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Unit 2, Chapter 13

Unit 2, Chapter 13 key terms--Alison Miles

ADVENTITIOUS SOUNDS abnormal lung sounds heard with auscultation
ALOPECIA partial or complete loss of hair; baldness
ANEURYSM localized dilations of the wall of a blood vessel, usually caused by atherosclerosis, hypertension, or a congenital weakness in a vessel wall
APHASIA abnormal neurological condition in which language function is defective or absent; related to injury to speech center in cerebral cortex, causing receptive or expressive aphasia
ATHEROSCLEROSIS common arterial disorder characterized by yellowish plaques of cholesterol, lipids, and cellular debris in the inner layers of the walls of the large-and medium-size arteries
ATROPHIED wasted or reduced size or physiological activity of a part of the body caused by disease or other influences
AUSCULTATION method of physical examination; listening to the sounds produced by the body, usually with a stethoscope
BORBORYGMI audible abdominal sounds produced by hyperactive intestinal peristalsis
BRUIT abnormal sound or murmur heard while auscultating an organ, gland, or artery
CERUMEN yellowish or brownish waxy secretion produced by sweat glands in the external ear
CHANCRES skin lesions or venereal sores (usually primary syphilis) that begin at the site of infection as papules and develop into red, bloodless, painless ulcers with a scooped-out appearance
CLUBBING bulging of the tissues at the nail base that is caused by insufficient oxygenation at the periphery, resulting from conditions such as chronic emphysema and congenital heart disease
CRACKLES fine bubbling sounds heard on auscultation of the lung; produced by air entering distal airways and alveoli, which contain serous secretions
CYANOSIS bluish discoloration of skin and mucous membranes caused by an excess of deoxygenated hemoglobin in the blood or a structural defect in the hemoglobin molecule
DYSMENORRHEAL painful menstruation
EDEMA abnormal accumulation of fluid in interstitial spaces of tissues
ERYTHEMA redness or inflammation of the skin or mucous membranes that is a result of dilation and congestion of superficial capillaries; sunburn is an example
EXCORIATION injury to the skin's surface caused by abrasion
HEMATEMESIS vomiting of blood, indicating upper gastrointestinal bleeding
HEMORRHOIDS permanent dilation and engorgement of veins within the lining of the rectum
HERNIA protrusion of an organ through an abnormal opening in the muscle wall of the cavity that surrounds it
INDURATION hardening of a tissue, particularly the skin, because of edema or inflammation
INSPECTION method of physical examination by which the patient is visually systematically examined for appearance, structure, function, and behavior
JAUNDICE yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclera caused by greater-than-normal amounts of bilirubin in the blood
KYPHOSIS exaggeration of the posterior curvature of the thoracic spine
LORDOSIS increased lumbar curvature
MELENA abnormal black, sticky stool containing digested blood, indicative of gastrointestinal bleeding
MURMURS blowing or whooshing sounds created by changes in blood flow through the heart or by abnormalities in valve closure
OPTHALMOSCOPE instrument used to illuminate the structures of the eye in order to examine the fundus (includes retina, choroid, optic nerve disc, macula, fovea centralis, and retinal vessels)
OTOSCOPE instrument, with a special ear speculum, used to examine the deeper structures of the external and middle ear
OTOTOXICITY having a harmful effect on the eighth cranial (auditory) nerve or the organs of hearing and balance
PALLOR unnatral paleness or absence of color in the skin
PALPATION method of physical exam where fingers or hands of the examiner are applied to patient's body for the purpose of feeling body parts underlying the skin
PALPITATIONS bounding or racing of the heart associated with normal emotions or a heart disorder
PERCUSSION physical exam where the location, size, and density of a body part is determined by the tone obtained from the striking of short, sharp taps of the fingers
PERISTALSIS rhythmical contractions of the intestine that propel gastric contents through the length of the gastrointestinal tract
PERRLA acronym for "pupils equal, round, reactive to light, accommodative"; recorded in physical exam if eye and pupil assessments are normal
Created by: txladybug70
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