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Government 8th

For all your Government needs

Legislative Branch main job Another Name Congress; Makes the Laws; Only branch that can declare War
Legislative Branch place of meeting Work in the U.S. Capital building
House of Representatives & Senate Two houses of Congress (Legislative Branch)
Number of U.S Representatives 435 Members (# of each state determined by population of state)
U.S Representative Term Length 2 year term
U.S Representative Amount of Terms Unlimited
Our U.S Representative Jackie Walorski
Leader of the House Speaker of the House (Paul Ryan)
Number of Senate Members 100 (2 from each state)
Senator Term Length 6 year term
Senator Amount of Terms Unlimited
Indiana Senate Members Todd Young and Joe Donnelly
Leader of the Senate Vice President
Senate approves all presidential appointments
Judaical Branch main job Interpret the law
Also known as the Supreme Court
How one becomes a Justice Justices appointed by the President approved by the Senate
Number of Justices in Supreme Court 9 Justices in the Supreme Court; Term is for Life
Executive Branch main job Carry out Laws
Leader of the Executive Branch (U.S) Head of branch for the US is the President (Commander and Chief)
Executive Branch place of meeting White House
Number of years a President serves 4 year term
Number of terms a President can serve 2 terms for a total of 8 years
Jobs of President appoints justices; can veto laws
Leader of the Branch (State) Governor (Indiana's is Eric Holcomb)
Impeachment Process House of Representatives starts the impeachment process by bringing charges against the official. Senate acts as the court during impeachment. Chief Justice presides over the impeachment process
Great Compromise Agreement between big and small states with a Senate with equal members and a House of Representatives determined by population.
Virginia Plan A plan that called for 3 branches of government with each state's representation based on population.
New Jersey Plan A plan that each state would have one vote no matter the size of the state.
Three-Fifths Compromise Agreement between north and south states that would count a percentage of the slave population in deciding representation. Would count 3 out of every 5 slaves.
Constitutional Convention A meeting in Philadelphia in 1787 called to revise the Articles of Confederation .
Articles of Confederation First U.S. plan of government or constitution. Made the state governments more powerful than the federal government.
Bill of Rights First 10 Amendments
Federalism Sharing of power between federal and state governments.
Cabinet The President’s Advisers
Ratify To Approve
Amend To change
Republic A government in which citizens rule through elected officials
Monarchy Royalty
Communism classless/stateless
Democracy elected officials
Dictatorship one leader
Democrat larger tax gap between classes; equal opportunities for all; protecting the environment; abortion and let the woman have a chose; LIBERAL
Republican Less government intervention; lower taxes; smaller federal governments; constitutional; don’t allow abortion; CONSERVATIVE
Constitution –Document written over 200 years ago; Final authority in the U.S; When it was ratified made the U.S. a republic; gave the Federal Government more power than the Articles of Confederation
Amendment 1 Freedom of speech, religion, the press, assembly, and petition.
Amendment 2 Right to Bear Arms
Amendment 4 Protection from unreasonable Search & Seizures (aka police/authorities need a search warrant before searching your home/vehicle)
Amendment 5 Protection of Rights to Life, Liberty, and Property (aka "I plead the 5th" which means someone cannot be convicted for the same crime twice)
Amendment 9 that there are other rights that may exist aside from the ones explicitly mentioned, and even though they are not listed, it does not mean they can be violated.
Amendment 10 says that any power that is not given to the federal government is given to the people or the states.
State Governments responsible to establish public schools, collect property tax, issue drivers license
Federal Governments has the power to establish an army, print and coin money, declare war, maintain relationships with foreign countries.
State and Federal Government both have the power to collect taxes
Political Parties argue over how much power federal government should have. They also argued over state rights.
Electoral College Total Votes 538
Electoral College Votes to Win 270
5 duties of a U.S citizen obey the laws, must pay taxes, serve on a jury, serve in military (defend the nation), have to go to school
5 responsibilities of a U.S citizen be informed, to vote, participate in government, respect the rights of others, respect diversity
How a Bill becomes a law Creation of the bill; Committee action ; Floor action; Confederate committee Vote; President Action ; Creation of the law 2/3 of both houses can override the presidents veto if he decline the law
Checks and Balances definition Each branch is assigned different powers to control the government. Put in place to prevent chaos, and so no one branch has too much power over the others.
Executive Branch over Congress Veto laws
Executive Branch over Judicial Power to appoint judges; Pardon power
Congress over Executive Branch Impeachment power; can override veto with 2/3 vote
Congress over Judicial Approved federal judges
Judicial over Congress Can declare laws unconstitutional
Judicial over Executive Can declare presidential acts are unconstitutional
Created by: pruth
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