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what is a Low flow system?
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what is a High flow system?
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Medical gas-Low flow

medical gas-Low flow and High flow

what is a Low flow system? It will only supply part of the patient's inspired volume.
what is a High flow system? It will supply the patient's entire inspired volume.
what are the different types of Low flow system 1.Cannula. 2. O2 conservation cannulas. 3.Transtracheal O2 catheters (TTO2). 4.Simple mask. 5.Partial re-breather mask.
what are the different types of High flow system 1.Non-rebreather mask. 2.Air entrainment mask / venturi mask. 3.Brigg'adapter (T-piece). 4.Aerosol mask,trach collar masks and face tents. 5.O2 hood. 6.Mist tent, O2 tent. Croupette. 7.CPAP mask. 8. Nasal CPAP mask. 9.ET CPAP
Cannula (Low flow system) FIO2: 24-45%. FLOW: 1-6 LPM. It is an appropriate O2 device for COPD pt.with stable RR and VT.
O2 Conservation Cannulas (Low flow system) 1.It is used in the homecare settings to reduce costs. 2. It is a reservoir cannula designed to maintain FIO2 at lower levels. 3. The flowrate may be reduced w/o effecting the FIOZ.
TTO2 (Low flow system) 1. this is a long term Low flow O2 therapy 2. This is done through a surgical implanted catheter. 3. It allows the upper airways and trachea to act as reservoir for O2 during exhalation.
Hazards of TT02 (Low flow system) Bronchospasm, bleeding abscess, pneumothorax, airway obstruction, and subcutaneous emphysema.
What to do when pt becomes SOB or has increased wob with a TT02 device (Low flow system)? The catheter could be obstructed with secretions and you would need to flush the catheter.
Simple mask (Low flow system) FIO2: 40-50%. FLOW: 6-10 LPM. Flow must be always greater than 5LPM to flush out exhaled CO2.
Partial re=breather mask (Low flow system) FIO2: 60-65%. FLOW: 6-10 LPM. It does not have a one-way flap.
Non- rebreather mask (HIGH flow system) FIO2: 21-100%. It is used in Emergency: Pneumothorax,CO poisoning,CHF,burns. He/O2 mixtures and CO2/O2 mixtures. It has 3 one way valves.
Troubleshooting of Non-rebreather mask (HIGH flow system)? 1. If bag collapses then increase the flow. 2. If pt. inhales and bag does not contract then a)seal the mask because it is not tight. b)or the non-breathing valve is stuck then replace the mask.
Air entrainment mask/ venturi mask (HIGH flow system) FIO2: 100% It is ideal for pt. with COPD who have irregular VT,RR and breathing patterns.
Created by: johnfaar
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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