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U.S. History

Immigration and Urbanization

"new"immigrants Southern and Eastern Euopean immigrants who arrived in the United States in a great wave between 1880 and 1920
Steerage the worst accommodations on the ship
Ellis island island in New York Harbor that served as an immigration station for millions of immigrants arriving to the United States
Angel island immigrant processing station that opened in San Franciso Bay in 1910
Americanization belief that assimilating immigrants into American society would make then more loyal citizens
"melting pot" society in which people of different nationalities assimilate to form one culture
Nativism belief that native-born white Americans are superior to newcomers
Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 law that prohibited the immigration of Chinese laborers
Urbanization expansion of cities and/or an increase in the number of people living in them
Rural-to-urban migrant a person who moves from an agricultural area to a city
Skyscraper a very tall building
Elisha Otis who invented safety device that prevented elevators from falling
Mass transit public transportation systems that carry large numbers of people
Suburb residential areas surround a city
Frederick Law Olmsted who designed Fairmount Park, and NYC's Central Park
Tenement multistory building divided into apartments to house as many families as possible
Mark Twain novelist: wrote the Gilded Age
Gilded Age term coined by Mark Twain to describe the post-Reconstruction era which was characterized by a facade of prosperity
Conspicous consumerism which people wanted and bought the many new products on the market
Mass culture similar cultural patterns in a society as a result of the spread of transportation, communication, and advertising
Joseph Pulitzer started the morning paper, the World and Evening Word. Wanted to inform people and stir up controversy
William Randolph Hearst published the Morning Journal
Horatio Alger novelist who wrote about characters that succeeded through hard work
Vaudeville type of show , including dancing, singing, and comedy sketches, that because popular in the late 19th century.
Created by: VKimbrell718
Popular U.S. History sets




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