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Preop Care

Medical-Surgical Nursing

What are the reasons surgery is performed? Diagnosis, cure, palliation, prevention, cosmetic improvement, and exploration.
How long does the procedure usually last in ambulatory surgery? Less than 2 hours
What does -ectomy mean? Excision or removal of (appendectomy)
What does -lysis mean? Destruction of (electrolysis)
What does -orrhaphy mean? Repair or suture of (herniorrhaphy)
What does -oscopy mean? Looking into (endoscopy)
What does -ostomy mean? Creation of opening into (colostomy)
What does -otomy mean? Cutting into or incision of (tracheotomy)
What does -plasty mean? Repair or reconstruction of (mammoplasty)
True or False: Anesthetic agents directly affect blood pressure? True
True or False: A surgeon can refuse to perform elective surgery if a patient smokes. True
When should you check documented information? Before the preop interview
What is the purpose of the patient interview? To obtain health information, including drug and food allergies.
Should you know a patient's reactions to allergens? Yes
How often is a diabetic patient's blood sugar checked while in surgery? Every 30-60 minutes
Who MUST obtain informed consent? The surgeon
Can a nurse witness an informed consent? Yes
Who needs to mark the surgical site? The patient, including his initials
What are influencing factors in the psychosocial preop assessment? Age, past experiences, current health, and socioeconomic status
What is a nonpharmacologic effort to relieve nausea? Smelling an alcohol pad.
What is an important preop teaching regarding pain? Encourage the patient to tell you when the pain starts
What is the strongest positive coping mechanism? Hope
What is the drug used to treat malignant hyperthermia? Dantrium
In which preop patients should you ensure a pregnancy test is obtained? Any woman who is of childbearing age and that menstruates.
What are risk factors for a latex allergy? Long-term exposure to latex; history of hay fever; allergies to certain foods (i.e., eggs, avocados, bananas, chestnuts, potatoes, and peaches; asthma
When does a blood clot start to form? As soon as the patient lays on the table
What is often obtained before surgery to assess the cardiovascular system? A 12-lead EKG
What are methods of VTE prophylaxis? TED hose, SCDs
How can you teach the patient to prevent VTE? To move his legs during recovery and early ambulation, if possible
How long before surgery should a smoker be encouraged to stop smoking? At least 6 weeks
What are methods to be taken in the OR for patients with history of or risk factors for pressure ulcers? Extra padding during procedure
What are measures need to be taken if the patient is in stirrups for surgery? The legs need to come up together and down together.
True or False: Diabetes does not affect every body system. False
What are problems facing immunosuppressed patients after surgery? Delayed wound healing and increased risk for infection
How can dehydration be prevented in NPO patients? IV fluids
What are problems facing obese patients after surgery? Increased risk of dehiscence, infection, delayed wound healing, slower recovery form anesthesia, incisional hernia, and increased stress to cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
True or False: The Joint Commission requires a health history and physical exam before surgery? True
What should be included in preop teaching right before surgery? Address need of highest priority, focusing on safety
True or False: You do not need to document preop teaching. False
What should be documented about preop teaching? Method of teaching and how the patient understood (e.g., demonstrate or verbalize)
Should you remove a patient's nail polish in preop? Yes, to be able to measure with a pulse oximeter correctly
Should you document if valuables are given to a family member? Yes
What should be returned to the patient ASAP after surgery? Glasses
Created by: shrewsburysd
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