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Chapter 30 Potter

study guide

Cellular damage from exposure to high or low temperatures: thermal
Cellular damage from edema distending body tissues: mechanical
Cellular damage from leakage of hydrochloric acid out of the stomach: chemical
Cellular damage from electrical burn: electrical
Cellular damage from thermal, mechanical, chemical, or electrical stimuli releases pain-producing substances such as _______________. histamine, bradykinin, & potassium
Receptors that respond to harmful stimuli: nociceptors
Converting the original stimuli into a pain impulse: nociceptors
A-delta fibers = fast, myelinated
C fibers = small, slow unmyelinated
The _______________ send sharp, localized, and distinct sensations. A fibers
The _______________ relay slower impulses that are poorly localized, visceral, and persistent. small C fibers
After stepping on a nail, a person initially feels a sharp localized pain, which is the result of _______________ transmission. A-fiber
After stepping on a nail, within a few seconds, a person's whole foot aches from _______________ stimulation. C-fiber
_______________ transmit impulses from the periphery to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, where an excitatory neurotransmitter, substance P, is released. A-delta and C fibers
transmit impulses from the periphery to the A-delta and C fibers _______________ of the spinal cord, where an excitatory neurotransmitter, substance P, is released. dorsal horn
A-delta and C fibers dorsal horn of the spinal cord, where an _______________, substance P, is released. excitatory neurotransmitter
A-delta and C fibers dorsal horn of the spinal cord, where an excitatory neurotransmitter, _______________, is released. substance P
Any factor that interrupts or influences normal pain _______________, such as normal fatigue, depression, or pain therapies affects the patient's awareness and response to pain. perception
_______________ & other neurotransmitters (serotonin and norepinephrine) further inhibit the transmission of the painful stimuli to the brain. endogenous opioids
Endogenous opioids & other neurotransmitters (_______________) further inhibit the transmission of the painful stimuli to the brain. serotonin and norepinephrine
_______________ are substances that affect the sending of nerve stimuli. neurotransmitters
_______________ such as endorphins decrease neuron activity without directly transferring a nerve signal through a synapse. inhibitory neurotransmitters
Inhibitory neurotransmitters such as _______________ decrease neuron activity without directly transferring a nerve signal through a synapse. endorphins
Inhibitory neurotransmitters such as endorphins decrease neuron activity without directly transferring a nerve signal through a _______________. synapse
The _______________ determines whether the gate will be opened or closed, either increasing or decreasing the intensity of the ascending pain impulse. brain
The gate control theory suggests that _______________ pass through when the gate is open and not white it is closed. pain impulses
Therapies such as _______________, heat, cold, massage, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) are thought to release endorphins, which close the gate. exercise
Therapies such as exercise, _______________, cold, massage, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) are thought to release endorphins, which close the gate. heat
Therapies such as exercise, heat, _______________, massage, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) are thought to release endorphins, which close the gate. cold
Therapies such as exercise, heat, cold, _______________, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) are thought to release endorphins, which close the gate. massage
Therapies such as exercise, heat, cold, massage, and _______________ are thought to release endorphins, which close the gate. transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
Therapies such as exercise, heat, cold, massage, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) are thought to release _______________, which close the gate. endorphins
If you do not treat _______________ adequately, it can progress to chronic pain. acute pain
If you do not treat acute pain adequately, it can progress to _______________. chronic pain
It appears that _______________ pain sensitizes and changes nerves (neuroplasticity), resulting in enhanced intensity, duration, and distribution of pain. unrelieved pain
It appears that unrelieved pain pain sensitizes and changes nerves (_______________), resulting in enhanced intensity, duration, and distribution of pain. neuroplasticity
Permanent _______________ contribute to the development of chronic pain syndromes. neuroplastic changes
_______________ is not simply acute pain that lasts a long time.
Chronic pain is not simply _______________ that lasts a long time. acute pain
_______________ affects the patient's activity (eating, sleeping, working, hygiene, social interactions), thinking (confusion, forgetfulness, helplessness, catastrophizing), or emotions (anger, depression, irritability, frustration). chronic pain
Chronic pain from cancer is sometimes a result of the _______________ itself, the treatment (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery), or complications of the disease (fistulas). tumor
partial or complete disappearances of symptoms remissions
increases in severity exacerbations
Symptoms of _______________ include fatigue, insomnia, anorexia, weight loss, withdrawal, depression, hopelessness, and anger. chronic pain
_______________ are grossly undermedicated for a pain. children
If a child is too young to speak, observe _______________ such as irritability, loss of appetite, unusual quietness, disturbed sleep patterns, restlessness, and rigid posturing as sings of pain. behavioral changes
Pain is not a natural part of _______________. aging
_______________ does not decrease with age. pain perception
The sensation of pain felt in the nerve distribution of a body part that has been amputated. phantom pain
_______________ appear to be more sensitive to pain, requiring less stimulation to evoke a pain response women
_______________ how people perceive the causes of and learn to react to and express pain. culture influences
Italian, Jewish, African-Americans, and Spanish-speaking persons smile readily and use facial expressions and gestures to communicate _______________. pain or displeasure
_______________ perceive pain differently if it suggests a threat, loss, punishment, or challenge. patients
The _______________ of pain perceived by a patient are related to the meaning of pain. degree and quality
The degree to which a patient focuses on pain influences _______________. pain perception
Increased attention has been associated with increased pain, whereas _______________ has been associated with decreased pain. distraction
High _______________ increase pain perception. anxiety levels
The incidence of _______________ is very high in patients with chronic pain. depression
_______________ are relatively common in patients with chronic pain. suicidal thoughts
_______________ heightens pain perception. fatigue
_______________ intensifies pain and decreases coping abilities. fatigue
_______________ of pain includes pain the patient has experienced personally and pain the patient has heard about from someone else. previous experience
Pain can be lonely for some; frequently patients feel a _______________ over their environments or the outcome of events. loss of control
Patients with _______________ of control perceive themselves as having personal control overt their environments and the outcome of events. internal loci
Patients with _______________ of control perceive other factors in their environments, such as nurses, as being responsible for the outcome of events. external loci
Patients with _______________ of control tend to be less demanding, follow directions, and are more passive in managing their pain. external loci
Patients with _______________ of control report less sever pain than those with _______________. internal loci; external loci
Patients depend on the support and assistance of spouses, family, or friends when _______________. coping with pain
Some _______________ think the patient should wait as long as possible before receiving pain medication and fear the possibility of addiction. family members
The presence of a _______________ usually minimizes loneliness and fear when a patient is experiencing pain. loved one
Created by: chaptravelman
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