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Health promotion for infant, child, and adolescent/W. Calley

Anticipatory Guidance psychologic preparation, based on developmental stage, of a person for an event expected to be stressful, as in preparing a child for surgery by explaining what will happen and what it will feel like; also used to prepare parents for normal gorwth and dev
Nursing Bottle Carries tooth decay that is the result of prolonged nursing after the infant has been put to bed, when the milk, juice, or other fluid is allowed to bathe the teeth, thus providing sugar to oral bacteria for growth.
Botulism an often fatal for of food poisoning caused by an endotoxin produced by the bacillus clostridium botulinum. can be the result of Honey ingestion.
Mortality the condition of being subject to death
Birth defects (congenital anomalies) any abnormality present at birth, particularly a structural one, that may be inherited genetically, aquired during gestation or inflicted during birth are diagnosed in the unborn period.
Childeren with special needs includes infants and children with congenital abnormalities, malignancies, GI diseases, and CNS anomalies
Family-Centered care is a philosophy of care that recognizes the family as the constant in the childs life and holds the systems and personel must support, respect, encourage, and enhance the strengths and competence of the family
Cogintive impairment the perferred term for mental retardation
En face position position in which the adults face and the infants face are approximately 8 inches apart and on the same plane, as when the mother holds the infant up in front of her face or when she nurses the infant.
Primary (deciduous) teeth baby teeth; the set of 20 teeth that normally appear during infancy.
Weaning gradually eliminating breastfeeding or bottle feeding and instituting cup and table feedings
Body surface area total area exposed to the outside enviornment
Anterior fontanelle a space roughly diamond shaped, covered by tough membranes between the bones of an infants cranium, the posterior fontanelle is triangular in shape.
Vastus lateralis muscle the largest of the four muscles of the quadriceps femoris, situated on hte lateral side of the thigh
Morbidity an illness or an abnormal condition or quality.
What are the benefity of regular physical activity? it is essential for healthy growth and development, it also lowers death rates in adults and reduces risk for heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and colon cancer. in children is strengthens bones and muscles, decreases body fat, ^self esteem.
Physical activity (health indicators adapted from healthy people 2010) increase the percentage of adolescents who particimate in regular, vigorous exercise to 85%
Overweight and obesity reduce the percentage of children who are overweight or obese to 5%
Responsible sexual activity tincrease the percentage of adolescents who obstain from sexual activity or use condoms to 95%
Mental health reduce the percentage fo adolescents who attempt suicide to 2% and reduce the relapse rate for adolescents with eating disorders
Injury and violence reduce the death fate of children related ot MVA and homicides.
Enviornmental quality reduce exposure to ozone to 0% and reduce exposure to environmental tobacco smoke to 45%
immunizations increase the percentage of children who receive immunizations to 80%
Access to healthcare increase the percentage of coverage to 100%
what is the goal of healthy people 2010 for child obesity? (4) to reduce the 25-30% to 5%
What is the most preventable cause of death in the U.S?(5) Cigarette smoking.
What are some factors that result in increased risk for heart and lung disease?(6) environmental tobacco smoke, second and third hand smoke.
What are the social problems associated with substance abouse? (7) domestic violence, STD's, teen pregnancy, school failure, MVA's, incresed health care costs, decreased worker productivity, increased homelessness.
What are some guidelines reguarding safety restraints? (8) birth-20lbs; rear facing safety seat, toddlers 20-40lbs; front facing seats secured to rear seat, >40 lbs secured to boodter seat w/lap and shoulder belts
What immunizationos should the toddler receive? (9) 24 months: hepatitis A series, Yearly influenza, catch up on HepB, varicella, Pneumococcal if needed; 4-6 years: DTaP, inactivated poliovirus, Measles, mumps, rubella, yearly influenza, HepA series, catch up on varicella if needed.
What can you do to promote dental health? (10) begin cleaning oral cavity in infancy by using a washcloth, soft bristled brush when teeth come in, avoid toothpaste in this age, Initiate fluride supplement at 6mo, proper nutrition, avoid sugars, honey, molasses, corn syrup and dried fruits (rasins)
What are some causes of accidental poisoning? (11) pharmaceuticals (tylenol, cough and cold meds, iron, vitamins, and oral contraceptives), nonpharmaceuticals (cleaning products, lead, plants, insecticdes, and pesticides, mouthwash and cosmetics)
What are some prevention stratigies for accidental poisonings? never refer to meds as candy, store appropriatly, place cleanig supplies out of child reach, inspect for lead contaminaton(paint on widowsils, stair rails, door moldings and wall paint), toxic plants out of reach, purses out of reach, educate about drugs.
What is the leading cause of accidental death in children 1-4 years of age? (12) drownig is the leading cause of accidental death in children ages 1-4, Asphyxation by aspiration is the leading cause of accidental death in children under 1 year of age.
What is the second leading cause of accidental death in children 1-4 years of age? (13) Burns. burns are also the third in children ages 5-14.
What age group has the largest increase in drug use? (14) Adolescents 12-13 years old
Recognize the works of Dr. Abraham Jacobi. (15) "father of peds" established "milk stations" where infants were weighed and mothers were taught how to prepare milk before giving to their babies.
What are the personal characteristics and professional skills of the pediatric nurse? (16) nurse must enjoy children of all ages, provide family centered nursing, observation skills, communicate effictivly with a child,
What are some approaches to making hospitalization of children a positive experience for child and family? (17) family is the constant in a childs life, honoring racial, ethnic and cultural diversity of families, recognizing family strengths, enchorurage family to family support, ensure parents to stay with child.
What is the procedure for measuring head circumference? (18) is measured in children up ot 36mo, measured above the eyebrows and pinna of the ears around the occipital prominence at the back of the skull
What are some key elements in evaluating the physical status of a child? (19) Measurement of physical growth including height, weight, and head circumference; Vital signs, T,P,R,BP;
What are the normal vital signs for an infant? (20) T-98.6-99.6, P-120, R-30-35, BP-70/50
What are the normal vital signs for a 6 year old? T-98.3-98.6, P-100, R-21, BP-105/70
What are the normal vital signs for a 12 year old? T-97.8, P-88, R-20, BP-110/70
What is included in the physical assessment of a child? (21) growth measurements, vitals, skin, assessory structures, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, throat, lungs, chest, back, abdomen, extremities, renal function, anus, and genitalia.
What is the metabolism and relationship with nutrition in a child? (22) metabolism is highest in the newborn, the body uses energy provided by foods. because metabolism is so high in infants and childre, their ability to heal quickly is much higher than that of an adult.
What are the principals of pain management when medicating children? (23) opiods are effective pain medication for children because they do not cause respiratory depression.
What are some general strategies to consider when talking with children? (24) let them make the first move whenever possible, broad smiles and oter facial contortions appear threatening, avoid extended eye contact until child is comfortable, position self at childs eye level, allow them to sit on parents lap,dont understand words.
What are the preadmission programs for a child? (25) programs based on childs level of understanding, child is told about hospitalization and whats going on and will go on a few days before the admission. let them know parents can stay with them.
What are some age related concerns and needs of children who are hospitalized? (26) disruption of normal developmental process. Use a developmental approach that will result in childs strength and abilities.
What is most crucial in parent participation? (27) they are essential for care. they know their child better than anyone else and may play and important role in assesing childs responses. the best way to establish good working relationship is answere all their questions honestly.
What are some common pediatric procedures for hospitalized children? (28) Bathing, feeding (breast, bottle, solids, gavage, gastrostomy, TPN), safety reminder devices (elbow safety reminder devices), mummy safety reminder, clover hitch, jacket reminder, urine collection, veinpuncture, lumbar puncture, o2, suctoning, I&O, meds
Apply teh principles for safety reminder devices (SRD) when careing for a hospitalized child. (29) used only as a last resort, circulation and skin integrity must be monitored, remove every 2 hours so body can be excercised, if restraints are used remove one at at time only.
What is a mist tent? (31) is a plastic canopy used to improve a childs respiratory status by liquefying pulmonary secretions.compressed air or o2 runs through sterile water to for the therapeutic mist
what are the disadvantages to a mist tent? canopy must be opened for treatments and procedures which lowers the concentration of the mist.
What considerations are important when suctioning a tracheostomy or ET tube? (32) go in to tube 1/4 to 1/2 inch beyond tip of artificial airway, limit suctionin to no more than 5 seconds, allow 30 seconds between suctioning attempts (2-3)
Compare toxic effects of meds in children and adults (33) children are at greater risk of toxicity than adults.
What is the best site and needle size when administering IM injections to children? (34) 5/8-1 inch, 20-25 gauge, vastus lateralis
What information about lumbar punctures should parents know? (35) ELMA(a local anestetic cream) may be applied, should be applied at least 1 hour before, go into the subarachnoid space of lumbar spinal canal, observer for signs of difficulty. child is held securly, normal spinal fluid pressure 60-180 lower in infants
What are some methods to encourage a childs acceptance of oral medications? (36) place dropper alongside infants tongue, have child pinch nose, give ice pop to numb tongue
What are the three phases of separation anxiety? (37) protest, despair, detachment
immunizations of a newborn at 2, 4, and 6 mo of age(38) DTaP, HepB (sata)
calculating output of infant diapers (39) subtract dry diaper from wet diaper. 1g=1mL
How much fluid in an enema do you administer for an infant, 4 year old and 11 year old Infant-120-240 mL insert 1 inch, 4 year old-240-360 (360-480)mL insert 2-3 inches, 11 years old-480-720 mL insert 4 inches
What is the problem with nursing bottles while the infant is sleeping? nursing bottles can cause tooth decay as a result of prolong nursing, after the infant has been put to bed
What is a safe way to give your child a bottle while in bed to prevent tooth decay? give them a bottle with water in it instead of juice or milk
Vastus Lateralis Muscle longest of the four muscles of the quadracep, it is located on the lateral side of the thigh. most common site for IM injections.
Gavage feedings passing a feeding tube through the nose or mouth down the esophagus and into the stomach
Lumbar Puncture (continued) positioning the child at the edge of the examining table or bed on the side facing the nurse. adolescents avoid headache after lumbar puncture by lying flat for several hours, young children do not usually have headaches and may play quietly afterwards.
Created by: wcalley
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