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Lindsey Jones 3B
Lindsey Jones 3B Therapeutics: Oxygenation
Question | Answer |
In O2 Therapy when do you apply ABG values? | when a patient PaO2 is below 80mmHg (Adult) - unless COPD |
In O2 Therapy when do you apply Visual/ Bedside signs | 1. Cyanosis 2. Tachycardia 3. Confusion 4. Anxiety 5. Low O2 Saturation (Pulse Oximetry needed) 6. Lethargic/ Sleepy |
what is the appropriate Levels to administer O2 Therapy ? | 1.Adult= 30-60%(40-55% is better)-if pt. not COPD never start on <30% (40% is better). 2.Emergency-100% 3.COPD pts.=24-30%. 4.if a choice is given start with lower FIO2. O2 is a drug&should be kept @ lowest possible dose (if PaO2 =110mmHg, LOWER FIO2/PEEP |
What is a Titration UP in O2 Thearpy? | 1.Increases FIO2 (if Hypoxic)-10% until @ 60% 2.Once @ 60% need to add PEEP(If on vent.)/CPAP/BIPAP. 3. Keep adding PEEP in 5cm H20 until a desire PaO2 is obtained/until you witness -ve cardiac response. 4.If PEEP @ its limit then increase FIO2 above 60% |
What is Titration DOWN in O2 Therapy? | 1. If pt. on High FIO2(100%) & PEEP: Lower FIO2 first -below 60%. 2. Once below 60% : then begin lowering the PEEP. |
What is the special consideration for COPD pts. With O2 Therapy? | 1. High PaO2 - causes Hypoventilation. 2. Decrease RR & Vt. 3. Lower O2 to treat. 4. Permit hypoxemia (PaO2-50-65 mmHg is ok) 5. It is described as stuporous (indicates excessive CO2). |
what are the goals of O2 Therapy? | 1. Decrease WOB. 2. Resolve of decrease hypoxemia. 3. Decrease Cardiac work requirements. |
What are the hazards of O2 Therapy? | 1. O2 toxicity. 2. Absorption atelectasis. |
O2 hazards- O2 toxicity- | 1. when pts. FIO2 is >60% or more for more than 12hrs. |
O2 hazards- what are the O2 toxicity signs? | 1. Tachypnea. 2. Refractory hypoxemia - a fix hypoxemia w/PEEP/CPAP not FIO2. 3. Decreases compliance - decreased surfactant in the lungs. 4. Pulmonary lungs and 5. Nausea. |
O2 hazards- what is Absorption atelectasis? | 1. Caused by rapid changes in FIO2. 2. Alveoli collapse as a result of changing FIO2 too quickly. 3. Prevent by making small changes in FIO2(10%/less @ a time.) |
What are the saftey consideration for O2 Hazards? | 1. No smoking. 2. Post O2 in use sign. 3. Instruct pt. and family members of the rules and dangers. 4. No electrical devices. |
What are the O2 mixtures & therapies in O2 Therapy - HeliOx | 1. Used for Lower airway resistance. 2. He molecules are apart & easier to breath when comparing w/Nitrogen(N). 3. He replaces N but must be combined w/O2. 4.Decreases WOB. 5. Good for pts. w/upper airway obstruction & inflammation. 6.Given w/ a NBR mask |
What are the O2 mixtures & therapies in O2 Therapy - Most common 3 mixtures? | 1. 80/20 - 80% He, 20% O2. 2. 70/30 3. 60/40. |
What are the O2 mixtures & therapies in O2 Therapy - What are the correction factor? | 1.8 for 80/20, 1.6 for 70/30 mixture. |
In O2 Therapy-Hyperbaric O2 therapy? | 1. Method of Increasing O2 tension through increasing barometric pressure (in a closed space) 2.Helpful in diseases that require more than 100% O2 @ normal atmospheric pressure can offer. |
In What situations does Hyperbaric O2 therapy is used ? | 1. CO poisioning. 2. Decompression sickness. 3. Help wounds to heal more quickly. 4. Assist tissue grafts. |