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PF Key Terms
Patient Feeding Key Terms
Question | Answer |
Transfer Belt | Assistive device used to transfer or walk a resident. |
Body Mechanics | Using muscles of the body Correctly to make the best use of strength to lift or move objects. |
Physical Restraint | Any manual method of physical or mechanical device, material or equipment attached or adjacent to the resident's body that restricts body movement. |
Infection Control | Practices which help to reduce the spread of disease. |
Contaminated | Items or areas considered to have disease-causing organisms |
Pathogen | Disease-causing microorganism; germ |
Microorganism | Tiny living bodies that cannot be seen with the naked eye. |
Safety | Practices that prevent harm or injury |
Chain of infection | Process involved in the development of infection disease in people |
Standard precautions | Practices such as handwashing and gloving, identified by the Center for Disease Control which reduce the risk of transmission of disease |
Isolation | Practices to separate people or items especially with easily transmitted diseases. |
Infection | Condition or disease where the body or part of it is invaded by pathogens which multiply and result in disease or harmful effects. |
Disinfect | Preventing infection by killing bacteria. Disinfectants are common solutions usually containing chlorine. |
Sterilization | Removing or destroying all microorganisms on a surface. |
Communication | The exchange of information or messages by written or spoken work, signals or other methods. |
Verbal communication | Messages sent by methods other than spoken or written word such as facial expressions and body movements. |
Body language | Use of body and facial position and movement to send a message. The person may or may not be aware of the message sent. |
Signs | Signals that there may be illness or the body is not working normally. They may be observed by the nursing assistant by seeing, listening, touching or smelling. |
Symptoms | Signals that there may be illness or the body is not working normally. They are recognized by the resident and communicated to the nursing team. |
Care plan | A written method or outline identifying residents needs and how health care workers will assist them. |
Chart | A legal document that is a written record of all resident care and observations. |
Checklist | Form to monitor ongoing resident observations such as appetite or vital signs. Also called flow charts or flow sheets. |
Report | Communication of resident activity between nursing team members. Occurs routinely at end-of-shift report. |
Incident | An event that is not a usual routine or behavior and has or could result in injury. |
Continuity of care | Providing 24 hour care without interruption or change in meeting residents needs. |
Nutrition | Process by which the body takes in food and uses it for growth, repair and maintenance of health. |
Essential nutrients | Necessary nutrients in food needed by the body to supply heat and energy, build or repair tissue and regulate body functions. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. |
Food guide pyramid | Recommended daily servings of food for a balanced diet. |
Diet | Food and fluids regularly consumed by a person as a part of normal living. |
Therapeutic diet | Special diet ordered by physician to help in the treatment of disease. |
Dehydration | Lack or insufficient water or fluid in the body. |
Intake | All liquids or fluids consumed. |
Cognition | Awareness or alertness to be able to think, reason, make decisions and have memory or recall. |
Cognitive impairment | Mental decline which reduces awareness; thinking tasks become difficult. |
Confusion | Inability t distinguish or separate differences between things. There is an inability to follow directions. |
Disorientation | Decreased awareness to time, place and person. |
Dementia | Progressive deterioration of mental function. |
Depression | Altered mood, loss of interest, feelings of hopelessness. |
Agitation | Change in physical activity, usually increased such as wandering or pacing. May be seen in sleeplessness. |
Anxiety | Feeling uneasy, apprehensive, worried. |
Fear | Sense of dread from feelings of danger. |