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APHG Chapter 1 Vocab

AP Human Geography Ch. 1 Vocabulary

Cartography The science of creating maps
Climate The weather conditions in an area for a long period of time
Concentration The arrangement of a feature in an area
Connections A relationship between 2 subjects
Conservation The preservation or protection of something
Contagious Diffusion The spread of a characteristic throughout a population
Cultural Ecology The relationship/connection between people and their environment
Cultural Landscape An approach to geography that emphasizes cultural relationships in an area
Culture body of customary beliefs, traits, and language that connects a group of people
Density Frequency of a feature in space
Diffusion The spread of a feature over an area
Distance Decay The farther away you are from the node; then the idea/feature fades
Distortion Disadvantages of the map that interferes with the size, shape,distance, or directions on the map
Ecology The relationship between organisms and their physical environment
Distribution Arrangement of a feature across Earth's surface
Ecosystem Group of organisms and the environment that they react with
Environmental Determinism An approach to the study of geography that states, geography is the study of how the physical environment causes human activities.
Expansion Diffusion Spread of a trend from one place to another
Formal Region (Uniform Region) An area where everyone shares one or more of the same trait
Functional Region (Nodal Region) An area that focuses on the node or a focal point
GIS A computer system that stores, organizes, and analyzes geographic data
Globalization Actions that involve the entire world or the process of making a topic worldwide
GMT 0 degrees latitude; the time zone passing the prime meridian
GPS (Global Positioning System) system that calculates the exact location of something on Earth
Hearth The location where ideas originate
Hierarchial Diffusion The spread of a trend through a high authority or power to people or to places
International Date Line 180 degrees longitude and deviates in several areas to avoid land. Heading east causes the clock to move back a day, heading west moves the clock forward a day
Latitude Numbering system indicates location of parallels drawn on globe and measures north or south of equator.
Location A particular place or area
Longitude Numbering system indicates location of meridians on globe. This measures east and west of the prime meridian.
Map a 2D projection of the Earth's surface
Mashup A map that overlays data from one source on top of a map provided by mapping service
Meridian Arc on the map between North and South poles
Network A chain of communication that connects places
Nonrenewable resource Something produced in nature more slowly than it is consumed by humans
Pattern Geometric setup of features in space
Place A particular location in space
Polder land created by water that was drained from an area
Possibilism Theory that the physical environment can set limits on human activities, but humans can adjust to their physical environment
Preservation The action of conserving a resource
Prime meridian The meridian at 0 degrees longitude that passes through Greenwich, England
Projection The system used to transfer locations from Earth's surface to a flat map
Region An area identified by a combination of trends of features
Relocation diffusion Spread of feature or trend through physical movement of people from one place to another
Remote Sensing Data collected from Earth's surface from a satellite that orbits the Earth
Renewable Resource Something produced in nature more rapidly than it is consumed by humans
Resource A substance that is reliable for humans in their environment
Scale The relationship between a unit on a map compared to the actual size on Earth
Site The physical character of a place
Situation The location of a place relative to other places
Space The physical gap between two objects
Space-Time Compression The time it takes to diffuse something to a distant place, as a result as better communication and transportation
Spatial Association Relationship between distribution of one feature and the distribution of another feature
Stimulus Diffusion Spread of a topic/idea even though a specific characteristic was once rejected
Sustainability The use of resources to conserve it for the future
Toponym A name given to a place
Transnational Corporation A corporation that exists in multiple areas in the world
Vernacular Region (Perceptual) An area that people believe to exist as part of their cultural identity
VGI The creation of geographic data created by individuals and voluntarily contributed
Created by: jasminalei
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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