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medical terminology

cent- hundred
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
cephal- head
cerebro- brain
cerv- neck
cheil- lip
chem- drug
chir- hand
chlor- green
chol- bile
chond- cartiliage
chrom- color
-cide causing death
circum- around
-cise cut
-clysis washing, irrigation
co- with
-coccus round
-coele chamber
col- colon, bowel
colp- vagina
contra- against
cost- rib
crani- skull
-crine secrete
cryo- cold
crypt- hidden
cut- skin
cyan- blue
cyst- bladder
cyt- cell
dacry- tear duct
dactyl- finger, toe
dec- ten
demi- half
dent- tooth
derm- pertaining to skin
-desis surgical union or fixation
dextr- to the right
di- double, twice
dia- through, between
dis- separation, away from
dors- to the back
duodenum- duodenum
dyni- pain
dys- difficult
e- without
-eal pertaining to
ec- outside, external
-ecstasis expanision, dilation
-ectomy surgical removal of
electr- electrical
-emesis vomit
-emia blood
encephal- brain
endo- within, innermost
enter- intestine
epi- upon, over
erythro- red
-esis condition of
-esthesia sensation, perception, feel
eu- well, easy, normal
ex- outside of, beyond
faci- face
-fascia fibrous band
-ferous producing
fibr- fiber
fore- in front of
-form shape
galacto- milk
gast- stomach
genesis development
-genetic origin, produsing
genito- organs of reproduction
-genous kind, type
geront- old age
gingiv- gums
gloss tongue
gluc- sweetness, sugar
gly- sugar
-gram tracing, picture
-graph diagram
Created by: Kiara_Johnson
Popular Nursing sets




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