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Chapter 1&2 Exam

Medical Terminology

cyan/o Blue
erythr/o Red
leuk/o white
melan/o black
poli/o gray
Hyper excessive
pre Before
post after
Homo same
Hypo under
prenatal Time before Birth
ab Away from
dys bad difficult pain
inter between, amoung
sub under, less, below
hypo deficient, decreased
intra within, inside
super/supra above, excessive
itis inflammation
malacia abnormal softening
megaly enlargement
necrosis tissue dealth
sclerosis abnormal hardening
stenosis abnormal narrowing
centesis surgical punture to remove fluid
graphy producing a picture record
plasty surgical repair
scopy visual examination
rrange or rragia bleeding
rrhopy surgical closure of wound
rrhea flow or discharge of body fluids
rrhexis rupture
AD Toward or in the direction of
ADEN/O Gland
Anatomy study of body structure
CONGENITAL disease inherited at birth
DISTAL Farthest from the Middle
DORSAL back of the body/organ
END/O inside the body
EX/O Outside of Body
FRONTAL Plane dividing back and front
GASTR/O Stomach
GENETIC Hereditary disease /disorder
INTERIOR Structure closest to feet
LESION pathological change of tissue due to injury/disease
MALACIA abnormal softening
NOSOCOMIAL Hospital- acquired infection
-OLOGIST specialist
-OLOGY Study of
-OSIS A disease or abnormal condition
PHYSIOLOGY study of body function
-PLASIA Formation of a tissue/organ
PRONE Position lying on a stomach
PROXIMAL closest to the midline of the body
-RRHAPHY to suture or stitch
SAGITTAL Plane dividing right/left sides
Superior Closest to head
SUPINE position laying on the back
TRANSVERSE Plane dividing top and bottom
VENTRAL in front of the body/organ
arthro/o joint
bi life
brady slow
caud/o lower part of the tail
-cele hernia, tumor,swelling
cephal/o head
chondr/o cartilage
cost/o rib
crani/o skull
desis to bind, tie together
fasci/o face, form
fibr/o ,fibrous tissue,fiber
hemo blood, relating to blood
poly many
kines/o, kinesi/o movement
lysis breakdown, separation, setting free, destruction, loosening
my/o muscle
myel/o spinal cord, bone marrow
oste/o bone
porosis lessening in density,porous condition
ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o tendon, stretch out,extend, strain
ton/o tension
tri- three
Created by: 177520
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