includes emotional outburst of tearful sobbing & acute distress |
DEPRESSION | person realizes the full significance of the loss during this stage |
HUMAN DEVELOPMENT | patient age & stage of development |
NUMBING | stage of mourning that includes lack of feeling or feeling stunned by the loss |
DISENFRANCHISED GRIEF | grief response when someone's grief is not socially sanctioned or cannot be openly shared (unable to acknowledge; secret) |
HOW A NURSE CAN HELP WITH LOSS | -knowledge of grief process, the loss, the disease process -reflect on experience -attitudes of risk-taking, self-confidence, humility -standards-guide of assessment & data |
SELF-CONCEPT & SEXUALITY INCLUDE: | -unconscious & conscious thoughts -attitudes & perceptions |
SELF-CONCEPT | your view of who you are; if affects your self-esteem & how you feel about yourself; conscious & unconscious thoughts, attitudes, and perceptions |
SEXUALITY | refers to all aspects of being sexual; a function of the total personality...concerned w/ the biological, psychological, sociological, spiritual, & culture variables of life |
SEX | bow chicka bow bow..........HAHAHA just kidding basic physiological need & sexual intimacy throughout the life span is equally important for sexual health |
TRUST VS. MISTRUST | birth - 1 yr. trust from consistency in caregiving & nurturing |
AUTONOMY VS. SHAME & DOUBT | 1 - 3 yrs. communicates likes & dislikes, independent thoughts & actions, appreciates body appearance |
INITIATIVE VS. GUILT | 3 - 6 yrs. takes initiative, identifies gender, enhance self-awareness, increase language skills |
INDUSTRY VS. INFERIORITY | 6 - 12 yrs. incorporates feedback from peers, increase self-esteem, sex identity increases, aware of strength & limitations |
IDENTITY VS. ROLE CONFUSION | 12 - 20 yrs. accepts body changes, examines attitudes & values, feels positive sense of self |
INTIMACY VS. ISOLATION | 20 - 40 yrs. intimate relationships, stable, positive feelings about self, success rose transitions |
GENERATIVITY VS. SELF-ABSORPTION | 40 - 60 yrs. accepts changes, commitment, reassess life goals |
EGO INTEGRITY VS. DESPAIR | 60 - death positive about one's life and death, providing legacy to next generation |
IDENTITY | the sense of individuality & being distinct and separate from others "oneself"; necessary for intimate relationships and sexuality is part of identity |
GENDER IDENTITY | person's private view of maleness or femaleness and gender role is the feminine or masculine behavior exhibited |
RACIAL/CULTURAL IDENTITY | identifying & socializing within an established group & through incorporating the responses of individuals who do not belong to that group into one's self-concept |
BODY IMAGE | involves attitudes related to the perception of the body, including physical appearance, femininity & masculinity, youthfulness, health & strength |
LOCALIZED SITE INFECTIONS | from tattoos & piercings plastic piercing retainer or 14/16 gauge needle to keep piercing open |
HETEROSEXUAL | attracted to different sex partners |
LESBIAN/GAY | same sex partners |
BISEXUAL | both male & female partners |
TRANSGENDER | different gender identity from as it was at birth |
ROLE PERFORMANCE | the way in which a person views his/her ability to carry out significant roles; meeting certain expectations (eg: mom/dad, sister/brother, etc) |
SELF-ESTEEM | an individual's overall sense of personal worth or value; positive when capable & competent |
SELF-CONCEPT STRESSOR | any real/perceived change that threatens identity, body image or role performance |
SEXUAL ORIENTATION | clear, persistent erotic preference for a person of one sex or the other |
SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION | (involves problems w/ desire, arousal, or orgasm); inability or difficulty in sexual functioning caused by physiological or psychological factors or both |
MENARCHE | onset of menstrual cycle in girls |
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS (STIs) | infectious process spread through sexual contact including oral, genital or anal sexual activity |
STIs???????? | PUT A FUCKING RAINCOAT ON!!!!!!! |
20 MILLION PEOPLE IN US ARE INFECTED WITH | genial human papillomavirus (HPV) 50% are adolescents & young adults 15-24 |
MATTER-OF-FACT STATEMENTS | "this wound is healing nicely" "this looks healthy" |
NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION | communication using expressions, gestures, body posture & positioning rather than words |
AUTONOMY | freedom to choose their own life plan and ability/tendency to function independently |
SEXUAL HEALTH | integration of the somatic, emotional, intellectual and social aspects of sexual being, in ways that are positive |
P L I S S I T | P = Permission for HCP to discuss sexuality issues LI = Limited Information SS = Specific Suggestions IT = Intensive Therapy |
ASSESSMENT OF SEXUALITY INVOLVES | -physical variables -social variables -psychological variables -cultural variables |
IN US 50 YR. & OLDER ARE ONE OF THE FASTEST GROWING POPULATIONS FOR HIV & AIDS | HIV - human immunodeficiency virus AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome HPV - human papilloma virus |
NURSING PROCESS ASSESSMENT | -actual/potential stressors -subjective/objective data -family input -initiate health promotion of activities by self |
NURSING DIAGNOSIS | -disturbed body image -caregiver role strain |
NURSING GOALS | -emphasize strengths, not weaknesses -participate in care -adapt to changed body -discuss feelings |
NURSING INTERVENTIONS | -encourage self care -provide time to listen -teach problem solving techniques -provide positive feedback |
NURSING EVALUATION | -grooming -posture, non-verbals -social interactions -patient role? (father, mother, sister, etc.) |
ugh | I don't want to study |