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Chapter 6/7 stdguide


nursing process creative, logical, scientifically based problem solving process for providing client care
purpose of nursing process to identify, diagnose, and treat actual or potential human responses to health and illness
caring for clients incorporates _____________ and critical thinking behaviors nursing process
_____________ is responsive to changes in clients needs (flexible-changing as client's condition changes) nursing process
_____________ helps nurse to manage each patient's care scientifically, holistically, and creatively nursing process
5 phases of nursing process ADPIE: Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation
purpose of assessment to establish a data base
components of assessment interview & health history, physical examination
physical examination techniques IAPP: inspection, auscultation, palpation percussion
auscultation listening to body sounds w/stethoscope
palpation use of hands
percussion tapping on body surface to determine density of underlying tissue
primary source of data for assessment client/patient
secondary source of data for assessment family members, friends, nurse's own observations
tertiary source medical records, other medical staff
subjective data what subject says; what patient tells you; no objective proof for data; examples: pain, nausea
objective data what nurse can observe, measure (see, feel, smell, etc.); examples: vital signs, diagnostic studies, laboratory values
nursing diagnosis process of identifying specific client responses to actual or potential health problems or life processes (identification of problems and/or strengths)
a _____________ identifies a disease condition medical diagnosis
a _____________ identifies response of patient or patient's body to that disease process/problem/condition nursing diagnosis
_____________ change as client's responses change nursing diagnoses
_____________ distinguish nurse's role from physician's role nursing diagnoses
_____________ are those client responses that are legally treatable within domain of nursing nursing diagnoses
_____________ is delineated by state Nurse Practice Act nursing domain
begin phase of _____________ by clustering and analyzing nursing diagnosis
data cluster a set of signs or symptoms that are grouped together in a logical order
data cluster cues or groups of data indicating a client problem or health need
diagnostic labels (the problem in the diagnostic statement) are NANDA approved
NANDA provides nurses with common terminology
types of nursing diagnoses - actual a need or a problem actually exists
types of nursing diagnoses - actual describes a human response to health conditions or life processes that exist in individual, family, or community; example: impaired skin integrity
types of nursing diagnoses - risk (potential) there is an increased chance that the problem will develop
types of nursing diagnoses - risk (potential) describes human responses to health conditions or life processes that have a chance of developing in a vulnerable individual, family, or community; example: risk for infection
types of nursing diagnoses - wellness there is readiness for improvement/enhancement
types of nursing diagnoses - wellness describes human responses to levels of wellness in individual group, or community that have a readiness for enhancement or improvement; example: readiness for enhanced coping
types of nursing diagnoses - wellness client wishes to achieve an optimal level of health
types of nursing diagnoses - possible nurse does not have enough data to confirm diagnosis...only enough to suspect a problem or need; RNs response is to gather more data
formula for nursing diagnostic statement problem (diagnostic label-NANDA approved) related to + etiology (cause) of the problem + as evidence by signs & symptoms of problem
________________ must be within domain of nursing practice & condition that will respond to nursing interventions etiology
etiologies exist in these categories biological/psychological, treatment related, situational (environmental or personal), & maturational
________________ has only 2 parts: problem related to r/t etiology risk diagnosis
________________ is risk factor etiology
________________ it explains cause of risk etiology
example of complete nursing diagnostic statement knowledge deficit, course: health promotion r/t failure to study assignment as evidenced by grade avg. 50% (obj. data) & student's statement (subj. data), "I don't understand class material, but then, I haven't read assignments or studied my notes."
planning: step #1 establish client centered outcomes/goals.
expected outcomes/short term goals steps toward goal achievement; these will be achieved over hours to weeks
long term goals reflect ultimate/best outcome/resolution of the problem & is achieved over weeks to months
long term goal will indicate that problem has been solved
properly constructed outcomes/goals will be client behavior/client centered
properly constructed outcomes/goals will be singular (include only one client behavior)
properly constructed outcomes/goals will be observable
properly constructed outcomes/goals will be measurable
properly constructed outcomes/goals will be time limited: within specific time frame
properly constructed outcomes/goals will be realistic
developed with client & serve as criteria for evaluation outcomes/goals
excellent goals/outcomes will be one client behavior that is realistic, observable, measurable & contains time frame; e.g., client will have soft, formed bowel movement by 0800, 10/4/09
planning: step #2 select interventions (nursing actions are chosen/decided upon)
interventions those nursing actions that will assist client in reaching outcomes/goals (assist in resolving problem)
types of nursing interventions - nurse initiated within scope of Nurse Practice Act
Nurse Practice Act those actions nurse may take doctor's order needed
types of nursing interventions - physician initiated based on physician's response to treat or manage medical diagnosis
types of nursing interventions - collaborative therapies that require knowledge, skill & expertise of multiple health care professionals
interventions must be appropriate, address problem identified in nursing diagnosis, & move client toward goal achievement
interventions written as nursing orders (specific nursing actions to assist client's in reaching goals)
interventions must be specific, concise, & individualized for client
nursing orders direct nursing staff in client's care
nursing orders include instructions to assess, administer, monitor, provide, perform, or teach
implementation the carrying out of interventions
implementation nursing actions: assessment, dressing changes, etc., doing!
evaluation measurement of client's response to nursing interventions & client's progress toward achieving goals
evaluative statement declare whether goal was met, not met, or partially met
evaluative statement describe how it was met or partially met or why it was not met
if goals were not met, __________________...entire sequence of nursing process is repeated...beginning w/assessment nursing process begins again
if goals were met, ________________ nursing care plan is discontinued
nursing care plan addresses one client problem/need
nursing care plan one nursing diagnosis & is written guideline for individualized care
nursing care plan developed for each nursing diagnosis
nursing care plan includes nursing diagnostic statement
nursing care plan includes short & long term expected outcomes/goals
nursing care plan includes interventions (nursing orders)
interventions actions that will lead to resolution of client problem
intervention each one must have scientific rationale
scientific rationale explains why/how intervention will assist client in reacting outcomes/goals & eventually resolve problem stated in nursing diagnosis
nursing care plan includes evaluative statment
Created by: chaptravelman
Popular Nursing sets




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