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Praxis II ESOL
Praxis II: ESOL (5361)
Term | Definition |
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis | human's thoughts and actions are determined by the languages a person speaks |
Monochronic Culture | time is linear, value punctuality, schedules are important |
Polychronic Culture | time is linear, flexibility is valued over punctuality, schedules are less important |
Acculturation | borrowing of cultural traits, individuals will incorporate traits of new culture into their own |
4 Phases of Acculturation | 1. Honeymoon 2. Hostility 3. Humor 4. Home |
Cultural Assimilation | individual is absorbed into a new culture and takes on new set of social values and norms |
14th Amendment | prohibits racial, ethnic, and linguistic discrimination (extends to education, media, and legal dealings) |
Meyer v. Nebraska | prohibits discrimination of foreign languages (German after WW1) |
Civil Rights Act | prohibits discrimination on public places- integration of schools |
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) | provided funding for primary and secondary education, focused on closing achievement gaps, NCLB and ESSA are reauthorizations of this |
Bilingual Education Act | provided federal money for EL programs for students whose L1 is Spanish, it was difficult for districts to meet expectations because of small pool of teachers capable of bilingual instruction |
Keyes v. School District #1 in Denver | desegregated Latino schools in Denver |
Lau v. Nichols | Chinese-speaking students in CA sued for access to bilingual and EL instruction for non-English speaking students, mandated right to bilingual education, must provide students with the skills to understand instruction |
Equal Educational Opportunities Act | can't segregate ELLs, must take action to remove language barriers for non-English speaking students |
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) | ELLs must be placed in an ESL program that: -helps ELLs meet state content and achievement standards -use students' L1s and L2s Manifested as high-stakes testing for ALL students |
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) | replaced NCLB, deemphasized high-stakes testing and focused on individual student growth |
Home Language Survey | 1st step in identifying if a student qualifies for ESL services |
AMAOs | Annual Measureable Achievement Objectives: individual states were required to have these English Language Proficiency standards and assessments, leads to WIDA |
WIDA | Consortium of states whose goal was to create a set of standards and assessments to meet the AMAO requirements |
AMAOs Will: (3 things) | -increase percentage of ELLs making progress toward ELP -increase percentage of ELLs achieving ELP -ELLs make AYP toward content knowledge |
Migrant Education Program | every state has one, supports migrant students' academic success |
6 Stages of Second Language Acquisition | 1. Silent Period 2. Preproduction 3. Early Production 4. Speech Emergence 5. Intermediate Fluency 6. Advanced Fluency |
Silent Period | recent arrivals/newcomers, won't speak English during this period |
Preproduction | students will understand more than they can communicate, simple/basic utterances, need visuals, manipulatives, and gestures |
Early Production | students may speak few words (yes/no) and phrases, greater listening comprehension, need more language supports (scaffolding) |
Speech Emergence | speak in short sentences with common errors, deeper comprehension, eager to practice, learn rapidly, need realistic scenarios |
Intermediate Fluency | have word attack and comprehension strategies, richer sentences spoken |
Advanced Fluency | speech is comparable to native speakers |
Bilingual Programs | instruction in L1 with English being supplemental |
One Way Dual | all students have same L1 and taught 50/50 in L1 and English |
Two Way Dual | half of students have same L1 and half have another L1, taught in both languages |
Basic Inventory of Natural Language | measures oral language proficiency |
Bilingual Syntax Measure | measures oral language proficiency in either English or Spanish |
Language Assessment Scales | measures all 4 domains |
Idea Proficiency Test | measures reading, writing, speaking |
Woodcock-Munoz Language Survey | measures vocabulary, analogies, and letter-word identification |
ACCESS | what WIDA created |
LAD | Language Acquisition Device- inherent part of brain that assists with learning languages |
Cummins | developed idea of BICS and CALP |
Threshold Hypothesis | must reach a certain level of proficiency in L1 CALP before academic achievement in L2 can occur |
Krashen's 5 Hypotheses | Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis Natural Order Hypothesis Monitor Hypothesis Input Hypothesis Affective Filter Hypothesis |
Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis | some language knowledge is acquired (subconscious) while other knowledge is learned (grammar) |
Natural Order Hypothesis | there is a predictable order in which grammatical rules will be acquired |
Monitor Hypothesis | we monitor and correct our own speech once we learn some grammatical rules, refers to the ways language learning affects acquisition |
Input Hypothesis | students need to be given comprehensible input, that is input that is just above their independent level (teach at instructional level/ZPD) |
Affective Filter | emotional factors that mentally block learning |
Silent Way | teachers are as silent as possible, rely heavily on manipulatives (cuisenaire rods) |
Communicative Approach | successful language acquisition comes from the need to communicate real meaning |
Communicative Language Teaching | students use authentic texts and realistic scenarios to practice skills they would use outside the classroom |
Direct/Natural Method | L2 should be acquired in same was as L1- exposure and immersion, will passively learn the rules of grammar |
SIOP | Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol |
Discrete Language Skills | grammar, phonics, syntax- taught through direct instruction |
å | ex: atop, around |
ae | ex: cAt, pAn |
ESL Models vs. Bilingual Models | ESL are English-only while developing L1, Bilingual models introduce skills in L1 and eventually transfer to English |
Swain's Comprehensible Output | we learn when we encounter a mistake or gap in our understanding |
One Teacher Approach | Self-contained model, one teacher in a sheltered classroom, no mainstream teacher |
Additive Language Program | uses students native culture as a scaffold to teach about new culture, celebrates bicultural identity |
Plyer v. Doe | established undocumented immigrant children the right to a free education, can't look into status |
Language Experience Approach | AKA Dictated Stories, ELL dictates narrative to volunteer, volunteer transcribes, reads narrative back to ELL, ELL reads independently |
Reading Proficiency Tests in English (RPTE) | given to LEP students grades 3rd-12th |
What is the criticism of oral language assessments? | They don't accurately reflect students' academic proficiency |
Dialogue or Interactive Journals | teachers and students write back and forth to each other, teachers model correct usages |
Communicative Competence Refers to | grammar, sociolinguistics, discourse, and communication strategies |
Content-Based ESL Curriculum | encourages ESL instruction to focus on content instead of rules of language so ELLs are learning both content and language simultaneously, goal is to prepare students for mainstreaming |
Castaneda v. Pickard | ensured the Equal Educational Opportunity Act was enforced by creating 3 criteria: -program must be based on research -enough quality personnel and resources -must work to overcome language barriers |
Traditional Methods of Teaching English (1960s) | Immersion (students were placed in mainstream classroom and it was sink or swim), drills |
Canale & Swain | Communicative competence |
Pragmatics | how linguistic understanding depends on external context, rules + context = meaning |
Common Underlying Proficiency | Cummins, success in one language relates to success in another, opposite of Separate Underlying Proficiency (there is no relationship between L1 and L2) |
Top Down Language Learning | start with conversational skills and that will evolve into discrete language skill knowledge |
Predicate Adjective | adjective that comes after linking verb (to be) The big dog is happy. |
Predicate Nominative | Phrase that clarifies or defines the subject The new tv is a flat screen. |
ARD | Admissions, Review, Dismissal meeting where an IEP is discussed/created |
Modal Auxiliaries | verb used with another verb (helping verb) like was looking |
TEFL | Teaching English as a Foreign Language |
Metalinguistics | Language is made up of rules |
Minimal Pair | Words or phrases that differ in one phonological element and have different meanings |
Rhetorical Patterns | Different way to organize a piece of writing (compare/contrast, procedural, etc.) |
Interlanguage | pidgin language |
ɛ | ex: drEss |