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Reproductive System*

reproductive system and std's

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Patho:Inflammation of the fallopian tubes,ovaries or both. Ethiology: Infection. S/S:Low grade fever,pelvic pain,Dysmenorrhea(painful menstruation),Dysparenia(painful intercourse).Complications:infretility from scaring r/t inflammatory process.N.Dx:#1Pain
Amenorrhea Absence of menstruation. Causes- anorexia nervosa,excessive exercise with a decrease in body fat. Tx.-Depo-provera is sometimes ordered for 5-10 days to help start a period.
Menopause Happens appox.@age 50. Tx-esrogen replacement(Premarin,Esterase). Estrogen can have positive effects such as;protecting against Osteoporosis and Cardiovascular Disease,decreasing LDL's & increasing HDL's.
Endometriosis Is a growth of endometerial tissue outside of the uterus.They call it the Career Women's disorder. Women with no children,high socioeconomic group, late 20's to 30's. Complication:Female infertility.
Benign Neoplasm's Benign=not cancerous,Neoplasm=abnormal growth. Ex: Fibrocystic Breast Disease: S/S: Lumpy breasts. Increased potential for developing breast CA. Fibroid Tumors: Non cancerous tumors, called fibroids.
Leiomyomas(Benign Tumors) Fibroid tumors of the uterus are common. Higher incidence in women who never had a baby(nullparous). S/S: menorrhagia(excessive menstrual flow), pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea,abdominal elargement and constipation as the tumors grow!
Leiomyomas Cont. Growth of the tumors are stimulated by estogen whic increases during pregnancy. Complication: pre-term labor because the uterus is overcrowded.
Malignant Neoplasm's Breast CA:early detection is the Goal,mammograms & self Breast Exams(SBE). TX:radiation,chemo,mastectomy. Mastectomy: Simple-removal of tumor. Modified-removal of breast & surrounding lymph nodes. Radical-removal of tumor,breast,lymph & pectoral muscl
Malignant Neoplasm's Cont.'d The more removal the longer the recovery.
Breast Cancer Nursing Interventions Monitor post-op vitals q ? Assess incision site.Assess pts readiness to look at surgical site.Encourage pt to look at site ONLY when pt is ready!Teach dressing changes & touching only after pt is comfortable with looking at site.
Breast Cancer Goal-pt will be able to discuss feelings & pt will be able to accept change in breast appearance.
Breast Cancer Nursing DX: Fear(with all CA),Body Image Disturbance,Ineffective Breathing r/t radical mastectomy(removal of the pectoral muscle).Self Care Deficit r/t decrease in ROM(the pt will gradually regain ROM)
Cervical Cancer Dx-pap smear.-Dysplasia=change in size and shape of cervical cells.Is the most common Female CA.Risk Factors-women with HPV,genital herpes&multiple sex partners.Cryotherapy-Freezing of the cells with nitro.
Endometrial Cancer Post-menopausal women are at greatest risk r/t the endometrial tissue not being sloughed amb no period.Risk factors-nullparity women & never having intercourse. S/S- bleeding,but not until CA is advanced.
Endometrial Cancer-TX Total hysterectomy(removal of cervix and uterus). Sub-total Hysterectomy(removal of uterus). Radical Hysterectomy(cervix,uterus,ovaries,fallopian tubes,surrounding lymph nodes&part of the vagina.)
Endometrial Cancer-TX Cont'd. Vaginal Hysterectomy:can be done by laparoscope one day in hospital. Abdominal Hysterectomy:is used if CA has spread beyond the uterus.
Ovarian Cancer Causes more deaths then other Female Ca. Metastasis occurs in over 75% of the cases prior to DX(mets to the colon most common). Risk factors:nullparity,smoking,alcohol,infertility,& high fat diets.
Ovarian Cancer Cont'd There is no screening tool or early diagnostic tests to detect Ovarian Cancer!
Benign Prostate Herplasia(BPH) Enlargement of prostate gland,can be palpated through the anus.If enlarged can block the urethra.50% of men,over 50,and 75% of men over 70,can develop enlargement of the prostrate.Early S/S:hesitancy(difficulty starting stream).
BPH Cont'd Tx:Surgery:TURP=Trans-Urethra-Resection of the Prostrate.Medications:Cardura&Hyrin. Post-op Care:Continous Bladder Irrigation(CBI):to decrease the formation of clots that would obstruct urinary flow.
BPH Cont'd Post-op Meds: B & O(belladonna & Opium)Suppositories to decrease bladder spasms.
Prostate Cancer 2nd leading cause of death in men(Lung CA#1). Tumors are slow growing but spread int the lymph system. S/S-similar to BPH,dysuria & hematuria.DX:Prostate Serum Antigen(PSA) blood test.Screening Tool: rectal exam,all men over 40,every year& PSA blood test!
Testicular Cancer Common between the ages of 15-35! S/S:hard,painless lump,usually the 1st symptom to appear.TX:surgery,removal of one or both testis.Penile Cancer:rare.
Structural Disorders-Female Cystocele:cyst=bladder:bladder falling into the vaginal wall.Urethrocele:urethra falling into the vagina.Rectocele:rectum falling into the vaginal wall.Prolaosed Uterus:uterus falling into the vaginal wall. TX:surgery.
Structural Disorders-Male Cryptochidism:the testicles fail to descend into the scrotum.TX:hormonal therapy,surgery.Hydrocele:fluid in the testis,may resolve w/o intervention.Hypospadias:the urethral opening on front(ventral)surface of the penis.
Structural Disorders-Male Cont'd Epispadias:the urethral opening on back (dorsal) of the penis. TX:surgery before the child is one year.
Structural Disorders-Male Cont'd Spermatocele:cyst w/fluid & sperm,usually dose not require TX. Varicocele:dilation of the veins in the scrotum,seldom requires TX. Torsion of the Spermatic Cord:the testis twist,resulting in venous occlusion.
Structural Disorders-Male Cont'd -Whenever you have an occlusion it is usually serious! S/S:abdominal & scrotum pain. TX:immediate surgery to un-twist!
Functional Disorders-Male Impotence:inability to have an erection or maintain erection long enough to complete intercourse. TX:Viagra!
Infertility-Male & Female Inability to produce children.Effects 1 in 4 couples in the U.S. Tx:Medications: Clomid-used to induce ovulation in women! N.Dx:Health Seeking Behaviors R/T reproductive functioning.
Contraception Used to prevent pregnancy. Norplant: is 6 small progestin filled pellets inserted under the skin of the upper arm under local anesthetic.Effective up to 5years. Depo-Provera:IM injection given q12 weeks.Vasectomy:surgical sterilization male.
Contraception Cont'd. Tubal Ligation:surgical sterilization female.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD's) Nurses Role:ask "embarrassing"questions. Assess physical & emotional potential and actual problems. Teach,educate pts.-The incidence(frequency)of STD's has been increasing worldwide.
Causes of the Increase of STD's Causal sex among teens.Asymptomatic carriers.Non-barrier methods of birth control. Lack of Knowledge of preventative methods!Increased consumption of alcohol & drugs r/t less inhibitons.Trading sex for drugs.Sharing needles.
Genital Herpes Nurses need to teach that the virus can be spread even if the pt is experiencing no s/s! Pts will require frequent Pap smears!
Chlamydia Caused by a bacteria not a virus & can be treated with antibiotics(Doxycycline or Zithromax).
Gonorrhea A more serious bacteria infection.Caused by gram-negative bacteria.Can be passed to the newborn's eyes if the baby passes through the birth canal!
Gonorrhea Cont'd In the U.S. ALL babies are treated w/antibiotic ointment w/in 1-2hrs after birth to prevent a serious Gonorrhea eye infection.
Syphilis Also caused by a bacteria.S/S take 10-90 days to appear.A chancre(painless ulcer),usually at the site of contact & usually just one chancre.Can usually be easily seen on the male,but may be hidden on the female.If left untreated called secondary syphilis.
Secondary Syphilis S/S:headache,fever,seizures& stroke symptoms,penny sized brown sores(rash)on the palms of the hands& soles of the feet! S/S appear in 3-4wks after the chancre. 3-7% of pts will develop Neurosyphilis.
Herpes Simplex Caused by a virus.TypeI:causes sores on the lips(fever blisters,cold sores).TypeII:causes genital sores.80% of pts w/genital herpes are unaware of their disease.NO CURE!Tx:antivirals(Zovirix,Famivir).
Herpes Simplex Cont'd Tx for Discomfort: mild soap&water,hydrogen peroxide or barrows solution,keep area dry with blow dryer & cornstarch powder.
Cytomegalovirus(CMV) Virus in the herpes family.Found in saliva,urine,semen & vaginal secretions.S/S-Rare.NO CURE.Acquired during childhood of adolescence.80-100% of adults develop antibodies to the virus!
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Causes Genital Warts. Predisposes women to Cervical Cancer.Abnormal pap smear may be the 1st indication of HPV!
Trichomoniasis Caused by a Parasitic Protozoan.Common STD.3 million new cases a year.TX:Flagyl,this antibiotic is affective against bacteria & protozoan infections.
Hepatitis B Recognized as an STD. The ONLY STD that we have a vaccine for!
Nursing Diagnosis Anxiety R/T unknwon procedures & embarrassment. Knowldge Deficit(STD's) R/T modes of transmission,prevention & risk for STD's!
Signs and Symptoms of Gonorrhea in Men The initial site of infection is usually the urethra.Symptoms of urethritis consist of dysuria,and profuse,prulent urethral discharge developing 2 to 5 days after infection.Painful or swollen testicles may also occur.Symptoms are usually obvious.
Signs and Symptoms of Gonorrhea in Women Symptoms are asymptomatic or have minor symptoms.May complain of vaginal discharge,dysuria,or frequency of urination.Changes in menstruation may be a symptom.After incubation period,redness and swelling at the site of contact,the cervix or the urethra.
Signs and Symptoms of Gonorrhea in Women Cont'd. A greenish yellow purulent exudate often develops w/potential for abscess formation.The disease may remain local or can spread by direct tissue extension to the uterus,fallopian tubes,and ovaries.
Gonorrhea Diagnostic History and physical examination,Gram stained smears of urethral or endocervical exudate,Culture for Neissera gonorrhoeae,Nucleic acid amplification test(NAAT)to detect N.gohorrhoeae,testing for other STDs(syphilis,HIV,chlamydia).
Collaborative Therapy Uncomplicated gonorrhea:cefixime(Suprax) or ceftriaxone(Rocephin),ciprofloxacin(Cipro),ofloxacin(Floxin),levofloxacin(Levaquin).If coexisting w/chlamydial(Zithromax)or doxycycline(Vibramycin)
Signs and Symptoms of Syphilis Can mimic other diseases.In primary stage,chancres appear(painless indurated lesions on the penis,vulva,lips,mouth,vagina,and rectum.Occur 10-90days after inoculation,last 3-6wks.Genital ulcers may also be present.
Signs and Symptoms of Syphilis Cont'd Secondary stage:is systemic,begins a few wks after the chancers are first seen.Flu-like symptoms,fever,soar throat,headaches,fatigue,and generalized adenopathy.Cutaneous eruptions,symmetrical mucocutaneous lesions,alopecia,brittle and pitted nails.
Signs and Symptoms of Syphilis Cont'd Late stage:Benign-gumma lesion found on any bone or organ,Aortic insufficiency,meningitis,Arm and leg weakness.
Signs and Symptoms of Chlamydia in Men Urethritis(dysuria,urethral discharge),procitis(rectal discharge and pain during defecation)and epididymitis(unilateral scrotal pain,swelling,tenderness,fever).
Signs and Symptoms of Chlamydia in Women Cervicitis(mucopurulent discharge,hypertrophic ectopy{area that is edematous and bleeds easily}),urethritis(dysuria,frequent urination,pyuria),bartholinitis(purulent exudate),dyspareunia(pain w/intercourse),PID(abdominal pain,nausea,vomiting,fever)
Signs and Symptoms of Chlamydia in Women malaise,abnormal vaginal bleeding,menstrual abnormalities),and perihepatits(fever,nausea,vomiting,R.U.Q pain).
Signs and Symptoms of Genital Herpes In primary episode fo genital herpes the patient may complain of burning or tingling at the site of inoculation.Multiple sm all,vesicular lesions may appear on the penis,scrotum,vulva,perineum,perianal region,vagina,or cervix.
Signs and Symptoms of Genital Herpes Urination may be painful from the urine touching active lesions.Urinary retention may occur as a result of HSV urethritis or cystitis.A purulent vaginal discharge may develop w/HSV cervicitis.
Signs and Symptoms of Endometriosis Most common manifestations are secondary dysmenorrhea,infertility,pelvic pain,dyspareunia,and irregular bleeding.Less common manifestations include backache,painful bowel movements,and dysuria.
Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer In early stages,clinical manifestations are vague and may include a pattern of general abdominal discomfort(gas,indigestion,pressure,bloating,cramps),sense of pelvic heaviness,loss of appetite,feeling of fullness,and change in bowel habits.
Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer Cont'd. Pain is not an early symptom.As the malignancy grows,a variety of manifestations can occur,including and increase in abdominal girth,bowel and bladder dysfunction,persistent pelvic or abdominal pain,menstural irregularities,and ascites.
Created by: LauraHall
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