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Anesthesia abolition of pain perception (with or without loss of consciousness)
Analgesia alleviation of pain sensation or raising of pain
Pudendal block anesthesia that eliminates pain in vagina, vulva and perineum, used episiotomy, birth and assisted birth
Local anethesia used for perineal anesthesia for performing and repairing episiotomy
Epidural block relief of pain from uterine contractions and birth by injection into the dura space
Spinal block single dose injection into subarachnoid for pain control during birth, rather than labor
Narcan drug that reverses the effects of opiods, prompt onset lasts 1-4hrs, metabolized liver
Tocolytic medication used for relaxation of uterine muscles
Blood Patch method to repair a tear in dura mater around spinal cord as a result of spinal anethesia
Glucocorticoid (Dexamethasone, Betamethasone) medication used to stimulate fetal lung maturity, 24-34 weeks
Duramorph addition to thecal anethesia to prolong pain relief, no narcotics for 18 hrs, monitor HR, RR, pulse ox q 30 min-1hr for 24hrs
Ritodrine (Yutopar) Beta adrenergic agonist-IV to suppress contractions
Terbutaline (Brethine) Beta adrenergic agonist-subq using syringe or pump, SE-tachy, dyspnea, hyperglycemia
Nifedipine (Procardia) Ca channel blocker relax smooth muscle-sublingual then oral
Magnesium Sulfate CNS depressant preterm labor-IV relax smooth muscle
Indomethacin NSAID relaxes smooth muscles by prostaglandin inhibition, rectal or oral
Prostaglandin used to ripen cervix or stimulate contractions
Dinoprostone (Cervidil) vaginal insert posterior fornix of vagina-prostaglandin
Dinoprostone (Prepidil) gel inserted cervix below internal os-prostaglandin
Oxytocin (Pitocin) hormone used to stimulate uterine contractions to augment or induce labor
Laminaria tent natural cervical dilator made from seaweed
Misoprostol (Cytotec) oral tablet or intravaginal ripening agent
Baseline FHR 110-160 beats/min during 10 minutes excluding periodic and episodic
Undetected variability absence of expected irregular fluctuations in FHR
Bradycardia FHR below 110/min longer than 10 min
Prolonged deceleration decrease in FHR of 15/min below baseline lasts more than 10 min
Periodic changes occur with contractions
Tachycardia FHR above 160/min longer than 10 min
Variability Exprected irregular fluctuations of baseline (2 or more/min)
Early deceleration FHR decrease after onset of contraction-fetal head compression-GOOD
Late deceleration FHR decrease after peak of contraction-UPI-Nonreassuring
Variable deceleration FHR decrease any time during contraction-umbilical cord compression
Acceleration increase FHR 15/min or more, last 15 sec but shorter than 2 min
Episodic FHR changes not associated with contractions (movement etc)
Duration start to finish of contraction
Frequency peak to peak or start to start of contraction
Resting time time between contractions
Acme peak or intesity of contraction, mmHG, 35=mild, 50=mod, 75=strong
Normal resting tone 8-15mmHG
Amniotomy artificial rupture of membranes, check FHR, cord compression or prolapse
External version External manipulation to turn fetus from unfavorable lie or presenting part, risks-cord compression, injury, placenta bleed, uterine tear/rupture, labor
Preterm labor labor begins before 37-38 weeks
Hypotonic uterine dysfunction results in less than adequate labor pattern
Amnioinfusion intrauterine infusion to increase amount of fluid or flush, correct variable decels, need 30 min to increase fluid, risk of overdistention & increase tone
Sinusoidal FHR pattern Related to severe fetal anemia, acidosis, hemorrhage, abruptio or hydrops fetalis, undulating, oscilating, waves, persistent & rounded, no variability
Cardiac changes with labor Increase CO & PVR, stage 2 increase intrathoracic pressure & venous pressure, decrease venous return=fetal hypoxia
GI changes with labor decrease motility, absorption, emptyingincrease nausea, belching with dilation
Meds used to treat GI issues during labor Bicitra, Maalox, Reglan, Zantac
Urinary changes during labor decrease tone, capacity, sensation of filling, proteinuria (affects progress & comfort)
Hemopoietic changes during labor increase WBC (21-25), fibrinogendecrease coag time, blood sugar
Respiratory changes during labor Increase O2 demand (stage 1=40%, stage 2=100%)hyperventilation
Fetal scalp pH 7.25 and above=ok7.18 and below=deliver
Amniotic fluid normals 1000ml, pale/straw color, no odor, watery, slightly alkaline
Best evaluation amniotic fluid Ferning pattern, next nitrazine test
PURE Position change q20,urinate q1-2hrs, relaxation, environment & encourage
Nubain analgesia, caution with preterm, equal to morphine
Stadol analgesia, CHECK RR, must be 10, potent, give begining of contraction
Stadol/Nubain adverse maternal effects Resp depression, tachy, hypotension, bladder distention, mental changes, confusion, sedation
Stadol/Nubain adverse fetal effects sinusoidal FHR, bradycardia, CNS depression
Stadol/Nubain adverse neonate effects resp depression (1-4 hrs), apnea, cyanosis, hypotonia, bradycardia, arrhythmias (Narcan given)
Narcan adverse effects increase/decrease BP, increase HR, pain, irritable, crying, pul edema, abstinence syndrome
Analgesic/anesthesia complications fetus/neonate CNS depression, hypoxia, lethargy, poor suck/swallow
Analgesic complications maternal NV, decrease peristalsis, urine, CNS, BP alter, increase HR, ineffective, allergy, pruritus, delerium
General anethesia used cesarean/sterilization, SE=allergy, NV, aspiration, alter BP, uterine atony (hemorrhage), urine retention, hypothermia, surgical comps)
#1 complication spinal/epidural anesthesia Hypotension-prevent with bolus 500-1000ml LR
Medication treatment of hypotension during labor Ephedrine
Nerve blocks "caine" family, local or thecally, preservative to prolong, potentiators with cesarean
Nursing responsibilities with anesthesia position of mom, monitor effects, contractions
Epidural dilation requirement 3cm min, 4cm with nullipara
Potential complications spinal/epidural shiver, NV, hypotension, inhibit bearing, allergy, ineffective, loss sensation, cramps, hypothermia, urine retention, uterine atony, hemmorhage, pruritus
Specific spinal complications leakage of CSF, post dural puncture HA (give caffeine)
Fetal distress manifestations abnormal FHR, meconium stained fluid with cephalic, hyperactivity
Short term variability BTB, monitors compensation by babe with O2 changes, absent or present
Long term variability cycles, 3-5/min
Tachycardia causes early fetal hypoxia, prematurity, anemia, cardiac arrythmias, HF, mom drug use, anxiety, fever, hyperthyroid, pain mgmt meds
Tachycardia interventions reposition, O2 @ 8-10L, increase mainline, antipyretics, calm, persist >1hr=deliver
Bradycardia causes late fetal hypoxia, prolonged cord compression, acute fetal asphyxia, heart block, HYPO thermia, tension, glycemia, SE anesthia, positioning, contraction hyperstimulation (Pitocin)
Recurrent decelerations occur with 50% contractions in 20min
Nadir low point, usually occurs with peak of contraction
Shoulder humps quick increase pre and post FHR changes=good
Intervention for nonreassuring Intrauterine resuscitation-position, increase mainline, O2 @ 8-10L
Interventions for variable check for cord, reposition, O2, amnioinfusion
Interventions for late reposition, O2, increase mainline, turn off Pit, Monitor mom-BP:babe-FHR, deliver
Pseudosinusoidal saw tooth, mod variability, caused pain meds
Saltatory Marked variability >25bpm, unknown cause
5 Ps of assessment Personality, position, passenger, powers, passageway
Position change q 20min, supine hypotensive syndrome
Presentation cephalic, breech, shoulder, vertex
Lie baby spine v. mom spine
attitude flexion/extension
position presenting part (right or left, part, location)
Amniotic Fluid Embolism amniotic fluid into bloodstream (10%maternal mortality, 50% fetal)
Cord prolapse emergency, SGA/SFD, premie, breech, transverse, RBOW, anmiotomy w/out engage
Cord prolapse interventions position, bladder infusion, delivery
Nuchal cord (CAN) cord around neck
Ferguson reflex urge to push
O2 to babe begins decreasing at ____mmHG 35
Primary & Secondary powers primary-contractions, secondary-pushing
Premature labor after 20 weeks before 37 weeks
#1 cause premature labor UTI- then dehydration, multifetal etc
Stop premature labor if cervix <4cm or 50%, BOW intact, viable fetus, no maternal contraindications
dystocia long, difficult labor
dysfunctional abnormal contractions prevent normal progress
Hypertonic (Hyperstimulation) painful but ineffective, increase rest tone >20mmHG, duration >90 sec, intensity >75-80mmHG: decrease rest <30 sec, frequency <2 min, coupling or tripling
Hypertonic interventions O2, reposition, shut off Pit, increase mainline, tocolytic, amniotomy, calm
Hypotonic causes fetal malposition, overdistention of uterus, pressure not high enough
Hypotonic interventions rule out CPD/FPD or pelvic probs, amniotomy, stimulation
Precipitous labor <3hrs
Induction deliberate initiation of labor
Augmentation stimulation or enhancement of contractions
Contraindications oxytocin CPD, prolapse cord, transverse lie, nonreassuring status, placenta previa or vasa previa, prior classic uterine incision, active herpes infections
Indications oxytocin suspect fetal jeopardy, dystocia, PROM, postterm, chorioamnionitis, maternal med probs, severe preeclampsia, fetal death, multipara w/precep lives far
Bishops score cervical readiness, 9 or more more successful (13 total)
Oxytocin goal of therapy 3 contractions in 10 minutes or 40-60 sec with good relax and no probs
Oxytocin Nursing mgmt 1:1 ratio, dr present on site, EFM, max 20mu/min, start 1-2mu/min and increase q 15-30min, monitor cervix, contractions, VS, babe and h2O intoxication, max fluid 3000ml/24hr
Oxytocin SE hyperstimulation, BP alterations, water intoxication, ineffective
Oxytocin SE fetus nonreassuring HR or pattern, hypoxia
Oxytocin SE interventions reposition, o2, increase mainline, turn of Pit, Notify dr
Created by: msivola
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