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Ethan.Unit #14
"You Be the Teacher-Nuclear Chemistry"
Term | Definition |
Radioisotopes | Reactions in which the nuclei of unstable isotopes gain stability by undergoing changes. |
radioactivity | The emission of ionizing radiation or particles caused by the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei. |
radiation | The penetrating rays and particles emitted by a radioactive source. |
radioactive decay | The process of a nucleus losing energy by emitting radiation. |
alpha radiation | A type of radiation consisting of helium nuclei that have been emitted from a radioactive source. |
alpha particles | The emitted particles that are part of alpha radiation. |
beta radiation | radiation consisting of fast-moving electrons formed by the decomposition of a neutron in an atom. |
beta particles | Fast moving electrons released by a nucleus. They are negatively charged. |
Gamma radiation | High energy electromagnetic radiation given off by a radioisotope. |
band of stability | A region where the stable nuclei on a neutron-versus proton plot are located. |
positron | A particle with the mass of an electron but a positive charge. |
half-life | The time required for one-half of the nuclei of a radioisotope sample to decay to products. |
transmutation | The conversion of an atom of one element to an atom of another element. |
transuranium elements | The elements in the periodic table with atomic numbers above 92. |
fission | When the nuclei of certain isotopes are bombarded with neutrons. |
Ionizing radiation | Radiation with enough energy to knock electrons off some atoms of the bombarded substance to produce ions. |
Fusion | When nuclei combine to produce a nucleus of greater mass. |
Neutron moderation | A process that reduces the speed of neutrons so they can be captured by the reactor fuel. |
Neutron absorption | A process that decreases the number of slow moving neutrons. |
Geiger counter | A device that uses a gas-filled metal tube to detect radiation. |