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Intro to Sonography

Medical terms

acute abrupt onset; short in duration
anasarca massive generalized edema
aneurysm a bulge in the wall of a vessel
anechoic without echoes (black in appearance)
angina severe chest pain
aphasia loss of ability to speak or understand speech
apnea cessation of breathing for short periods
arrhythmia abnormal heart rate or rhythm
ascites abnormal collection of fluid in the peritoneal cavity
atrophy the wasting away of cells, tissues, or organs
benign not cancerous or harmful
bradycardia abnormally slow heart rate; less than 60 bpm
carcinoma malignant neoplasm of tissue lining the inner or outer surface of the body
chronic persisting over a long period of time
diastole ventricles relax to refill with blood
dyspnea difficulty breathing
ectopic out of place
edema swelling
effusion escape of fluid into a space
embolus moving clot (blood, tissue) that can occlude a vessel
fibrillation rapid, irregular heart contractions
fistula surgically made passage between hollow organs or vessels to other organs or outside the body
hemiplegia one sided paralysis
hemoptysis bloody sputum
hyperplasia enlargement of an organ
hypoplasia underdevelopment of an organ
iatrogenic adverse condition caused by medical treatment
idiopathic unknown cause
infarct localized area of dead tissue resulting from a lack of blood supply
interstitial space between cells
intubation putting a tube in (typically for respiration)
invasive penetration into surrounding tissues
ischemia decreased blood supply
lesion abnormal change in tissue due to disease or injury
malignant cancerous; severe
myocardial infarction heart attack- decreased blood flow to the heart
myocardium muscular layer of the heart
necrosis tissue death
neoplasm abnormal growth; tumor
orthopnea difficult breathing except when upright
palpitation heart beating too fast, skipping, and/or fluttering
paracentesis take out fluid from peritoneal cavity
paraplegia paralysis of lower extremities
pericardium sac around the heart
perineum area between anus & either vulva or scrotum
peritoneum serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity
pneumothorax abnormal collection of air in the pleural space
quadriplegia paralysis of all 4 limbs or below the neck
retroperitoneal behind the peritoneum
sepsis life threatening condition
sign objective evidence of disease (can be seen)
symptom subjective; experienced or felt by the patient
stenosis narrowing of a tubular structure or vessel
systole contraction of the heart muscle to empty blood
tachycardia abnormally fast heart rate; over 100 bpm
thoracentesis removes fluid from the pleural cavity
tumor abnormal growth; neoplasm
viscera internal organs of the body
Created by: ginaliane
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