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Antepartum Care

Test #2

Gravida number of pregnancies
Nullgravida a woman that has never been pregnant
Primagravida 1st pregnancy
Multigravada a woman who has had 2 or more pregnancies
Parity number of pregnancies in which the fetus was 20 wks or greater *ONLY CHANGES AFTER DELIVERY*
Viability Legal definition- ability to live outside of the uterus (between 20-25wks or >500g)
Nullipara no pregnancies beyond 20 weeks
Primapara has completed one pregnancy with a fetus that has reached the stage of viability
Multipara completed two or more pregnancies past viability
Stillbirth fetus born dead after 20 weeks
Abortion Medical term for birth that occurs prior to 20 weeks regardless of cause (spontaneous or elective0
Term Pregancy from 38 - 42 wks of gestation
Preterm Delivery that occurs before 38wks of gestation
Nageles's Rule Based on a 28 day cycle *Add 7 to first day of last menstrual period *-3 months (easier to add 9months) *add 1 yr if you used subtraction method
EDD estimated date of delivery (Nageles Rule)
HCG Human Chorionic Ganodotropin - pregnancy hormone secreted by fertilized egg
Ambivalence toward pregnancy becomes a concern if it continues in the 3rd trimester
1st trimester visits monthly
1st trimester weight gain 2-4lbs
1st trimester labs U/A, VDRL or RPR, CBC, blood type and RH factor, Antibodies, indirect coombs, HIV testing strongly recc.
Immunizations during pregnancy no live viruses-MMR, Varicella, Small Pox,
Calorie intake in 2nd trimester extra 340 kcal
When is the period of danger to the fetus from fertilization through the first trimester
Weight gain for 2nd and 3rd trimester 11 lbs each trimester
Alpha-fetoprotein measured initially between 15-21 wks, screaning for neural tube defects
Sullivan Glucose Screening Test between 24-28wks, screens for gestational diabetes
McDonalds Rule height of fundus in cm x 8 divided by 7 = duration in weeks (aids in duration of pregnancy and fetal growth)
Ultrasound fetoscope hears fetal heart
fetal movements usually felt between 16-20wks
Supine hypotension fall in BP r/t decrease in venous return *turn to side *
Orthostatic Hypotension caused by hormones and venous stasis
Pica iron deficiency causes unusual cravings of non-food items
Third trimister office visits biweekly at 28wks and weekly at 36 wks
Caloric intake in 3rd trimester increases 450kcal
Average weight gain for pregnancy 15-25lbs, more for underweight womean and less for overweight women
Group B strep screened at 35-37wks
Chlamydia, gonorrhea and herpes simplex cervical smears at 32 weeks and PRN before delivery
RH screen at 7 months - RhoGam if negative
Created by: jas067
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