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Chapter 5

Disease and disease-Producing Organisms

Disease Abnormality of the structure or function of a part,organ,or sytems
Pathophysiology Study of the physiologic basis of disease
Etiology The study of a disease's cause or theory
Idiopathic (Idio) A disease without a known cause (self-originating)
iatrogenic Disease (iatro) The adverse effects of treatment, including drug treatment and surgery (Physician or medicine)
Epidemiology Study of disease in populations
Epidemic A occurrence of a disease among many people at the same time
Endemic Describing a disease that is found at low incidence but constantly within the population of a given region
Pandemic (pan) Disease that is prevalent through out an entire country ,Continent ,or the world (all)
Diagnosis The nature of identity of the illness
Symtoms Disease conditions experienced by the patient
Signs Objective manifestations,a rash a rapid pulse or wheezing
Syndrome A complex disorder characterized by a cluster of typical symptoms and signs
Acute Severe but last a short time
Chronic Often less severe but are likely to be continuous or recurring for long periods
Subacute Intermediate between acute and chronic. not a severe as acute disorders nor as long lasting as chronic ones
Prognosis (gnosis) A prediction of the probable outcome of the disease (knowledge)
Therapy A course of treament
Microorganisms (micro) (organism) A tiny living thing, too small to be seen by the naked eye (very small) (anything having life)
Parasites Organisms that live on or within a living host at the host exense
Host An organism where parasites live
Pathogen Any disease-causing microorganism
Infection Invasion of the body by microorganisms that result in illness
Virulence has the ability to cause disease
Systemic An infection or condition
Opportunistic infection An infection that takes hold because the host has been compromised or weakened
Communicable Disease One that can be transmitted from one person to another contagious
Vector An insect or other animal that transmits a disease causing organism from one host to another
Microbiology The study of micro spic organisms
Bacteria Single cell organisms that grow in a variety of environments
Viruses Small infectious agents that can multiply only within living cells
Fungi (myclo) Single celled yeasts and multi cellular molds (fungus)
Protozoa single-cell amimals
Anaerobic Can grow only in the absence of oxygen
Aerobic Requires oxygen
Facultative anaerobes Can use oxygen if it is present but are able to grow without oxygen if it is not avaliable
Endospores produce resistant forms that develops in side some bacteria
Toxins Produced posin
Helminths Many spices of worms
Arthropods Diverse group of organisms including insects and arachnids
Asepsis A condition in which no pathogens are present
Sterilization kill every living microorganism on or with it
Disinfection Chemicals that kill most microorganisms
Antiseptic disinfectants applied o skin and other living surfaces
Antibiotics A substance produced by living cells that has the power to kill or arrest the growth of bacteria
Nosocomial (nosocomial) infections in the hospital (hospital)
Created by: jessica09brown
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