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Native American Vocab

According to the land bridge theory, from which continent did early people cross into North America? Asia
Migration movement of people
Reason early people began to live in settled villages. agriculture
early civilization in Americas that developed a counting system including zero Mayan
largest Iroquois in Eastern Woodlands Mohawk
grouping Eastern Woodland into Iroquois or Algonquian language
Major purpose of Iroquois League resolve conflicts
most important natural resource for Plains Indians buffalo
natural resource most important to Eastern Woodland Indians Wood
Pueblos were made from adobe bricks
tepees were made from animal skin
longhouses were made from trees
igloos were made from ice
Important resources for Northwest Indians Salmon, whales
barter exchange goods
hogan shelters built by covering a wooden frame
adobe houses made from sun-dried bricks made of clay and straw
surplus extra amounts
travois carrier made of 2 poles ties together and fastened to a harness
ceremony celebration to honor a cultural or religious event
tepee cone-shaped tent
lodge large round earthen houses
wigwam round, bark-covered shelters
longhouse long wooden buildings that could hold up to 50 people
tradition a way of life or an idea that has been handed down from the past
civilization group of people with ways of life, religion, and learning
artifact objects made by people
migration movement of people
theory an idea based on study and research
ancestor early family member
Created by: mleepeak
Popular U.S. History sets




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