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Fluids imbalances

different fluid imbalances and their causes, basic term definitions

osmosis passive movement of fluid from low to high conc
diffusion passive movement from hight to low conc
active transport uses atp to move from low to high conc
hydrostatic pressure pushing pressure against wall
colloid oncotic pressure pulling force for water/fluids
isotonic equally concentrated with other solution
hypotonic less conc than other solutions
hypertonic more conc than other solutions
isotonic fluid loss: -loss of fluids and solutes-serum osmolarity unchanged-primarily ECF-can quickly lead to shock
causes of isotonic fluid loss: hemorrhage, GI, fever, burns, diuretics, 3rd space fluid shifts
hypertonic dehydration: -more water than solute/gain of solute in excess water-serum osmolarity elevated-hypertonic ECF-pulls fluid from cells/dehydration
causes of hypertonic dehydration: inadequate fluid intake, severe/prolonged isotonic fluid loses, watery diarrhea, diabetes, increased solute, ECF and ICF losses
third spacing: ECF fluid usually not present in these spaces in large amoungs
common locations for third spacing: tissue spaces, abdomen, pleural spaces, pericardial spaces
causes of third spacing: injury, inflammation, malnutrition, liver dysfunction, high vascular hydrostatic pressure
isotonic fluid excess: -fluid and solute NA equal-no change in serum osmolarity-excess vascular fluid/interstitial volume
causes of isotonic fluid excess: renal failure, heart failure, increased fluid intake, increased corticosteroid and aldosterone
hypotonic fluid excess: -more fluid than solute gain-serum osmmolarity lowers
causes of hypotonic fluid excess: plain water enemas, ng tube, bladder irrigations, overuse of hypotonic IV fluid, overzealous plain water intake, syndrome of inappropriate ADH secreation
edema: palpable swelling produced by expansion of interstitial fluid volume
causes of edema: increased cap hydrostatic pressure, decreased cap oncotic pressure, lymphatic obstruction, sodium excess
Created by: littlemissnurse
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