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In O2 Therapy when do you apply ABG values?
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In O2 Therapy when do you apply Visual/ Bedside signs
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Lindsey Jones 3B

Lindsey Jones 3B Therapeutics: Oxygenation

In O2 Therapy when do you apply ABG values? when a patient PaO2 is below 80mmHg (Adult) - unless COPD
In O2 Therapy when do you apply Visual/ Bedside signs 1. Cyanosis 2. Tachycardia 3. Confusion 4. Anxiety 5. Low O2 Saturation (Pulse Oximetry needed) 6. Lethargic/ Sleepy
what is the appropriate Levels to administer O2 Therapy ? 1.Adult= 30-60%(40-55% is better)-if pt. not COPD never start on <30% (40% is better). 2.Emergency-100% 3.COPD pts.=24-30%. 4.if a choice is given start with lower FIO2. O2 is a drug&should be kept @ lowest possible dose (if PaO2 =110mmHg, LOWER FIO2/PEEP
What is a Titration UP in O2 Thearpy? 1.Increases FIO2 (if Hypoxic)-10% until @ 60% 2.Once @ 60% need to add PEEP(If on vent.)/CPAP/BIPAP. 3. Keep adding PEEP in 5cm H20 until a desire PaO2 is obtained/until you witness -ve cardiac response. 4.If PEEP @ its limit then increase FIO2 above 60%
What is Titration DOWN in O2 Therapy? 1. If pt. on High FIO2(100%) & PEEP: Lower FIO2 first -below 60%. 2. Once below 60% : then begin lowering the PEEP.
What is the special consideration for COPD pts. With O2 Therapy? 1. High PaO2 - causes Hypoventilation. 2. Decrease RR & Vt. 3. Lower O2 to treat. 4. Permit hypoxemia (PaO2-50-65 mmHg is ok) 5. It is described as stuporous (indicates excessive CO2).
what are the goals of O2 Therapy? 1. Decrease WOB. 2. Resolve of decrease hypoxemia. 3. Decrease Cardiac work requirements.
What are the hazards of O2 Therapy? 1. O2 toxicity. 2. Absorption atelectasis.
O2 hazards- O2 toxicity- 1. when pts. FIO2 is >60% or more for more than 12hrs.
O2 hazards- what are the O2 toxicity signs? 1. Tachypnea. 2. Refractory hypoxemia - a fix hypoxemia w/PEEP/CPAP not FIO2. 3. Decreases compliance - decreased surfactant in the lungs. 4. Pulmonary lungs and 5. Nausea.
O2 hazards- what is Absorption atelectasis? 1. Caused by rapid changes in FIO2. 2. Alveoli collapse as a result of changing FIO2 too quickly. 3. Prevent by making small changes in FIO2(10%/less @ a time.)
What are the saftey consideration for O2 Hazards? 1. No smoking. 2. Post O2 in use sign. 3. Instruct pt. and family members of the rules and dangers. 4. No electrical devices.
What are the O2 mixtures & therapies in O2 Therapy - HeliOx 1. Used for Lower airway resistance. 2. He molecules are apart & easier to breath when comparing w/Nitrogen(N). 3. He replaces N but must be combined w/O2. 4.Decreases WOB. 5. Good for pts. w/upper airway obstruction & inflammation. 6.Given w/ a NBR mask
What are the O2 mixtures & therapies in O2 Therapy - Most common 3 mixtures? 1. 80/20 - 80% He, 20% O2. 2. 70/30 3. 60/40.
What are the O2 mixtures & therapies in O2 Therapy - What are the correction factor? 1.8 for 80/20, 1.6 for 70/30 mixture.
In O2 Therapy-Hyperbaric O2 therapy? 1. Method of Increasing O2 tension through increasing barometric pressure (in a closed space) 2.Helpful in diseases that require more than 100% O2 @ normal atmospheric pressure can offer.
In What situations does Hyperbaric O2 therapy is used ? 1. CO poisioning. 2. Decompression sickness. 3. Help wounds to heal more quickly. 4. Assist tissue grafts.
Created by: johnfaar
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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