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Circulation and Resp

Circulation and Respiration

What are parts of the cardiovasuclar system? Heart, Artery, Arterioles, Capillaries, Venules, Veins
What is the evolution of the vertebrate heart? Two chambered heart -> two chambered with septa -> Three chambers -> Four chambers
What are the different types of circulation schemes? Lung capillaries(mammal), gill capillaries(fish), lung and gill capillaries(amphibian)
What is the path of blood through the human heart? Anterior Vena Cava -> Right Atrium -> AV valve tricuspid -> Right Ventricle -> Semilunar Valve -> Pulmonary arteries -> Lungs -> Pulmonary Veins -> Left Atrium -> AV valve bicuspid -> Left Ventricle -> Semilunar Valve -> aorta -> Body
What is the Cardiac Output Volume of blood per minute from the left ventricle. Depends on heart rate and stroke volume. Average is 70 beats per minute
What two atrioventrical nodes? So that atria and ventricle do not beat at the same time
What is the lymphatic system? Used to return lost fluid and protiens to the blood
What are the two factors involved in the interchange of fluid? Hydrostatic pressure and Osmotic presssure
What is the composition of mammalian blood? plasma and cellular elements
What causes blood clotting? injury signals platlets to the area and changes prothrombin to thrombin and fibrogen to fibrin
What are the three conditions of respiratory surfaces? Large suface area, moist and thin
What is the Aqatic environments? Less than 1 percent of oxygen. Oxygen amounts decrease as temperature increases, Aquatic animals use large amounts of energy to obtain oxygen
What are the terrestrial environments? about 21 percent oxygen. developed invaginations to increase surface area and decrease evaporation. they may use one or two percent to obtain oxygen
What are the four types of respiratory systems? cutaneous respiration, gills, trachaea and lungs
What is counter current gas exchange? extracts 80 percent of oxygen from the water and maintains gradient over the whole length of capillaries
What are trachaea? They are open tubes found in arthopods
What are spiracles? They are openings
What are tracheoles? contact the cell
What are diffusion lungs? Gas moved by diffusion dependin on body movement (snails adn scorpions)
ventilation lungs? found in amphibians, reptiles, mamals and birds. contain pharnyx,larynx,trachea,bronchi,bronchioles adn alveoli
positive pressure breathing? pushes down trachea seen in frogs and other amphibians
negative pressure breathing? suction created by diaphragm seen in mammals
How is bird respiration different? air sacs allow for one way ventilation they have parabronchi rather than alveoli
What controls breathing? Medulla oblangata and pons. Monitors carbon dioxide and adjusts depth and rate of breathing
What transports oxygen in animals? Hemoglobin
How is carbon dioxide transported? 70 percent is transported as bicarbonate in plasma
Deep diving mammals? stores large amonts of oxygen in blood and muscles and conserves it by exhaling before diving, decreasing heart rate and reducing blood supply to muscle
Created by: Shortevilpixee
Popular Biology sets




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