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KSS SM VocabTest 1
SM VocabTest 1
Question | Answer |
Adeno - | glands |
Arthro - | joints |
Chondro - | cartilage |
Costo - | rib |
Cryo - | cold |
Derma - | skin |
Dys - | disordered, bad |
Endo- | inside |
Hemo - | blood |
Hydro - | water |
Hyper - | above, beyond, or excessive |
Hypo - | lack of or deficiency; also a position below, under or beneath |
Infra - | below |
Myo - | muscle |
Neuro - | nerves |
Osteo - | bone |
Phlebo - | veins |
Pyo - | pus |
Post - | after |
Pre - | before |
Supra – | above |
-algia | pain |
-ectomy | removed |
-itis | inflammation (tenosynovitis) |
-ology | science (pathology) |
-lysis | loosening from adhesions (neurolysis) |
-osis | abnormal condition (tuberculosis) |
-phobia | fear (claustrophobia) |
-ptosis | falling or sagging (visceroptosis) |
-rrhea | discharging (diarrhea) |
-stomy | forming artificial opening (colostomy) |
-tomy | cutting open of an organ or cavity (tracheotomy) |
- uria | excreted in urine (albuminuria) |
ABDOMEN | Portion of the trunk located between the chest and the pelvisABDUCTION |
ABRASION | Superficial wound of the skin resulting from friction or scraping the skin against a hard surface |
ACHILLES TENDON | The common tendon of gastrocnemius and soleus (calf muscles) which inserts into the posterior of the calcaneus (heel bone) |
ACTION | The muscle movement |
ACUTE | Sharp, abrupt, sudden, such as acute pain, or a course of injury that is relatively severe and short |
ADDUCTION | Movement of a part toward the midline of the body; Opposite of abduction |
AEROBIC | Work or exercise requiring oxygen |
AMNESIA | Lack or loss of memory usually due to head injury, shock, fatigue, or illness |
ANEROBIC | Work or exercise not requiring oxygen |
ANATOMY | The study of structure of form |
ANALGESIC | An agent for producing insensibility to pain |
ANESTHETIC | An agent capable of producing partial or entire loss feeling or sensation |
ANOMALY | Deviation from the common rule; irregularity |
ANTERIOR | Situated in front of; refers to the front of the body or body part |
ANTI-BIOTIC | A drug used to inhibit or kill microorganisms |
ANTI-SEPTIC | An agent, which prevents the growth of bacteria |
APATHY | Lack of emotion or interest; indifference |
APPENDICULAR | The extremities |
ARTHRITIS | Inflammation in a joint |
ARTHROLOGY | The study of joint articulations |
ARTHROSCOPY | Viewing the inside of a joint through an arthroscope using a small video camera lens |
ARTICULATION | The site at which bones meet to form a joint |
ATHLETE’S FOOT | A superficial infection of the toes and feet caused by one of several fungi |
ATROPHY | A decrease in muscle or tissue size usually caused by disease, injury, or loss of innervation |
AVASULAR | Lack of blood circulation |
AVULSION | A tearing or pulling away of a part of a structure |
AXIAL | The body trunk |
BASKETWEAVE | A method of taping for protection usually applied to ankles |
BICEP | A muscle having two heads; Usually refers to the large flexor muscle of the front of the upper arm |
BILATERAL | On the other side (R or L) |
BRADYCARDIA | Slow heart rate |
BRUISE | The result of a blow (contusion) that injures the tissue under the skin and causes visible black and blue marks (ecchymosis) |
BURSA | A small closed sac, lined by specialized connective tissue, which contains a lubricating fluid; Bursa is usually located over bony prominences where muscles or tendons move over the bone end |
BURSITIS | Inflammation of the bursaCALCANEUS |
CALCIFICATION | Hardening by the deposition of salts of lime in the muscle tissue |
CALLUS | A thickening of or a hardthickened area on the skin |
CARTILAGE | A translucent, grizzle-like padding that lies or between most of the joints in the skeleton |
CERVICAL | Pertaining to the neck, especially the 7 vertebrae in the neck |
CHRONIC | Marked by long duration; continued; not acute; In athletics it usually refers to a recurrent injury, or one that has not responded to treatment |
CIRCUMDUCTION | Rotation in a full circleCLAVICLE |
CONCUSSION | The state of being shaken; a severe shaking or jarring of a part, as by an explosion, or a violent blow; shock |
CONTRACTURE | shortening or distorting of tissue; May be permanent due to scaring, or spasmodic and temporary |
CONTRAINDICATE | to advice against (aparticular treatment) |
CONTRALATERAL | On the opposite side |
CONTRAST BATH | Alternation of hot and cold water therapy for an injury |
CONTUSION | An injury to the skin or flesh without laceration; a bruise to bone or muscle from an outside force causing tissue damage and internal bleeding (hematoma) |
CONVULSION | A violent and involuntary contraction or series of contractions of the muscles; a spasm of seizure with or without unconsciousness, which may or may not be associated with various sensory or motor components described underepilepsy |
CREPITUS | A series of cracking sounds such as when ends of a broken bone rub together |
CRYOKINETICS | Treatment by use of cold with exercise movements |
CRYOTHERAPY | Treatment by use of cold |
CYANOSIS | A condition in which the skin becomes blue because of deficient aeration of theblood |
DELTOID | A large triangular muscle that covers the shoulder joint and serves to raise thearm laterally |
DILATION | A state of being enlarged |