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Chapter 33

Hearing, Speech, and Vision Problems

Hearing, vision, and speech allow for __________________, learning, and moving around. Communication
Hearing, vision, and speech are important for _____________ and security needs. Safety
Otitis media is an infection of the ____________ ear. Middle
When a person has otitis media, ____________ builds up in the ear. Fluid
Pain (earache) and _____________ loss can occur with otitis media. Hearing
What is a ringing, roaring, hissing, or buzzing sound in the ears or head? Tinnitus
Meniere's disease involves the ______________ ear. Middle
What is the medical term for dizziness associated with Meniere's disease? Vertigo
Symptoms of Meniere's disease include vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss, and pain or ______________ in the affected ear. Pressure
Vertigo causes whirling and spinning sensations and can cause severe ___________ and vomiting. Nausea
____________ is a major concern when a person is suffering from vertigo, it is important that the person lies down. Safety
When you need to move a person that suffers from vertigo ___________ movements are avoided, you must move the person slowly. Sudden
Person with vertigo should avoid ____________ or glaring lights. Bright
_____________ loss is not being able to hear that range of sounds associated with normal hearing. Hearing
What is the most severe form of hearing loss called? Deafness
Is hearing loss more common in men or women? Men
Common causes of hearing loss include ______________ to the outer, middle, or inner ear. Damage
Common causes of hearing loss include damage to the ______________ nerve. Auditory
Risk factors that can ____________ ear structures include aging. Damage
Risk factors that can damage ear structures include exposure to very ___________ sounds and noises. Loud
Risk factors that can damage ear structures include __________ such a antibiotics and too much aspirin. Medications
Risk factors that can damage ear structures include reduced ____________ _____________ to the ear caused by high blood pressure, heart and vascular diseases, and diabetes. Blood flow
The term cerumen means _____________. Earwax
_______________ hearing loss can occur from cerumen (earwax). Temporary
Clear speech, _______________ to others, safety, and awareness of surroundings require hearing. Responding
Obvious signs and symptoms of hearing loss include ______________ too loudly. Speaking
Obvious signs and symptoms of hearing loss include leaning _____________ to hear. Forward
Obvious signs and symptoms of hearing loss include turning and cupping the better ________ toward the speaker. Ear
Obvious signs and symptoms of hearing loss include answering questions or responding _________________. Inappropriately
Obvious signs and symptoms of hearing loss include asking for words to be ________________. Repeated
Obvious signs and symptoms of hearing loss include asking for others to speak louder to to speak more ___________ and clearly. Slowly
Obvious signs and symptoms of hearing loss include having trouble hearing over the ___________. Phone
Obvious signs and symptoms of hearing loss include finding it hard to follow ______________ when two or more people are talking. Conversations
Obvious signs and symptoms of hearing loss include turning up the TV, radio, or music volume so ____________ that others complain. Loud
Obvious signs and symptoms of hearing loss include thinking that others are ____________ or slurring words. Mumbling
Obvious signs and symptoms of hearing loss include having problems understanding _____________ and children because they speak with a higher pitch. Women
Persons with hearing loss may wear hearing _________ or lip-read. Aids
Person with hearing loss watch _____________ communication such as facial expression, gestures, and body language. Nonverbal
Some people have hearing assistance ___________ to alert them to sounds. Dogs
What are electronic devices that fit inside or behind the ear? Hearing aids
Hearing aids make sounds __________. Louder
Hearing aids do not ______________, restore, or cure hearing problems. Correct
Hearing aids are _____________-operated. Battery
If a hearing aid seems to not be working properly check to see if the hearing aid is _________. On
If a hearing aid seems to not be working properly check the battery ____________ or if new batteries are needed. Position
If a hearing aid seems to not be working properly ___________ the hearing aid by following the manufacturer instructions. Clean
Measures to promote hearing include reducing or eliminating ___________ noises. Background
Measures to promote hearing include gaining the person's _____________ by alerting them to your presence. Attention
Do not startle or approach a hearing impaired person from ____________. Behind
Measures to promote hearing include position yourself at the person's ____________. Level
Measures to promote hearing include ____________ the person when speaking. Facing
Measures to promote hearing include sitting or standing in good _____________ so the person can see your face clearly. Light
Measures to promote hearing include _____________ down important names and words. Writing
Measures to promote hearing include keeping conversations and discussions ______________ to avoid tiring the person. Short
Hearing aids are turned off when not in use and the ______________ are removed. Batteries
Hearing aids are _______________ so you need to handle them with care. Expensive
Speech disorders result in impaired of ineffective __________ communication. Oral
What term means difficult or poor speech? Dyarthria
What is the total or partial loss of the ability to use or understand language? Aphasia
Measures to communicate with the speech-impaired person include both persons ______________ down key words or messages. Writing
What type of aphasia relates to difficulty expressing or sending out thoughts? Also called motor aphasia or Broca's aphasia. Expressive
With expressive aphasia the person know what to say but has difficulty or _____________ speak the words. Cannot
A person with expressive aphasia may have problem speaking, spelling, ____________, gesturing, or writing. Counting
The goal of speech rehabilitation is to _____________ the person's ability to communicate. Improve
During speech rehabilitation the health team helps the person improve affected ________________ skills. Language
During speech rehabilitation the health team helps the person use remaining ________________. Abilities
During speech rehabilitation the health team helps the person _____________ language abilities to the extent possible. Restore
During speech rehabilitation the health team helps the person learn other ______________ of communicating. Methods
During speech rehabilitation the health team helps the person ____________ the muscles of speech. Strengthen
Vision loss occurs at _________ ages. All
What is the absence of sight? Blindness
Vision loss is __________ or gradual. Sudden
Vision loss can affect one eye or __________ eyes. Both
What causes damage to the optic nerve? Glaucoma
Glaucoma can ______ in one or both eyes. Develop
When a person has glaucoma, the ___________________ vision (side vision) is lost. Peripheral
When a person has glaucoma they see through a _______________, have blurred vision, and see halos around lights. Tunnel
What is the leading cause of vision loss in the United States? Glaucoma
Everyone over _________ years of age is a risk for glaucoma. Sixty
Is there a cure for glaucoma? No
What is a clouding of the lens of the eye? Cataract
What is the treatment for cataract? Surgery
Surgery for cataract involves ___________ the lens and implanting a plastic lens. Removing
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) blurs __________ vision. Central
Central vision is what you see ______________ - ahead. Straight
AMD causes a ___________ spot in the center of vision. Blind
AMD can occur during ___________ age but the risk increase with aging. Middle
Smoking, obesity, and ______________ history are risk factors for AMD. Family
____________ people are at greater risk for AMD than any other race. White
Who is at a greater risk for AMD - men or women? Women
Persons with __________-colored eyes are at a risk for AMD. Light
Exposure to ___________ increases the risk for AMD. Sunlight
______________ disease such as high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and stroke increase one's risk for AMD. Cardiovascular
Eating a healthy diet high in green leafy vegetables and ________ can help reduce the risk of AMD. Fish
Quitting _____________ can help reduce the risk of AMD. Smoking
Maintaining a ____________ blood pressure can help reduce the risk of AMD. Normal
Managing ________________ diseases can help reduce the risk of AMD. Cardiovascular
Maintaining a normal _____________ can help reduce the risk of AMD. Weight
Wearing _______________ can help reduce the risk of AMD. Sunglasses
Having regular __________ exams can help reduce the risk of AMD. Eye
In diabetic ___________, the tiny blood vessels in the retina are damaged. Retinopathy
Everyone with ______________ is a risk for diabetic retinopathy. Diabetes
__________ vision is eyesight that cannot be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, medications, or surgery. Low
Persons at risk for _______ ________ have eye diseases, glaucoma, cataracts, AMD, diabetes, eye injuries, or birth defects. Low vision
Birth defects, accidents, and eye diseases are among the causes of impaired vision and ____________. Blindness
Some people can sense some __________ but have no usable vision. Light
A legally blind person sees at ________ feet what a person with normal vision sees at 200 feet. 20
When caring for blind and visually impaired persons you should keep furniture, equipment, and electrical cords out of areas where the person will ____________. Walk
When caring for blind and visually impaired persons you should keep doors either fully ____________ or closed. Open
When caring for blind and visually impaired persons you should provide _____________ as the person prefers. Lighting
When caring for blind and visually impaired persons you should provide a consistent _____________ time setting. Meal
When caring for blind and visually impaired persons you should keep place setting consistent, knife and spoons go to the ___________ of the plate. Right
When caring for blind and visually impaired persons you should keep place settings consistent, forks and napkins go to the ___________ of the plate. Left
When caring for blind and visually impaired persons you should explain the location of the food and beverages using the face of a ___________. Clock
When caring for blind and visually impaired persons you should keep the _______ __________ and TV, light, and other controls within the person's reach. Call light
When caring for blind and visually impaired persons you should not ____________ furniture and equipment. Rearrange
When caring for blind and visually impaired persons you should offer your _________ when the person is walking. Arm
When caring for blind and visually impaired persons you should have the person hold your arm just above the ____________ when walking. Elbow
When caring for blind and visually impaired persons you should walk at a normal pace, one step ___________ of the person. Ahead
When caring for blind and visually impaired persons you should never push, pull, or guide the person in ___________ of you. Front
When caring for blind and visually impaired persons you should ____________ when changing direction, stepping up, and stepping down. Pause
When caring for blind and visually impaired persons you should tell the person about _________, elevators, escalators, doors, turns, furniture, and other obstructions Stairs
When caring for blind and visually impaired persons you should have the person hold on to a railing, the wall, or other strong surface if you need to ______________ his or her side. Leave
When caring for blind and visually impaired persons you should _____________ the person when speaking and speak slowly and clearly. Face
What is a touch reading and writing system that uses raised dots for each letter of the alphabet? Braille
Blind a visually impaired persons may walk with a cane that has a ________ tip or with the use of a guide dog. Red
When a person wears eyeglasses they need to be cleaned ___________ and as needed. Daily
Contacts are cleaned, __________, and stored according to manufacturers instructions. Removed
When a person wears contacts you need to report and record eye redness or _______________. Irritation
When a person wears contacts you need to report and record any eye ____________. Drainage
When a person wears contacts you need to report and record complaints of eye pain, ______________ or fuzzy vision, or uncomfortable lenses. Blurred
Sometimes due to injury or disease a person's eyeball must be ____________. Removed
If the eyeball is removed the person is fitted for an ocular __________. Prosthesis
Some ocular prosthesis are permanent implants and others can be ______________. Removed
If an ocular prosthesis is removed and not immediately reinserted you should wash it with mild __________ and warm water. Soap
If an ocular prosthesis is removed and not immediately reinserted you should line a container with a soft cloth and fill it with sterile water or ____________ solution. Saline
If an ocular prosthesis is removed and not immediately reinserted you should label the container with the person's name, ___________ and bed number. Room
If an ocular prosthesis is removed and not immediately reinserted you should place the labeled container in the _________ __________ of the bedside stand. Top drawer
Created by: na3
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