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Ethics - Unit 11
Love for God
Term | Definition |
covenant | The strongest possible pledge and agreement between two parties |
voluntary doubt | The decision to ignore or a refusal to believe what God has revealed or what the Church teaches |
incredulity | A mental disposition that either neglects revealed truth or willfully refuses to assent to it |
heresy | Outright denial by a baptized person of some essential truth about God and faith that we must believe |
apostasy | The total rejection of Jesus Christ (and the Christian faith) by a baptized Christian |
schism | Refusal to submit to the pope's authority or remain in union with members of the Catholic Church |
idolatry | The worship of false gods |
divination | Attempts to unveil what God wants hidden by calling up demonic powers; consulting horoscopes, the stars, or mediums; palm reading, etc. |
sacrilege | Profane or unworthy treatment of the sacraments; other liturgical actions; and persons, places, and things consecrated to God |
simony | The buying or selling of spiritual goods |
humanism | A belief that deifies humanity and human potential to the exclusion of any belief in or reliance on God |
materialism | A belief that the physical, material world is the only reality, and that spiritual existence, values, and faith are illusions |
blasphemy | Hateful, defiant, reproachful thoughts, words, or acts against God, Jesus, his Church, the saints, or holy things |